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Improvements for next season?

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#1 KO_23


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Posted 20 November 2013 - 03:02 PM

Figured we could start a thread and see if anyone would have any ideas for next season. My main idea would be is there any way we can go to double file restarts in all divisions? In my opinion this would make the racing so much better. Right now if someone is running up front and they spin they go tail, which is fine thats how its always been, but when you go tail and they throw the green flag you have to wait for everyone in front of you to get past the cone before you can really cut loose. Sometimes that means by the time you can hit the gas and take off the leader is already on the back stretch. I think having double file restarts and letting the leader pick his lane and let him decide when to hit the gas (anywhere from the start of turn 3 to the flag stand is where he can get on it. I think that would be a great idea because your still giving the advantage to the leader by allowing him to pick where he is going to get on it but your still giving the guy that just spun the opportunity to get back up towards the front. Just an idea was wondering if anyone else agrees with it or not?


#2 kartracer229


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 08:04 AM

When we went to Montpelier for the Outlaw Showdown, they took away the restart cone on the front stretch where you werent allowed to pass until. Once the leader got to the cone in turn 4 and fired, it was a free for all. I loved it. I hate being in the back and stuck being people who dont get the memo until its waaaaay too late, also hate when your in line, and you have to stay in line full throttle into the corner, and cant pass, and hope someone a few vehicles infront of you doesnt biff before you get to the cone. I like the idea of Double File Restarts, I think it would be excellent. Extended season if at all possible. I like how things are going at Waynesfield though currently with most everything else. Track prep was spectacular last year, but the place needs new dirt something fierce.

#3 jgilley


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 10:05 AM

Would love to see double file restarts at WRP and other tracks . Would make for better racing and those that have to go to the back would still be in the back . But it will only work if drivers LISTEN to the ordered lineup you hear on your radio and don't hold things up trying to " jostle " or force their car ( truck ) into where they think they should be. Since we are using transponders this year it will be easy to see who was where when the yellow was thrown . As far as starting the race or restarts instead of a cone or starting in turn 3 why not paint starting marks on the wall at the exit of turn 4 . Pole starts the race anywhere between those marks . after pole passes those marks flag man starts the race . if you start or jump you get one warning then you go to the back. As far as dirt being added to the track... I heard mention Sunday at the meeting they are looking at adding some new clay to the track , which is probably needed , but we also have to as drivers and owners look at the cost of the clay or dirt and expense of working it in . Will that cost be rolled over to the drivers in an increase in entry fee's and pit passes ( which I am NOT opposed to if they are minimal ) . Having a good racing surface is as much a safety issue as a good cage or helmet . Would love to see the season extended thru at least late September . As I mentioned Sunday at the meeting I would also like to see a few Holiday shows .... Maybe increase pit passes and entry fee's as well as general admission , not by a lot but maybe $10 for pit pass and $4.00 for general admission... Have a Saturday night practice and heat races or qualifying.... with a Sunday night all features ...and you still have Monday off as your Holiday ( Memorial Day, 4th of July , Labor Day ) and make it a double points race to get the interest built up among drivers and fans . And once a month rotate among classes and increase length of feature by 10 laps . One week a 30 lap sprint car , next week a 30 lap Mod , next week a 30 lap truck and so on . Just my guess most drivers would go for that and so would the fans .


#4 KO_23


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 12:42 PM

The holiday weekends thru the summer are already special shows. Memorial Day they have the 360 nra vs sod sprint show and then for the 4th of july they have a big 360 show. I think the cost of pit passes and general admission is perfect where they are at if you start increasing it that makes it harder to get the new fans to the track.

#5 jgilley


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Posted 21 November 2013 - 02:01 PM

When I talk about Holiday shows I'm talking about for the drivers that show up every week and race . Giving the " regulars " a chance at a special race and extra points and maybe a bit of extra money . Sure you get a few more people show up for the 360's and big sprint shows .... The regulars might like a shot at putting on a Holiday show as well ...something special . Pits passes and general admission are increased for the special holiday shows for 360's and others.... why not try a special holiday ( 2 day show ) for the regulars and increase prices ( a 2 day pass for 35.00) and let ones that race every weekend reap the benefits a bigger payday instead of a few guys that come in once or twice a year . I'm not advocating an across the board increase on anything , only for holiday shows with the every week drivers who are there and support the track every week

Edited by jgilley, 21 November 2013 - 02:04 PM.


