![]() This posted on Pitgate about Hannagan
Started by blackflagmanwhaa, Oct 22 2013 06:50 AM
18 replies to this topic
Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:54 PM
Not here to argue just to state my opinion.
#1 rule under Points rules. Must attend Banquet to receive points payout. I think that has been the rule since UNOH took over the track. Randy chose not to be at the banquet.
What if this would have been someone lower in the points like Dancer, only saw a couple mentions about him in hoseheads but seems not many to concerned about him not getting his money.
He chose not to be at the Banquet Also.
Also remember Randy complaining after a win that he couldn't win the points at Lima, because Limaland raced the weekend of Knoxville and he chose to race there instead of Lima.
One poster on hoseheads stated that Randy drove for a living and that he had to race. There are trucks every day on the road, and those truck drivers make their living driving, but they follow the rules like everyone else or pay the consequences just like everyone else.
I really can't feel sorry for Randy, he chose to do what he did and in turn lost his end of the year Point money. If I remember right he choose not to collect his money last year, so I guess he knew he wouldn't get it this year either.
Edited by racer50, 23 October 2013 - 04:58 PM.
Don Noffsinger
Posted 25 October 2013 - 08:39 PM
Isn't the racing season over in this part of the country? What track in Ohio is still running? Just throwing it out there there is always going to be a track someone in the world running every weekend Randys car owner decided to go out to Cali what if Limalands banquet was in December and someone offered Randy a ride for the month of December in Austrailia? Do you think Randy would say "Oh no I cant accept this ride because Limaland is having their banquet"
Posted 30 October 2013 - 09:22 AM
Owners Spend The Money Therefore Should Collect The Money IMO. If You Are An Owner/Driver Then You Should Be There To Collect. However Limaland Could Solve The Problem By Having Their Banquet During The Off Season Or Should I Say The Off Points Season In This Neck Of The Woods, At Least Nov.-Jan.
Tracks Should Honor Their Drivers And/Or Owners And Teams (All Supporters) Whether It Is On The Front Stretch At The Last Race Or By Having A Dinner And Awards In Their Honor. I Certainly Never Read About Tracks Sticking It To Sponsors, Also Considered Supporters??? Face It Without The Racers/Car Owners Spending Their Hard Earned Money And Devoting The Majority Of Their Time Working On These Dream Machines A Track Would Be As Silent And As Exciting As It Is This Time Of Year All Year Round. A Track Needs To Be Grateful To All Drivers, Owners, Sponsors, And Fans All The Time, Especially Those Who Are Regulars? It Would Also Be Nice If They Listened To Their Fans, Most Tracks Do Now And Respond On These Very Forums, But Then Some Do What Ever They Want???
Respect For And From All Participants In Our Sport Would Help A lot. I Know That I Am Not The Only One That Has Seen A Steady Decrease In Car Counts At Lima Since 2007, So Not Everyone Is Playing Nice? For The Record I Am Not A Hannagan Fan, But I Do Respect All Drivers And Believe If They Support A Place To Race Especially Weekly Or Regularly Then They Have Earned What They Have Earned? I Think We Forget Too Easily How Fortunate We Are To Have These Fearless Warriors Willing To Do What They Do!
JMO and for those of you who are on here to argue that stands for Just MY Opinion! Lets Hear Yours?
