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#374480 Who can stop the Bleeding?

Posted by trackpitbull on 24 August 2013 - 01:34 PM in Oh/Pa Message Board

Well,well,well , as the Motordrome season nears the end the same old sh*t seems to be taking place. The stands are thinning out and the racers (who are receiving a monetary reward) are fed up. Bounced checks? Come on. The racers supply you(Stan Laskey) with a service and you credit them by giving checks that will not cash because of insufficient funds. Just walk away and let someone else run that track like it should be run. You have ran it into the ground and this same thing happened last year where drivers did not receive their rewards from the piney laskey race until you got bailed out by an unknown source. You are not a businessman and have no clue how to run a race track. Give it up and get out. Sell your cars or convert to dirt would probably be the best option because I envision gas wells on the property by this time next year.


Posted by trackpitbull on 11 August 2013 - 10:12 AM in Oh/Pa Message Board

Rumor has it that motordrome was locked down on Thursday night tighter than Alcatraz until NAPA had to bail out Mr. Wonderful Stan lasky so the show could go on. So who will it be this week or will motordrome be silent on Friday night with all the racers sitting idle because someone didn't pay the bills. I sure do hope someone or several people decide to take over this track before it gets buried any deeper and cannot be rejuvenated. It would be a shame to have to drive to Erie when there is nothing wrong with this place BESIDES MANAGEMENT. Is there anyone out there who can shed a little light on this subject and keep the fans and the racers in the loop about if the show will go on?

#372853 Motordrome tonight-tonight they enforce the rules?

Posted by trackpitbull on 05 August 2013 - 03:04 PM in Oh/Pa Message Board

Well now, That brings us to the real point. If you got "FACT" about what #3 is running illegal, spill the beans to the racing community! The complete top end was off the #3 in that very garage about 3 weeks ago. Did you spy on that one or are you just selective? It is real easy to accuse and/or insinuate. It's another thing to back it up. Nothing short of a complete teardown every night will suffice to some, especially if it's someone else paying the for the teardown. :unsure:

Can you back up those facts? Because I beg to differ. Fact is one of the first three wins #3 had this year he in FACT got caught with illegal heads and got a smack on the wrist and was told to remove them and not use them again. Is he still using them? I'm not sure. But it seems funny that on Friday a member of his pit crew was overheard in a pissed off demeanor saying We are not tearing our motor down for tech if they ask We will pack up and go home before we do that. So I guess some weeks they are in a spanking mood and other weeks they are not. So in a recent post I stated JUST BE CONSISTENT. If they are not going to DQ all don't DQ any and let it be a free for all.

#372837 Motordrome tonight-tonight they enforce the rules?

Posted by trackpitbull on 05 August 2013 - 11:17 AM in Oh/Pa Message Board

[quote name='mechanixwear50' date='Aug 5 2013, 10:18 AM' post='
So tonight Motordrome apparently opted to enforce ALL the rules-

Mad Magazine's "Spy vs. Spy" Oh how I love the Tech Garage Spies! I don't really think that you want to wear the "I'm a Cheater" T-shirt. What is real sad is: If they are checking carbs, the guys run roller valve trains. If they check valve trains, guys port heads and when they pull heads, the guys are back to fudging the carbs! But. . . NOT EVERYONE CHEATS!! Instead of spying in the garage and complaining , the real racers work to make the car better. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on "Sprint Cup" cheater hardware for $50 to win/nothing for 2nd, they are spending time with a tire pyro and basic tune-up tools. Maybe, just maybe they can jockey a car too!
Theory=What mechanixwear50 stated. FACT=Three out of five division winners on Friday got thoroughly checked and were IN FACT CAUGHT CHEATING.One of the other two division winners got nearly nothing checked and I'm not sure about the street stock winner. But I'd be willing to bet(better yet GUARANTEE) that if 3 racers got caught THEY ARE NOT THE ONLY 3. So your vision may be a little blurred in what actually jockeying a car is all about. THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEORY AND FACTS

#372772 Motordrome tonight-tonight they enforce the rules?

