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#1 takeittothelimit


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Posted 04 April 2012 - 03:57 PM

Nice surprise to the race owners/crews. Well how much are these going to cost? I see at another track they are 200-235 or 5 bucks each race. There goes a weekend of race fuel. Now the teams need to make plans on where that money will be budgeted from. Oh if it's not one thing it is another that takes your money!! I have talke to some friends that race there and they are dissapointed that this was not talked about sooner. Happy racing in 2012


#2 Dirtracer48



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Posted 05 April 2012 - 01:57 AM

Where was this announced? I am all for transponders, but agree it is WAY too late to decide that now. But hey, could be worse....a rule change last minute with no discussion or announcement could have caused you to have your car all redone to the tune of $$$$. Thanks guys!

#3 takeittothelimit


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 09:12 PM

Where was this announced? I am all for transponders, but agree it is WAY too late to decide that now. But hey, could be worse....a rule change last minute with no discussion or announcement could have caused you to have your car all redone to the tune of $$$$. Thanks guys!

I guess the information came in the mail with the competitor license, and the W9 form on a sheet with competitors information for 2012. Another update is that there will not be a pay off at the end of the night. A check will be mailed out on Monday following a race. Not sure why they want to waste a stamp by sending a check, just direct deposit it if your lucky enough to make any thing.

#4 Dirtracer48



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Posted 05 April 2012 - 10:31 PM

I'd like to see that in print...

Edited by Dirtracer48, 06 April 2012 - 01:25 AM.

#5 takeittothelimit


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Posted 09 April 2012 - 07:21 AM

[quote name='Dirtracer48' date='Apr 5 2012, 11:31 PM' post='331466']
I'd like to see that in print...

give me your mailing address and I will send you a copy. or contact Eldora and ask for the 2012 competitors information sheet. It is there in black and white.

#6 Dirtracer48



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 02:28 PM

Not awesome. I was a registered driver there last year, I am not sure why I didn't get sent anything. Eldora is one of the, if not THE most profitable track in the state. Does anyone think maybe they're losing touch with the grass root racers that support the place? What is the purpose of a $20 registration fee for all drivers even if they only race there one time per season? Shouldn't I have gotten a notice of any rule/procedure changes after paying to be a registered participant? I got nothing. No one asked my (or to my knowledge anyone else's) opinion before changing my class rules, or procedures. I stumbled across a one sentence addendum in my class rules in MARCH that another local track I plan to participate followed the rule change as well. The update to my chassis to conform to the unannounced, unnecessary, and ineffective rule change cost me a little over $1200. To my knowledge, no drivers were asked their thoughts about changing the rule, nowhere was anyone notified other than silently adding one sentence to the rule book. This was a lot more money than I had budgeted to spend. A motor will now go without a planned freshening to absorb the costs. Same thing with the transponders....I am a big fan on the idea of using them, but the last minute decision to add them isn't reasonable to guys who may not be able to make funds available for them with no notice. It should have been announced to ALL registered competitors at the end of the 2011 season. Same goes for the "send you a check" for the race winnings. I use one races money to fund my next race. Some guys I know of depend on the money from the current race to have enough money to make it home, and buy dinner. I also see they are now selling blocks with names on a wall for Eldora Boosters. I don't have a problem with a booster club, in the past is has been a great value to people who visit the track on a regular basis. What is the point of selling these blocks though? Is MORE profit REALLY necessary? I love Eldora, it has been, and always will be my favorite track, hands down. I'm honored to be able to say that I have raced there. Unfortunately it seems that a deaf ear is being turned to the grass root racers, not considering their budgets, opinions, or anything else. It seems as though the template of kart racers where maximizing the promoters profit margin is the only real concern. Oh well, I am done whining now. I'm just pretty sad at the direction of things. Good luck in 2012...

#7 takeittothelimit


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 10:12 PM

[quote name='Dirtracer48' date='Apr 10 2012, 03:28 PM' post='331805']
Not awesome. I was a registered driver there last year, I am not sure why I didn't get sent anything. Eldora is one of the, if not THE most profitable track in the state. Does anyone think maybe they're losing touch with the grass root racers that support the place? What is the purpose of a $20 registration fee for all drivers even if they only race there one time per season? Shouldn't I have gotten a notice of any rule/procedure changes after paying to be a registered participant? I got nothing. No one asked my (or to my knowledge anyone else's) opinion before changing my class rules, or procedures. I stumbled across a one sentence addendum in my class rules in MARCH that another local track I plan to participate followed the rule change as well. The update to my chassis to conform to the unannounced, unnecessary, and ineffective rule change cost me a little over $1200. To my knowledge, no drivers were asked their thoughts about changing the rule, nowhere was anyone notified other than silently adding one sentence to the rule book. This was a lot more money than I had budgeted to spend. A motor will now go without a planned freshening to absorb the costs. Same thing with the transponders....I am a big fan on the idea of using them, but the last minute decision to add them isn't reasonable to guys who may not be able to make funds available for them with no notice. It should have been announced to ALL registered competitors at the end of the 2011 season. Same goes for the "send you a check" for the race winnings. I use one races money to fund my next race. Some guys I know of depend on the money from the current race to have enough money to make it home, and buy dinner.