Edited by racechasser, 30 October 2013 - 09:33 AM. 2019 Race Counter - Total- 32 + (Rainouts- 13) Atomic- 4, Attica- 6, Eldora- 10, Fremont-6, Wayne County-2, Waynesfield- 3, Winchester-1,
2018 Race Counter - Total-33 + (Rainouts-18) Atomic-2, Attica-7, Eldora- 11, Fremont-3, Kokomo-1, Limaland-2, Mansfield-2, Waynesfield-4, Wayne County-1
2017 Race Counter - Total- 57 + (Rainouts-7) Atomic-3, Attica-5, Bedford-2, Bubba Raceway Park-3, Eldora-6, Eriez-1, Grandview-1, Knoxville-4, Lincoln Park-1, Lincoln-1, Lincoln Fairgrounds-1, Lebanon Valley NY-1, Lernerville-1, Macon- 1, Mansfield-3, Mercer-1, Orange County NY-1, Outlaw NY-1, PPMS-1, Port Royal-3, Selingsgrove-1, Sharon-1, Susquehanna-1, 34 Raceway-1, Tri-City-1, Wayne County-5, Waynesfield-1, Williams Grove-2, Volusia-3
2016 Race Counter: - 51 + (Rainouts-11) Attica-7, Atomic-2, Bedford PA-1 Bubbas Raceway Park-1, Eldora-10 Fremont-7, Gas City IN-1, Grandview PA-1, Kokomo-1, Lebanon Valley Speedway NY-1, Limaland-2, Lincoln Speedway PA-1, Millstream -2, Montpeiler IN-1, Port Royal PA-2, Sharon-1, Williams Grove PA-1, Wayne County-2, Waynesfield-4 Volusia-3.
2015 Race Counter: - 45 + (M. Nature-10) Atomic-1 Attica-2 Eldora-13 Fremont-2 Limaland-11 Millstream-3 Sharon-1 Wayne County-1 Waynesfield-11 2014 Race Counter: - 34 + (M. Nature-8) Eldora- 10 Fremont- 3 Limaland-6 Waynesfield- 15 2013 Race Counter: - 30 + (M. Nature-9) Eldora-6 Fremont-2 Gas City-1 Kokomo-1 Limaland-7 Waynesfield-13 2012 Race Counter: - 24 + (M. Nature-4) Attica-1 Eldora-7 Limaland-5 Winchester-1 Waynesfield-10 2011 Race Counter: - 32 + (M.Nature-16) Attica-4 Eldora-9 Fremont-5 Gas City-3 Limaland-10 Waynesfield-1 2010 Race Counter: - 30 + (M. Nature 10) Eldora-6 Limaland-12 Waynesfield-5 Millstream-2 MIS-2 Winchester-1 Attica-1 Fremont-1 2009 Race Counter: - 26 + (M. Nature 7)
Posted 31 October 2013 - 07:28 PM
What do you call a regular? If you take off a scheduled night of racing and a points race would you call that a regular. Some one correct me didnt they one year when Knoxville ran didnt Lima not have a points night so some could go to knoxville? The decline in car counts has some thing to do with the economy but also you have to take care of your people who race there and take care of them.
I know i havent been able to attend the last year or so, but since this Nascar thing it seems like more effort and time the Management is more interested in that.
As far as one of the reason for car counts when you look at the King Of The 1/4 mile you have seen to many repeat winners. When you have 2 or 3 drivers dominating every week some guys like the mods are going to where some place like WRP where they feel thay have a better chance of winning.
If Lima would take some of the money they are pumping into backing the Fla trip and backing some Nascar shows , and put some of that money into payouts in finishing spots in heat races and Features it would give the little guy who might not be able to win every week a little more money to support their racing.
As far as the shorter season and saying its costing them money how much money was spent to have their logo painted on the front stretch of the fall Bristol race. I know its to promote the school but it seems like after their 10 year program was finished all their time money and effort was going towards the nascar promotion.
I know i have no right in commenting on this i dont have any thing in it. But when i have supported this place since the 60,s i hate to see a place take all the trash talking about it that every one hears. We all know they have the money to do what ever they want to do and when you hear all the bad talk it just makes you wonder. Then when you see a under backed track like WRP that is getting all the positive comments about how great their racing is and listen to the fans and drivers who like what they are seeing seems like their is a lesson to this.
Posted 31 October 2013 - 09:05 PM
Sure the banquet could be later but limas banquet and points fund are first class and I think with the added points fund, wheelen safety lights, and nascar insurance that the nascar package is a great thing. Lima had maybe the best racing surface I seen throughtout the year and if the only complaints are surrounding somebody missing a banquet then wow, what a great season. Oh and sure only a few drivers won in each class but the points titile came down to the very last night in the stocks, and the college mod was close to the 65, and sprints came down to last night as well. Lima had tons of great drivers every week and stock car counts were up this yr. There was several cars in each class that made big strides this yr and I bet next yrs racing will be even better.