Posted by trackpitbull on 04 August 2013 - 12:59 PM in Oh/Pa Message Board

Also the O5 runs an open motor. Not a crate, so I doubt its the "same" as anyone else's. There are many different combinations of parts that come together to make an engine perfect for a certain chassis, driver and track.. they hit the nail on the head

Like I said it seems like he is on point with everything. When I said same motor I was trying to say that everyone with a crate should be REALLY REALLY close to the same and an open motor SHOULD at least be in the same ballpark beings there are maximum tolerances. He does seem to have the perfect set up and is a great competitor, unlike the #3 modified car who is all over the track with his set up but seems to have one hammer of an engine to make up for the poor set up. Just very unfortunate that #14 late model gets a full body cavity search in his first thought to be win but after a 7th win you get a carb check.

#372764 Motordrome tonight-tonight they enforce the rules?

Posted by trackpitbull on 04 August 2013 - 11:38 AM in Oh/Pa Message Board

As I stated I totally understand the set up part But many of these racers have a lot of experience and they know how to set up a race car. So to say that one persons car is set up that much better than ALL the other racers at the track would lead me to believe you are trying to cover up some possible engine work that might be illegal i.e. Brezinski heads, lightweight crank to name a few. JUST SAYIN

While we are on the set up subject it is obvious you DO NOT attend the races cause if you did you would undoubtedly see that the #3 modified cars set up is far from spot on when he looks like he's dirt tracking it coming out of the turns. So my intuition would tell me he MUST have that much more motor to compensate for the lack of set up or the #94 car is THAT slow. As far as the #5 SST car, his set up seems to be on point with the way he handles through the turns and he does have great straight away speed which is partly because of his good set up.

#372751 Motordrome tonight-tonight they enforce the rules?

Posted by trackpitbull on 04 August 2013 - 10:05 AM in Oh/Pa Message Board

Ever think their chasis set up is just that much better? Faster thru the turns means faster down the straights. Just sayin.

As I stated I totally understand the set up part But many of these racers have a lot of experience and they know how to set up a race car. So to say that one persons car is set up that much better than ALL the other racers at the track would lead me to believe you are trying to cover up some possible engine work that might be illegal i.e. Brezinski heads, lightweight crank to name a few. JUST SAYIN

#372738 Motordrome tonight-tonight they enforce the rules?

Posted by trackpitbull on 04 August 2013 - 07:37 AM in Oh/Pa Message Board

So tonight Motordrome apparently opted to enforce ALL the rules- a move unforeseen and not taken all season-which resulted in dq'ing 3 division first time winners. Here's the problem-in at least two divisions they have let winners KEEP their win after similar infractions. But they pick tonight??? Why did the others get away w illegal heads. Why aren't the chargers checked for things like altered firewalls-floorpans-rear suspension-seat location/ misc. cut out areas/lowered fuel cells.....why are they so reluctant to run winning chargers across the scales and compare to those chargers they know are 'stock' to check for weight distribution? Why do they refuse to check for undercover port work? Here's a little gauge- if it's too good to beleive it's prob not true. Let me be the first to say I have crossed the line many occasions- why?-because the track ignored the rules and rants and raves of guys like me over and over Til guys like me said screw it lets do it to just to try and be competitive. Lets pack the stands finally and screw some racers 2/3 through the season-lets ignore the fact that others slid through tech w violations THIS YEAR. Great job guys-please tell us what rules you will enforce what weeks for which drivers. Your actions are disgraceful. Any guy has a problem w what I'm saying come see me-I've been threatened physically before- come bring it. Better yet prove me wrong-You know who I am. Ill spell it out For you. Hands down Mike congrats on the win-oh yeah my brother won w that same part last year and they knew and did nothing.. Joel Minjock Minjock Racing.

I agree jmmr. Along those lines how about the street stocks and modified. I'm not insinuating there's anything illegal going on But why not thoroughly check these 2 racers out who each have 6+ wins. I'm sure some of the other racers in these divisions are getting a little upset especially after the 7th win in a modified and all you get checked is your carb, COME ON tech inspectors we can do better than that. I know it was late and the last race but do your job and be consistent across the board. Same with the street stock division , 6 wins , and your "same motor" is that much better week after week. I do understand there is some strategy in the setup but I'm pretty sure some of the other racer's know a bit about setup also.