#6 double checkered

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Posted 21 November 2013 - 10:18 PM

I am on the fence about double file restarts. I know there has been talks about adjusting the single file restart rule. For classes that run transponders, the "nose to tail" will no longer apply. As long as your transponder doesn't trigger before the car that restarted ahead of you does, you're good. So technically you can start to pass as soon as green is given. I have always thought a start zone was better than a starting line. No matter where you put it, there will always be drivers who push the edge of the line. If Bridgit and I flag again this season, we are going to be even more strict against the games being played. I think the schedule is pretty solid. I still believe that 5 classes are too many, but it seems to work. And the competition is amazing in all classes. With that said, I miss the multiple features in one night for one class. I don't know how driver's feel about it, but I always liked watching triple twenties. First feature, complete invert, then heads up based on average finish. I hope to see late models return again. I still think a topless night would be fun. I think a point series (either entire season or just weekend) would be cool. I think a two day show would be fun. Especially if other area tracks aren't running. I think there has to be more to attract fans. I know the racing is great. Most racing fans would be satisfied with just that. But some enjoy the extras. Games, give-a-ways, activities, etc. Something to get people in the gate. (That is the hardest thing!). Give passes away at local schools. I always liked when the feature winner would park out where fans could come up and see driver/car. Bring back whoever cooked up the wings for the harvest of sprints.....they were goooood. And burgers, I think they need burgers. There is a pizza place just down the road. Maybe they can deliver some pizzas and sell it by the slice. Move the light in turn 3. I think its been wiped out 5 times in the last 3 years. I think the fence needs a once over. I think there are a few areas that need a little attention. Are the lights adjusted ok? I've heard drivers talk about turn 2 being dark. With all the things I suggest to change, the one thing I want is more of the same. More of the great races that have been put on the past few years. WRP has come a long way and I feel they're still moving forward. I hope to see everyone back again in a few months. Jeremy

Edited by double checkered, 21 November 2013 - 10:22 PM.

#7 KO_23


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Posted 22 November 2013 - 08:07 AM

Is there anything going on in this area the 2nd weekend of September? I know the World 100 is the first weekend and the 3rd weekend is the 4 crown. If WRP would run a 2 night show that 2nd weekend in September I bet they could pack the place. plus it extends the racing season, which is never a bad thing. There are other weekends that could be 2 day shows and I hope that WRP adds a couple of them this year. Would help increase the exposure because people will go and camp and then be there the entire weekend. A signature 2 day show (that includes your regulars) would be a huge thing for the growth of WRP. How about starting the season earlier? schedule for the beginning of April instead of the beginning of May. It would add a couple more races as well. I would like the double features maybe do that one time for each class this coming season and if people like it announce more double features for later in the season? Burgers are definitely a needed food and the pizza idea would be great for the pizza place and the race track.

#8 jgilley


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Posted 22 November 2013 - 12:32 PM

Jeremy and KO .... Great idea's . as noted before in other post I have been racing for over 25 years and for about 20 of those years ( in Tennessee ) I would race sometimes 3 nights a week and always 2 nights a week . Friday nights at Thunderhill Speedway and Saturday nights at Duck River Speedway . And there would always be an A and B main in 4 of the 5 classes with 20 cars in each feature. I lived within 50 miles of 10 different tracks and they were always packed . Five classes in debatable . The problem is which class would you lose if you dropped to 4 classes . Compacts are a great entry Level beginner class and for younger drivers . Trucks are great for those that have experience and want to do a bit more and have a bigger vehicle to race . Every class is a step UP from the previous . With things as tight as they are financially for everyone it is tough to think about taking a class away and keeping counts up . Keeping car counts up as well as keeping fans interest up is or should be every ones concern from the track owner , promoter , flagman , and drivers as well as concessions for the fans and all who attend. As drivers we need not only think about what we are doing on the track but what we are able to do to help assure the stands are filling and the fans keep coming back .


#9 compact racer

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Posted 22 November 2013 - 03:23 PM

Jeremy and KO .... Great idea's . as noted before in other post I have been racing for over 25 years and for about 20 of those years ( in Tennessee ) I would race sometimes 3 nights a week and always 2 nights a week . Friday nights at Thunderhill Speedway and Saturday nights at Duck River Speedway . And there would always be an A and B main in 4 of the 5 classes with 20 cars in each feature. I lived within 50 miles of 10 different tracks and they were always packed . Five classes in debatable . The problem is which class would you lose if you dropped to 4 classes . Compacts are a great entry Level beginner class and for younger drivers . Trucks are great for those that have experience and want to do a bit more and have a bigger vehicle to race . Every class is a step UP from the previous .
With things as tight as they are financially for everyone it is tough to think about taking a class away and keeping counts up . Keeping car counts up as well as keeping fans interest up is or should be every ones concern from the track owner , promoter , flagman , and drivers as well as concessions for the fans and all who attend. As drivers we need not only think about what we are doing on the track but what we are able to do to help assure the stands are filling and the fans keep coming back .

Compacts they're dead already...

#10 kartracer229


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Posted 23 November 2013 - 07:59 AM

Having a good racing surface is as much a safety issue as a good cage or helmet .

So two swing sets and some jb weld and were good right? Total cage building operation, $104 for the swingset, and 12 dollars in JB Weld. Good deal.




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Posted 23 November 2013 - 10:59 AM

As a fan double file restarts are good because they bring more wrecks which sadly more fans seem to like. Sucks for the driver because he has lost his or her track position and has to spend money to fix the damage from the double file restart.

#12 jgilley


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Posted 23 November 2013 - 11:23 AM

So two swing sets and some jb weld and were good right? Total cage building operation, $104 for the swingset, and 12 dollars in JB Weld. Good deal.

Why the negativity ? Did someone "spit " in your coffee or are you just in a bad mood ?


