The 35th Annual Spring Racers Swap Meet, Trade Show, Auction will be on March 20th & 21st at the Allen County Fairgrounds in Lima,Ohio.
2 miles East of I75 (exit 125) on St.Rt.309 E. Hours are 8am.-4pm. with the racers auction Sat. starting at 10:am sharp with 1000's of parts for all
types of racing applications. Consign your unwanted parts and turn them into Ca$h, consign early for the best numbers in the auction call our Auction
HOT LINE (859) 581-8579 . Also you can sell your Race Car, Truck, Trailer, Go Cart, Chissis and More for a flat fee of just $25 with No other seller fees
and consignor has option to say "Yes or No" in the ring at the time of the sell.
With over 250 inside spaces 10x10 at $40.00 each and 100's of out spaces at just $30.00 each per vehicle (Truck and Trailer) as one. Commercial sellers
$60.00 each Space, This show is one of the most affortiable shows in the Tri State area. No reservactions needed for outside spaces. (first come first served)
For More Information or Show Space Call Rollie Rinaldi at 567-712-2734 or 419-516-9337 or email at To be put on our mailing
list to receive notice of this show and our Fall Show in October. Watch for updates in the comming months.

Show Time!!!
Started by dirtman62, Mar 15 2010 11:21 AM
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