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#1 Dr. Speedy

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Posted 30 June 2013 - 10:08 AM

There was discussion by a number of drivers and the placement of cars after a caution. hasn't it always been that when a yellow, or red flag comes out that they score back to the last full lap completed? A bunch of drivers were complaining that they were misplaced, either they were ahead of where they should have been, or spotted behind where they should have been. This, (one of these times) is gonna be a problem. There are race teams in the pits that score. And it needs to be addressed. Someone should bring it up before Wednesday nite for this big money run.


#2 dkdorkboy


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Posted 30 June 2013 - 10:53 AM

Could it be because they use a split yellow now?

#3 double checkered

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Posted 30 June 2013 - 11:03 AM

How the transponders work. 1) ALL cars must cross for lap 1 to be completed 2) After first lap only lead car has to cross for lap to be completed. This is most important on final lap if there is a caution after leader crosses line. Race is completed. 3) When a caution is thrown, the field is "held" at that instant. All cars that completed current lap are scored in the position they crossed. All cars that did not make it across line revert back to last lap. If you were with us last night, a good instance was in mod feature. I believe 3rd and 4th (as they were running from previous lap) got tangled up on front stretch. Both cars were passed by two cars as they were spinning. The old 3rd place car stopped and old 4th place car continued across line. Just as caution was thrown. Field is frozen. Old 3rd place car goes to tail for caution. Old 4th place car restarts 5th because of the two cars that passed him and crossed the line before yellow was thrown. Jeremy

#4 Dr. Speedy

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Posted 01 July 2013 - 09:01 AM

Jeremy, might be a good idea to explain this at the driver meeting. It really needs to be understood by all involved. As you know placement after a caution or red is very important.

#5 Racer31


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Posted 01 July 2013 - 11:26 AM

Dr Speedy I can explain it at the drivers meeting but this is the way all tracks around here score races even if they are hand scoring. Just as Jeremy said ALL cars have to cross the line for the 1st lap of the race to be scored as a 1st lap. After that 1st lap we score it like this: Once a caution is thrown the field is locked. Let's say 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cars cross the line for lap 7 before the caution comes out. Those cars are scored on lap 7. All other cars revert back to the order they were in for the previous lap. Then when they are in line we bring them all up to lap 7. It's pretty simple actually. When we hand scored you had to draw a line across your paper when the caution came out as to who all crossed the line. With the transponder system everything relys on when the caution flag is thrown. Once Jeremy or Bridget throws the flag I say "Yellow....Yellow turn 3" over the raceceiver and my wife (Amanda) hits the caution tab on the PC which locks the field. Like we said scoring with transponders is really cut and dry and very accurate. There is no discrepancy with the line up at all. The only thing you have to stay on top of is lapped cars because they get in the mix and you have to bring them to the same lap under caution on the PC. We like the system and so far its working great.

Danny Kelly

#6 little36racr


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Posted 01 July 2013 - 09:32 PM

I never realized it was scored in this manner, so helps to understand how it works after the explanation. I was not there Saturday and don't know the caution you are explaining but I would have to question one car getting his spot back and the other not when Jeremy mentions they both were spinning and got passed. I am assuming one car was able to not stop somehow while spinning across the line thus keeping his spot? Car stopping before the line obviously goes to tail for stopping. I would think if 2nd car did stop, regardless of crossing line or not, would be considered part of caution and sent to tail. The fact they crossed the line would have no impact on that would it? Keep up the good work WRP. See ya all soon.

#7 double checkered

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 04:52 AM

Yes in my example, only 1 car stopped. If by some chance 2 cars would stop, 1 before and one after crossing line, both would restart at tail with car that crossed line ahead of car that didn't. Jeremy

#8 Racer31


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 07:12 AM

Plus to add to what Jeremy just stated. Lets say two cars spun but never stopped and the flagstaff determined it was a situation that was unsafe and threw the caution. So neither one stopped but a caution was thrown due to safety. Both of those cars would be charged with the caution even though they never stopped. It's the same for debris on the track, if we can determine where the debris came from and the caution comes out them the car losing the debris will be charged with the caution. That has to be very cut and dry though as we will not guess which car it came from. I hope this helps to explain how some situations are scored.

Danny Kelly

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