If you would like to attend please print and fill out the form below out and mail to me @
401 W. Sandusky St.
Wharton Oh 43359
March 31 – April 2
At the Findlay Village Mall
1800 Tiffin Ave. Findlay Ohio 45840
Contact Brad Muntz ( 419) 306-9802 bmuntz@wcnet.org
City, State, Zip_________________________________________________
Home Track_____________________Car Type_______________________
The undersigned, Owner, in consideration of permission that is being granted for the use of the Common Area at Findlay Village Mall for the purposes of the 2006 Annual Racecar Show hereby expressly waives all claims against and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Sponsor of the show, Brad Muntz dba B-RAD RACING SUPPLIES, and Landlords, JJ Gumberg Co., Findlay Village Mall and Findlay Village Mall Merchants Association from any liability whatsoever for injuries to persons or damage to property during participation in this event. All of Owner’s property shall be placed within the premises at the Owner’s sole risk and Owner certifies that liability insurance has been secured and is in effect on any Owner’s vehicle placed within the center for the duration of this show event.
Owner Signature ____________________________Date______________
Thank you for your interest in continuing the Race Car Show traditionally held at Findlay Village Mall each spring. As we discussed I am providing some information that would be neccessary for the show to continue in 2006. I am holding the dates that we discussed open - Friday, March 31, Saturday, April 1, and Sunday, April 2. (Move-in would be after mall hours on Thursday, March 30. Move-out will not begin until after mall closing on Sunday evening.)
Show Guidelines for All Vehicles
• Cars must register and enter at the mall promotional doors during designated times
• Cars must be pushed in – please have adequate help
• All cars must have a plastic drop cloth under engine and rear end of vehicle
• All batteries must be disconnected
• Gas tank fill caps must be taped shut or blocked off.
• Gas tanks must be half-full or less
• ABSOLUTELY no solutions are to be applied to tires, before or after entering the mall. They will be checked before entering. The mall flooring is carpet and it is brand new!
• Padding must be placed under all tires – suggested carpet squares, small tiles, plexi squares or heavy cardboard. Entrants must bring their own padding.
• Bring towels to dry off cars if they are wet. They must be dry before entering the mall concourses. Plastic sheeting will be placed in the entrance corridor.
• Placement of vehicles is subject to Mall Management and Fire Marshal approval.

Started by B-RAD RACING SUPPLIES, Mar 25 2006 07:45 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 25 March 2006 - 07:45 AM
Brad Muntz
(B-Rad Racing Supplies)
Posted 27 February 2007 - 03:59 PM
I have 16 entries in my hand and I have had a lot more calling me telling me they will be there.
This year, we have several companies giving gift certificates for all participants; such as, Real Racing Wheel, Keizer Aluminum Wheels and Ohio Automotive. We are having a drawing for full size sprint cars for a set of birdcage bearings donated by FCM Performance. Also, Burns Petroleum donated a barrel of alcohol for another drawing. So, we invite every local racer to bring their rides to the Findlay Village Mall in March. Let's fill the Mall this year!!
Brad Muntz
(B-Rad Racing Supplies)
Posted 02 July 2008 - 10:42 PM
you guys going to race? thanks for posting the details now i do not have to inquire about it. wait is the registration still open because i want to register my friend he's a sports car racer but not that professional type of racer.
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