Posted 31 October 2013 - 09:52 PM
Long I admit with every thing you say but with the money they pump into promotions I just feel they could race longer into the season. They do have a great point find and awards. But they need to try and stop all the negativity. It's come a long way from years back and is a class act place.They don't need to kiss every ones butt, Hannagan knew the rules going in. Maybe some adjustments need to be made, but every one else lived by the rules.
As far as the racing i dont think you can beat it every class gives the fan some great racing and gene has done a fine job on the track. Every year the Doty what can you say great racing, why not bring the Outlaws and Allstars back more than just once. As far as the stock class Lima does have a lot a special races for them thanks to the families who come forward with some of the backing. Same goes for the Sprints and mods, maybe im just venting about the short season.
Maybe i have no right on commenting about some things since because of some family issues i havent been able to attend, Just putting my 2 cents in on from what i hear comming from some people.
Edited by skip, 01 November 2013 - 06:42 AM.
Posted 01 November 2013 - 07:21 AM
On the subject of the banquet , in the years leading up to 2011 the banquet was always the second or third Saturday in November. last year several people asked the collage to move it back to that date so that it would not conflict with racing dates. they were told that those dates did not fit mr Jarvis's schedule. go figure it's all about them not about the racers. As far as having a points race the same night as the Knoxville nationals I think they do that out of spite. they used to give the top three or four extra money to go to Knoxville to support the nra. They do very little to help the drivers in my opinion. I also think the best races all year we the couple 360 races at Waynesfield. My 2 cents worth.
Posted 01 November 2013 - 07:36 AM
Thats why i think they shortened the season by two races some were proably at Bristol with all the promotion on the front stretch. I agree with what you said about helping the top 3 or 4 to support the Nra at Knoxville. Same way when it came to the mods it was some added incentive to finish in the top 4 you got a free ride to Fla. But now its nice to see the students getting the ride but how much are they paying out to have some nascar drivers in their cars. I know its nice PR for the school but like you are saying they are short changing the locals. I have to agree with the two shows at WRP, at least one of them the Reynolds memorial should be at Lima , but we proably all know it was Rons show and he proably wanted the full say so in the show. And i cant blame him.
Posted 01 November 2013 - 07:46 AM
I totally agree.....the focus has been taken away from our local racers and given to UNOH positioning themselves with NASCAR. If they are more concerned with the "Big Time" it will continue to show in car counts and fans. Rumor is that Ron may add a couple more shows to Waynesfield next year. It is nice having someone who has been involved with 360's as an owner put on a show that benefits drivers and fans!!!
Posted 01 November 2013 - 10:04 AM
I just want to compliment a few on their comments or partial statements. Wrench1 - " it's all about them not about the racers" you hit the nail on the head. Sprintfan75 sees it too - "the focus has been taken away from our local racers and given to UNOH positioning themselves with NASCAR". People who attend all the time are not stupid, and when the staff does things like shorten the season and now hold a points race during Knoxville it shows they don't care about anyone's suggestions or concerns. The main thing is that they do NOT communicate with the fans and I'm sure the participants are not heard either? Like I said in my other post tracks are beginning to and have been on these very forums answering questions and basically connecting with the racing community, and the ones that are not getting on board are the ones that get the most negativity.
Limaland is in self destruct mode and has been for years. They can have the best point fund and the shortest season, and the most elaborate banquet all they want, but that does not earn respect from the very people who give them a race track to brag about? Everyone gets upset from time to time, but the tracks that work with their racers and listen to their fans are by far the ones everyone talks positively about and those are the tracks that grow and gain positive atmosphere and/or maintain success.
Seems that the short season upset the fans the most. Lima only swung the gates open 12 times this year. I can understand the frustration there? Supporters got short changed this year whether a fan or driver/owner. There were only 3 Elwer fence shows and 6 NRA for the 360 Sprints, 10 stock car meets and 11 showings for the mods, if my records are right, but I'm sure they're close.
