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Dixie Motor Speedway and Kinross Speedpark Challenge

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#1 MichiganYOOPER


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Posted 28 August 2010 - 05:58 PM

Promotor at the Dixie Motor Speedway in Birch Run Michigan and the Sault Area Racing Association have come up with a Challenge Race for the weekend of September 10-11-12.....Dixie will be having a Open Wheel modified invitational paying $1000 to win on Friday night. Saturday Kinross will be having an $800 to win Modified show. If by chance a driver can win both events www.racingpartsales.com will put up an extra $500 to win the event at Kinross. Dixie Speedway rules will follow the USA Modified Tour for all rules in their events.... Kinross Speedpark will follow the following rules found below at these track links.... www.kinrossspeedpark.com www.lairdraceway.com www.whittemorespeedway.net www.onawayspeedway.net www.dixiemotorspeedway.com www.spartanspeedway.com www.berlinraceway.com www.usamodifieds.com www.owossospeedway.com www.autocityspeedway.com www.kalamazoospeedway.com


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