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6 days...more Pittsburgher 26 info...be there...Sept 12,13,14!

Support Regional Race Teams Pittsburgher 26 Herb Scott Memorial PPMS

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#1 Miley Motor Sports

Miley Motor Sports

    Pittsburgh's Pennsylvania Motor Speedway

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    Pittsburgh's Pennsylvania Motor Speedway
    PPMS, Dirt's Monster Half Mile, Racing every Sat Apr-Sept
    Home of the LOLMS Pittsburgher 100 & ASCOC Steel City Sprint Monster
    412-279-RACE www.ppms.com ppms@ppms.com

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Posted 07 September 2014 - 09:32 PM

6 days until Pittsburgher 26, although the countdown may seem silly, we are trying to share additional info with each release. Thanks for your patience as we put the details around the fun filled event!

Grandstands free for Friday Practice, camping only $25 for the entire event!

Save with 2 day tickets at $22.50 per day for adult grandstand tickets, $42.50 per day for pit tickets. As always advance tickets may be purchased by credit card through the Showclix link at www.ppms.com.
Race Team Haulers are permitted overnight in the pits again this year. Young Gun & Hobby Stock pit passes for drivers competing are the regular $15.

The 2014 Pittsburgher is chalked full of excitement with the top regional drivers and a few surprises in the top classes of regional stock cars. Of course DIEHL Lates headline with the Pittsburgher & Herb Scott Memorial, but RUSH Crates will have 2 exciting $1,000+ to win events along with the ever exciting and competitive PENN OHIO Pro Stock Series running for a grand on SUNDAY.

Open tire rule up to 350 CI Hobby Stocks, our fan favorite Young Guns, along with the buzzing of 3/4 Late Models will round out the card. These support divisions will run features only and some of their events may be run prior to the 6pm heat race start time for Lates, Crates, & Sportsman. We thank all of the race teams, race fans, sponsors, and media that have supported PPMS this season. Most of the money should end up in the pockets of regional race teams at the 26th running of the Pittsburgher...we can't wait!

We congradulate our 2014 PPMS Track Champs and will recognize these teams on the Speedway during Pittsburgher weekend. We welcome fans to take pictures and join the fun. All track champs will have a guaranteed starting spot in Pittsburgher weekend feature events!



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