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Well Tony who is the asshole now.

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#1 blackflagmanwhaa


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 06:29 AM

What is it you always say Tony you cant win it on the first lap. ASSHOLE


If this doesnt come up go to WWW.pitgate.com in pit pass area under smoke.

Edited by blackflagmanwhaa, 18 July 2013 - 06:47 AM.


#2 blackflagmanwhaa


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Posted 25 July 2013 - 07:15 PM

After last nights truck race i will be the first to say that Tony is gonna be a person that turned the heads of Nascar and racing fans with a new way to go with Nascar racing. Him and the crew put on a race that has every one buzzing about it. CONFRATS.

#3 Dr. Speedy

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Posted 26 July 2013 - 10:07 AM

Well black flag, what is it going to be? You call him an A-hole in one post, and then praise him for the great show at the Big E. Tony,(in his defense) is a true competitor in every way. That sprint accident has happened to any driver who is trying to get to the front quickly. It's really hard to get up there if you just "bide your time", you gotta go after it. No, it wasn't pretty, but it's racing!

#4 jgilley


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 03:47 PM

Went to the Truck Race Wednesday night . Wasn't at all surprised at what great shape the track was in . The Late model races were as good as any I have ever seen . Tony and his people put on a great show and would like to see more . Would be nice to see at least Nationwide cars come to Eldora . Maybe have a winners only race similar to the All-Star race similar to what the Cup guys run . Nationwide winners from the past year and past champions . Something like that is pretty much already set up to run the same format the trucks used. If anyone could pull it off Tony and the Eldora crew could do it . Lets hope Nascar will keep Eldora on the truck schedule .


#5 blackflagmanwhaa


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Posted 27 July 2013 - 01:42 AM

Well black flag, what is it going to be? You call him an A-hole in one post, and then praise him for the great show at the Big E. Tony,(in his defense) is a true competitor in every way. That sprint accident has happened to any driver who is trying to get to the front quickly. It's really hard to get up there if you just "bide your time", you gotta go after it. No, it wasn't pretty, but it's racing!

Well when you call the great Steve Kinser a asshole twice in one night the way he did and turn around and destroy 13 cars in one wreck and a girl with maybe a broken back enought said. Its two different situations each one can be looked at in a different way. If he would of been the one that was crashed in that wreck by some one else he would be calling them a asshole.

#6 KO_23


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 09:22 AM

I have watched the video of this 13 car crash a million times now and i dont see where its tonys fault, looks more like a racing accident than someone screwing the pooch. imo

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