I would like to nomiate Ron Zimmer as car owner of the year. He owns the #62 emod of Ken Zimmer and # 24 street stock of Ryan Blood. Along with being the class sponsor for the emods at Raceway 7 and sponsoring the cars of Joel Watson, Chad Wright and Percy McDonald.He uses his race teams to spearhead the annual transverse myletis fundraiser that sends handicaped kids and there families to Victory Junction Gang Camp. Along with the cars being on display at the Special Olympics fundraiser in Fairview, PA. Just like his business his raceteams are run with the utmost integrity. I know I may be partial because without him I wouldn't of had the chance to return to the drivers seat. Above all that him and his wife Mary are great people. Thanks for listening.
Ryan Blood # 24
I second the nomination for Ron Zimmer as owner of the year.