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Member Since 30 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 21 2017 10:01 AM

#410184 crate engines

Posted by Dickracer99 on 24 July 2015 - 07:35 AM

I have to agree with you.these tracks need to get together and make one set of rules. They need to go back to having 15 pages of rules instead of 5. Of you wanna save money put everyone on 8 inch rubber. You can buy a wheel and tire of 8 inch for the price of 1 lm tire.

Give the SS guys a year to burn through all their tires and then go back to 8in.  they never should have put the SS on big tires in the first place...

#410119 crate engines

Posted by Dickracer99 on 23 July 2015 - 08:02 AM

dickracer99 is this racing your are talking about? your view point sounds like some govt. control bullshit.  If you do not have money to field a car then stay home!!! all this rush bullshit shoved down everybody's throat by medusa is getting beyond old. Why so many rules for the stock's anyhow? set weight at 3,000 lb. for any engine combination and RACE!!  If a "stock" crate can beat open motor's why is there any push to be all crate engines. the answer is icky Vickie will be getting benefits from this not the racer that has to scrap a open engine to buy a crate slug to please the welfare class. Hell maybe they can get Obama to come there and do a smoke and mirrors speech to convince the racers why the crates are so gooood!! he might even hand out racing access cards to those less fortunate that can't afford to buy food let alone field a damn racecar.

Never said anything about making a Stock Car Guy run a 602 or 604. I think there should options.  I just said no 400s or 383s.  Jack Off

#405531 Holtgraver & Schneider at Pittsburgh

Posted by Dickracer99 on 22 April 2015 - 01:04 PM

The Rules Opened up to much in the Crates and Sportsmans.

There is no reason a Sportsman should be turning a 21 second lap at 105MPH


Make Stocks Run Small hard Hoosiers / ARs tires and a 358Ci MAX on Pump Gas at 3000LBS. That will stop some guys from putting absurd money into them and make the Low budget guy have a chance to win.   IF guys knew that they didnt have to drop 25K or more for a winning car maybe they would think about getting into the sport. Hell even guys are putting $5000 Plus into a Hobby Stock motor.