#13 jgilley


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Posted 23 November 2013 - 11:44 AM

IN-STA-GATOR that's the way it has been since I have been involved in racing . If you win you have money to cover your expenses for the week and next week . If you tear up you don't have the money to repair what you tore up unless you have DEEP pockets . And being one who doesn't have deep pockets , or use someone to build my engines for me , or have someone build my cage or do bodywork and paint for me it does hurt when I tear up . But that's part of it I guess . But then I have always been "ole school " when it came to that . If I say I am building a car I actually do the work ... Not say I'm building a car then have someone weld my cage , build my engine , do my body work and paint , then jump in and say " look what I built " .


#14 Dirtracer48



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Posted 23 November 2013 - 06:53 PM

IN-STA-GATOR that's the way it has been since I have been involved in racing . If you win you have money to cover your expenses for the week and next week . If you tear up you don't have the money to repair what you tore up unless you have DEEP pockets . And being one who doesn't have deep pockets , or use someone to build my engines for me , or have someone build my cage or do bodywork and paint for me it does hurt when I tear up . But that's part of it I guess . But then I have always been "ole school " when it came to that . If I say I am building a car I actually do the work ... Not say I'm building a car then have someone weld my cage , build my engine , do my body work and paint , then jump in and say " look what I built " .

/golf clap

#15 sprinter75



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Posted 26 November 2013 - 05:36 PM

Its hard to have holiday shows with " the regulars " when other tracks are having special shows for the holidays. someone would have to go out and get sponsors to pay the higher purse and hope the fans would come support the regular show at WRP instead of going to a special show at a nearby track.JMO

#16 jgilley


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Posted 26 November 2013 - 06:14 PM

I understand what you are saying Sprinter , and to a fair degree you are right . But that's where promotion comes in and I am NOT talking about Dan Kelly doing what he does. I am talking about US as drivers and owners of racecars and trucks . Doing what we can with word of mouth and creating some excitement in our hometowns and at work . I myself have talked with several business and small companies about helping with this . Getting our schedule posted in their business and store and restaurant and the like . A small business in Kenton or Lima if approached with the idea just might toss in an extra $500 on a special show . And as far as fans , most of the fans would come to watch the regulars I do believe . WRP really is the only track within 45 miles and more than you think probably would show up . But you never know until you try . I feel as a driver and or owner I have an obligation to do what I can to promote the facility I race at . And like Einstein said " Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results " . If we don't try something different we will have the same results and things might not get better ( any upgrades to facility.... pit lane , More clay for the racing surface and so on ) .


#17 sprinter75



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Posted 26 November 2013 - 06:37 PM

i know from talking to hammons on the bob reynolds race if it wasnt for sponsors this race would not exist and look at the crowd that race brings in. when you raise the purse you MUST bring in more fans to cover that purse or go out and get sponsors to cover most of that purse BEFORE you open the gates. i love big paying races but it takes GREAT sponsors for this to happen. someone would need to step up on the purse to help greg and dan put on a show like this.

#18 kartracer229


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:50 AM

The only thing I hate is when Waynesfield takes off for "Kings Royal" "World 100". We're not all 410 fans, and we're all not late model fans. Maybe a midget show? Maybe a Late Model show on Kings Royal Weekend? Sprinter show on World 100 weekend? They stuck their necks out on the non wings, and look at the names that have came along the years. I think the fans would show, and your not really attempting to pull from another track if the demographic is completely another division. Would still love to see an Outlaw night there too.

#19 double checkered

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Posted 27 November 2013 - 02:43 PM

The only thing I hate is when Waynesfield takes off for "Kings Royal" "World 100". We're not all 410 fans, and we're all not late model fans. Maybe a midget show? Maybe a Late Model show on Kings Royal Weekend? Sprinter show on World 100 weekend? They stuck their necks out on the non wings, and look at the names that have came along the years. I think the fans would show, and your not really attempting to pull from another track if the demographic is completely another division. Would still love to see an Outlaw night there too.

Those weekends would be good to offset divisions and run two day show during the kings royal weekend when other tracks may be closed. However, some of the track personnel, racers, are fans of those classes and enjoy going to watch those events. And sometimes its nice to take a breather and simply have a week off from racing.
I don't think WRP is large enough with its seating capacity to hold a WOO show. I think they have pretty strict requirements on the facilities they run at.

Does anyone watch/participate in enduros anymore? I used to enjoy watching them as a kid.

Would people come to a two day show if let's say Friday was just a party day? Maybe have vendors, games, almost like a small carnival with a concert at night? Then race Saturday?

Edited by double checkered, 27 November 2013 - 02:46 PM.

#20 aswisher7


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Posted 27 November 2013 - 08:43 PM

Would people come to a two day show if let's say Friday was just a party day? Maybe have vendors, games, almost like a small carnival with a concert at night? Then race Saturday?

I think that'd be excellent, allow people to camp out Friday night as well. Maybe even have Friday as a test and tune day, and have Jack give 2 seater rides. Get the drivers involved, maybe have some challenges between em, like obstacle courses or such.

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