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Idiots at ppms!

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#1 Thewildone#23


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 02:44 PM

I was at ppms yesterday, i was sitting by some idiots who cheered when weldon hit the wall. It disgusted me. You could tell they never owned a race car before. They don't understand the time and money people have to put into there car. What if he would have got hurt and they are cheering! IDIOTS!


#2 smokin66


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 02:56 PM

I was at ppms yesterday, i was sitting by some idiots who cheered when weldon hit the wall. It disgusted me. You could tell they never owned a race car before. They don't understand the time and money people have to put into there car. What if he would have got hurt and they are cheering! IDIOTS!

Pat is a class act. He is the cleanest (almost to a fault) driver youll meet. They were either 68 fans ( which jake is a hell of a driver but needs to bide his time guy) or drunkin non racers. Either way yes...I cant imagine anyone other than an idiot cheering when pat is out of the race.

#3 haught16


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:31 AM

Yes, the few times i raced at PPMS, i pitted next to Pat, and they were all great.

#4 ToddW45


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Posted 20 July 2013 - 07:45 AM

yes people are idiots, and we really appreciate that other people also think so

Weldon Racing

#5 R257


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Posted 30 March 2014 - 08:44 PM

yes people are idiots, and we really appreciate that other people also think so

you drive just like your dad does like a idiot :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

#6 The Legend

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 01:17 PM

Idiots or not they need every fan out there they can get. It's called freedom of speech . People are allowed to cheer wrecks the same way the west Boro baptist church can protest military funerals

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