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Chili 100 Note

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#1 weezer2


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Posted 30 September 2013 - 08:17 PM

The Chili 100 is not an AMP race. It is a Chili Promotions event, the track was leased by them. Some AMP employees may be working at the event, but it is not an AMP race. The only thing AMP is involved with is maintaining the track surface. AMP is not responsible for payouts or finishes, Chili Promotions will be responsible for this. Concessions will be provided by Chili Promotions for this event. Hope to see everyone there for a a great day of racing!


#2 scruffy1a


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Posted 01 October 2013 - 07:40 AM

The Chili 100 is not an AMP race. It is a Chili Promotions event, the track was leased by them. Some AMP employees may be working at the event, but it is not an AMP race. The only thing AMP is involved with is maintaining the track surface. AMP is not responsible for payouts or finishes, Chili Promotions will be responsible for this. Concessions will be provided by Chili Promotions for this event.

Hope to see everyone there for a a great day of racing!

Pre-emptive strike in an attempt to deflect bad press from AMP following the race? Not very high expectations.

If at first you don't succeed, then maybe you just suck.

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