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stock car for sale

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#1 team04e


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Posted 05 February 2008 - 04:08 PM

i am regertably getting out of racing so the car go and all spare parts must go. lazer chassis the year is some where around an "05" have new body panels for body and old ones also the car is in pieces i was in the procces of year end work and ran out of money. engine: new block work done by kalvinator dart heads redone by kalvinator new timing chain laser cam + lifters eagle rods scat crank needs turned kb pistons scorpion rockers new rings in the box intake world carb car will sell with all spare parts and trailer have extra tires and rims with to many other extra parts to list asking $6000.00 obo for all will seperate but car parts and car sold together and all engine parts sold together also i will sell trailer seperately if the car buyer does not need it. if enterested please call 419-371-0448 and ask for jake btwn 4pm and 8pm or 419-296-3980 and ask for bob btwn 9am and 12pm


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