Posted 02 January 2009 - 04:16 PM
Posted 17 February 2010 - 01:07 PM
Posted 12 December 2011 - 01:27 AM
Wayne, you said the magic words, sprint cars and 1970's Jennerstown. I am REAL interested in seeing ALL the Jennerstown sprint car pictures from 1968 which would include the 30x90 super-modifieds up to 1973. What do you have?The Lou Blaney vs Smokey Snellbacker picture brings back many memeories of Jennerstown Speedway in the 1970's. I have many still pictures of Late Models, Sprints and Coupes from that era. I'd love to scan them and post them sometime. I have pictures of some of the guys you have posted over the website. Jan Opperman, Lou Blaney, Tommy Serokman, Clate Husted, Kenny Imler, Paul Fess, Rick and Steve Unger, Turk Burkett and Bobby Marhefka to name a few.
Most are from Jennerstown and a few from Marion Center. I have pictures of Kenny Imlers asphalt cars from Trenton too.
Keep up the great posts!
Wayne A. Waugh
Posted 12 December 2011 - 01:29 AM
pictures are worth a thousand words can't they!
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