I also see they are now selling blocks with names on a wall for Eldora Boosters. I don't have a problem with a booster club, in the past is has been a great value to people who visit the track on a regular basis. What is the point of selling these blocks though? Is MORE profit REALLY necessary?

I love Eldora, it has been, and always will be my favorite track, hands down. I'm honored to be able to say that I have raced there. Unfortunately it seems that a deaf ear is being turned to the grass root racers, not considering their budgets, opinions, or anything else. It seems as though the template of kart racers where maximizing the promoters profit margin is the only real concern. Oh well, I am done whining now. I'm just pretty sad at the direction of things.

Good luck in 2012...

Wow that is dissapointing. Would not know why you did not get that same info thru the mail. I agree with you about the grass roots racing but I think we need to accept that the Eldora of old is no more. Tony bought that place to make money, not that Baltes didn't make money. It is now a business and not a labor of love and dedication. Can't say that I like that change but it could be worse I guess. You are right about the extra money needing to be spent for the transponders. My friends say it has been a bad year for sponsors support. I guess they lost one of their 1000.00 supporters and several of the smaller ones too. Now with the expense of the transponders, they are hoping that their equipmnet stays together or they may be sitting on the side line this year.
My friends that race there did not say anything about a rule change. Maybe they missed something. Guess I should give them a call and have them read over the rules. They run a stock car and modified sometimes. What class had the the rule change? What was it?
Yeah I feel like a whiner too but was wondering what others thought about the transponders. Gee I wonder how many will loose their jobs as scorers when the transponders come into effect. Savinging money for them...

#8 Dirtracer48



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 10:18 PM

Stock cars; no swingarm suspension.....although my car has been legal, and passed every inspection at several tracks since it was built in 2004. I've pleaded my case, lost, and got it changed to something which will probably be more effective anyway. Time for me to stop whining about it. PS, not that it matters but I have a grand total of 0.00 in monetary sponsorship...the same as last year....just makes it a lot tougher to be able to afford these changes whether they make sense or not. My second motor wont get the refresh it needs after 24 shows, and new tires are now out of the question.

Edited by Dirtracer48, 10 April 2012 - 10:22 PM.

#9 Dr. Speedy

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Posted 22 April 2012 - 09:59 AM

What happened to the stock and mod transponders last night? Nice job Shawn in the stock cars. Good racing all around.

#10 WootenRacing17


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Posted 22 April 2012 - 10:58 AM

What happened to the stock and mod transponders last night? Nice job Shawn in the stock cars. Good racing all around.

I dont know but 250 dollars for a transponder is a joke i will stick with paying 15 bucks a night cause with rainouts my race 6 races total a year

#11 dirttrackfan4life


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Posted 28 April 2012 - 09:46 PM

It is BS how Eldora is pushing out the little guys. The no swing arm for stock cars.... What the hell is the difference between having a swing arm and having an 3 bar or 4 bar stock car (#26)? Just saying, Eldora has really started to treat the small guys like crap anymore specialy the stock car guys and gals.

#12 Dirtracer48



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Posted 28 April 2012 - 10:47 PM

As for the swingarm deal, I couldn't agree more. I'm confused where this originated since it is in Lima's rules too. Doesn't matter, I had to get my car changed. It was over $1200 that I didn't have to spend, but the new suspension is already fast, and I still have some figuring out to do with it.

#13 dkdorkboy


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Posted 29 April 2012 - 07:33 AM

Only 17 stockers opening nite. :(

#14 Dr. Speedy

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Posted 29 April 2012 - 11:07 AM

Way to GO Shawn! He is one of the very few who have won a points battle some time ago and never won an A. Congrats Shawn and many more to you. Cornett Crew. Mac

#15 graciedog


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 02:24 PM

Way to GO Shawn! He is one of the very few who have won a points battle some time ago and never won an A. Congrats Shawn and many more to you. Cornett Crew. Mac Thanks Mac, Appreciate the words. SP

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