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DVDs from Hesston Available - 2012 and 2013

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#1 turningleft


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:56 PM

DVDs of the 2012 ULTIMATE are available as a 2 disc set (Friday all features and every lap -all divisions- from Sat) and now a single DVD from the 2013 UFo Mega Blitz (every lap all divisions) May 26th is available for purchase. Well done videos from Motor Mountain, Hesston Speedway! contact Katie: klf153@yahoo.com


#2 ShiphasSailed


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 09:11 PM

DVDs of the 2012 ULTIMATE are available as a 2 disc set (Friday all features and every lap -all divisions- from Sat) and now a single DVD from the 2013 UFo Mega Blitz (every lap all divisions) May 26th is available for purchase. Well done videos from Motor Mountain, Hesston Speedway!

contact Katie:

Are the videos 12 hours long like the show HesstonPR puts on? Are there any video segments of his degrading drivers at the driver meetings or threats too pull a pill 3 hours before the race begins? If you were a street stock competitor do you have too buy two DVDs, so you can watch your heat that ran at 4:45 and disc 2 that shows the feature that started at 1:30 am? Are there any segments that show water trucks riding around for hours after the event began? Thanks



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Posted 29 May 2013 - 10:18 PM

Are the videos 12 hours long like the show HesstonPR puts on? Are there any video segments of his degrading drivers at the driver meetings or threats too pull a pill 3 hours before the race begins? If you were a street stock competitor do you have too buy two DVDs, so you can watch your heat that ran at 4:45 and disc 2 that shows the feature that started at 1:30 am? Are there any segments that show water trucks riding around for hours after the event began? Thanks

LMAO that does pretty much sum up a show at Hesston, good one.

#4 73racing


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Posted 30 May 2013 - 06:41 PM

DVDs of the 2012 ULTIMATE are available as a 2 disc set (Friday all features and every lap -all divisions- from Sat) and now a single DVD from the 2013 UFo Mega Blitz (every lap all divisions) May 26th is available for purchase. Well done videos from Motor Mountain, Hesston Speedway!

contact Katie:

Is there a website they can be purchased from rather than mailing a paper check?

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