People have been asking for change and variety for years now, but they aren't getting it? Compare some old schedules with new ones, they pretty much look the same? I am not a promoter, but I can see a few logical fixes for a few of these issues. Give the fans what they want and that seems to be some non-wing races, more All Star shows and an extra WoO date. Run Late Models or something else the week of Knoxville to avoid conflict for the sprint teams, and move the banquet back to banquet season Nov.-Jan. sometime? However this is just my opinion? I love our sport and I do stick up for it on occasion. I have a great deal of respect for the racers and crews that pull in the gates each week to do what they love to do along with entertaining me as well. I drove years ago and loved every minute of it and I Get It!!! I have nothing in any of this, but I do have the choice of where I spend my money. Some Opinions speak volumes, and fans in large numbers can and do make changes happen.
Edited by racechasser, 01 November 2013 - 10:10 AM. 2019 Race Counter - Total- 32 + (Rainouts- 13) Atomic- 4, Attica- 6, Eldora- 10, Fremont-6, Wayne County-2, Waynesfield- 3, Winchester-1,
2018 Race Counter - Total-33 + (Rainouts-18) Atomic-2, Attica-7, Eldora- 11, Fremont-3, Kokomo-1, Limaland-2, Mansfield-2, Waynesfield-4, Wayne County-1
2017 Race Counter - Total- 57 + (Rainouts-7) Atomic-3, Attica-5, Bedford-2, Bubba Raceway Park-3, Eldora-6, Eriez-1, Grandview-1, Knoxville-4, Lincoln Park-1, Lincoln-1, Lincoln Fairgrounds-1, Lebanon Valley NY-1, Lernerville-1, Macon- 1, Mansfield-3, Mercer-1, Orange County NY-1, Outlaw NY-1, PPMS-1, Port Royal-3, Selingsgrove-1, Sharon-1, Susquehanna-1, 34 Raceway-1, Tri-City-1, Wayne County-5, Waynesfield-1, Williams Grove-2, Volusia-3
2016 Race Counter: - 51 + (Rainouts-11) Attica-7, Atomic-2, Bedford PA-1 Bubbas Raceway Park-1, Eldora-10 Fremont-7, Gas City IN-1, Grandview PA-1, Kokomo-1, Lebanon Valley Speedway NY-1, Limaland-2, Lincoln Speedway PA-1, Millstream -2, Montpeiler IN-1, Port Royal PA-2, Sharon-1, Williams Grove PA-1, Wayne County-2, Waynesfield-4 Volusia-3.
2015 Race Counter: - 45 + (M. Nature-10) Atomic-1 Attica-2 Eldora-13 Fremont-2 Limaland-11 Millstream-3 Sharon-1 Wayne County-1 Waynesfield-11 2014 Race Counter: - 34 + (M. Nature-8) Eldora- 10 Fremont- 3 Limaland-6 Waynesfield- 15 2013 Race Counter: - 30 + (M. Nature-9) Eldora-6 Fremont-2 Gas City-1 Kokomo-1 Limaland-7 Waynesfield-13 2012 Race Counter: - 24 + (M. Nature-4) Attica-1 Eldora-7 Limaland-5 Winchester-1 Waynesfield-10 2011 Race Counter: - 32 + (M.Nature-16) Attica-4 Eldora-9 Fremont-5 Gas City-3 Limaland-10 Waynesfield-1 2010 Race Counter: - 30 + (M. Nature 10) Eldora-6 Limaland-12 Waynesfield-5 Millstream-2 MIS-2 Winchester-1 Attica-1 Fremont-1 2009 Race Counter: - 26 + (M. Nature 7)
Posted 12 November 2013 - 09:54 PM
how about the week of the knoxville nationals teaming up with WRP and running the non wing sprints, mods, stocks, and trucks at LMP on friday night and then the same 4 classes the next night at WRP? I think that would be an awesome way to let the people here that cant afford knoxville have a great weekend of racing without messing with knoxville at all
Posted 14 November 2013 - 10:04 PM
Best idea I've read from you kenny.... Reply to this topic![]() 1 user(s) are reading this topic0 members, 1 guests, 0 anonymous users |