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Todays race

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#1 raceover5


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 06:56 PM

Boring, glad i didnt go!


#2 sprintsizzler


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 07:07 PM

Todays race was a joke!! 12 lap sprint races and then competion yellow! WOW!! NASCAR should feel ashamed for making people pay to watch that race!!!

#3 takeittothelimit


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Posted 27 July 2008 - 11:39 PM

Watching on TV did you notice all the empty seats there at the Brickyard. Use to be that people were begging to get tickets for this race. (Im not sure why can't see a thing) Then with this tire issue what the heck was Nascar thinking? Why not have GY work on a different compound when the testing back in April showed the problems that they went around the track with today. I will not call what happened today racing. Nascar is going to be feeling the same squeese that we are feeling with the economy as it is now. Fans will be picking and choosing what to spend their money on, and with a show like today at Indy they will not be spending it on Nascar tickets next season. Has the bloom fell off the rose for Nascar? For me I will spend my entertainment money at the local race tracks in my area supporting the little guy who is appreciative of that 100.00 sponsorship money each year. Shame on who ever decided that these tires were OK to put on cars at Indy.

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