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Pittsburgher Sat. Night

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#1 Ring Gear

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 10:10 AM

Anyone have a clue as to where to get the FULL rundown for last night?   


Since the turn out for SLM's was kind of light, did they start all 29 cars?


As usual dirtondirt.com has posted some good photos of last nights racing.

































#2 D1RT



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Posted 14 September 2014 - 10:15 AM

Got this from 4m........


1. Satterlee
2. Ferree
3. Geisler
4. Yoder
5. Miley
6. Hawkins
7. Norris
8. Johnson
9. Barbara
12.the Hole Beater

#3 Ring Gear

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 10:17 AM

Got this from 4m........


1. Satterlee
2. Ferree
3. Geisler
4. Yoder
5. Miley
6. Hawkins
7. Norris
8. Johnson
9. Barbara
12.the Hole Beater


#4 flash49


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Posted 14 September 2014 - 12:10 PM

26 cars started, Tony Musolino and Scott Gunn were scratches, and Sam Eichelberger left before fast laps.

#5 The Legend

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 01:24 PM

Flash you love putting lipstick on a pig. Let me tell you why Sam eichelberger left before fast laps . It was posted on this board that the super late entry fee was 50 per night. Sam and his crew guy brought exactly enough money to buy their pit pass and pay the 50 dollar entry fee as announced on here . Well yesterday they decided that it's 75 to enter if your only entering one day and they guy didnt have 75 with him he had 50. He went to Matt and explained that and Matt was unwilling to let him race for the 50 dollar entry fee that was clearly posted on this board. I understand it's only 25 dollars but that's not the point !!! Due to my sister getting married I couldn't stay and race today so I had to pay 75 to enter unlike the 50 everyone else paid. Small things like that add up over time to the lack of fan and racer support currently witnessed. You can call this bashing or what ever you want but facts are facts , 50 dollars is 50 dollars not 75.

#6 scruffy1a


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Posted 14 September 2014 - 02:59 PM

Flash you love putting lipstick on a pig. Let me tell you why Sam eichelberger left before fast laps . It was posted on this board that the super late entry fee was 50 per night. Sam and his crew guy brought exactly enough money to buy their pit pass and pay the 50 dollar entry fee as announced on here . Well yesterday they decided that it's 75 to enter if your only entering one day and they guy didnt have 75 with him he had 50. He went to Matt and explained that and Matt was unwilling to let him race for the 50 dollar entry fee that was clearly posted on this board. I understand it's only 25 dollars but that's not the point !!! Due to my sister getting married I couldn't stay and race today so I had to pay 75 to enter unlike the 50 everyone else paid. Small things like that add up over time to the lack of fan and racer support currently witnessed. You can call this bashing or what ever you want but facts are facts , 50 dollars is 50 dollars not 75.

It was posted as $75 for one day:


If at first you don't succeed, then maybe you just suck.

#7 flash49


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Posted 14 September 2014 - 09:07 PM

Hey Legend, why didn't you help a fellow racer out? 

#8 sle21


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Posted 14 September 2014 - 09:22 PM

It was posted as $75 for one day:


Okay guys this is Sam Eichelberger commenting on what happened.  I've posted my name and car number on here before so I'm not hiding behind a screen name.  I usually don't come on here that often to post and I'm only going to get on here and post once about what happened.  Anyone can feel free to comment or criticize me for what happened, just know I have better things to do than to keep coming on here and arguing with people that I don't know or people who wont say who they are, or people who wont reveal what their involvement in local dirt track racing is.


It was posted on here somewhere that the entry fee was $50 dollars a day.  I do not remember what thread it was on or what the source was, but quite frankly it doesn't matter.  The same question of entry fees came up about a month ago for the RMR race.  A lot of teams complained about the surprise entry fee they owed because they did not sponsor a lap in the race.  Supposedly this information was not shown on any of the advertisements and there was a lot of commotion about it on here.  So in other words, the surprise entry fee is nothing new nor is the tendency for Miley to screw over the people who support his track.


The flyer that was posted in the link by scruffy was uploaded to Miley's facebook page on Friday afternoon.  If you look through the other flyers he used to advertise the race this information was not on there, and if it was please show me because I didn't see it mentioned on any other flyer except the one that was posted a day before the race.  This flyer was posted on his website also, but I cannot comment on when it was posted.  I don't believe it was posted any earlier than Friday afternoon because I didn't see it, but I could be wrong.  Regardless this is what happened.  I was in line to register the car right behind Hodgkis.  The woman says its $100 for both days right now or $75 for today.  What you also didn't see advertised was that if you paid the $75 for the Pittsburgher and then wanted to come back the next day to run the Herb Scott, you owed Miley $50 to enter the race.  So it's $125 if i want to wait til the next day to enter both races compared to $100 if I did it then.  So, what happens if my car gets wrecked beyond repair during the Pittsburgher and I can't run on Sunday?  Well its tough luck you just got screwed out of $25.  Now if the race goes well and I want to race on Sunday, well tough luck now you owe me $50 so I'm being screwed out of $25 again.  So in other words I show up to the track to support your race with my equipment and put on your show and you go ahead and screw me out of every dime you possibly can.  


I then walked up to the ticket booth and asked for the woman to call Miley because I along with a few other people are confused about the entrance fee conditions.  Miley comes down in his truck and his first words to me after I ask him what the deal with the entrance fee is, "you know i'm sick and tired of you guys b****ing about my entry fees when I'm paying out a purse of this size."  Notice that he quickly became defensive and just wanted to pick a fight with me.  He then shows me the flyer on his website and says your not getting your pit pass back and that was it.  He did not conduct himself in a professional manor in which he could have asked me what the confusion was, explain to me where the miscommunication was, and then could have offered to spare me the $15 I needed just so I could get the car registered in time.  I did have a few more people coming to the track so I could have paid him the $15 I owed him later, but they weren't going to come until after hot laps had started in which it would have been too late to register the car.  You would also think that after I came to his race track and supported this event, ran there weekly last year until I blew a motor up, and raced there a few times already this year that he could have worked with me or shown me some kind of gratitude for supporting him in the past, but no he didn't because he is that kind of an a**hole.  After this occurred I loaded up my car and refused to "beg" or "borrow" money to enter my car in his race because if I did I would be supporting this a**hole even more.  I then proceeded to confront him before I left, rip off my wrist band, put it in his face, and said "shove it up your a**, you'll never get a dime out of me again".


So instead of being a decent human being and helping someone out after they had supported your s**t hole of a race track, he had to show his true colors and show why the majority of the people on here believe that he is the utter scum of the earth and complete white trash.


Some of you may say that it would have been worth my while to borrow a few dollars off someone, run the race, get my payout, and leave.  I have more self respect than that and I refuse to do anything that I do not ethically believe is right, plus that is exactly what he expects me to do.  He expects that once you pay his astronomical pit pass that you have to pay his entrance fee and you have no if's and's or but's about it, otherwise your not racing.  So he can come up with any kind of b.s. conditions he wants and you have to put up with it because you have already invested your time and money to tow out to his track and it doesn't make sense for you to turn around now.  Well the way I look at it is, I put on your show and I am your attraction.  Without cars you have no fans, which is surely evident by the turnout in car counts and attendance at his weekly shows.  I decided to tow home and screw him out of my $100 entry fee because I was going to run both Saturday and Sunday.  He also did not get the $45 pit pass from my two other crew members coming later on, and he also did not receive 4 more $45 pit passes for Sundays race.  So yea, my dad and I threw away a total of $90 on Saturday, but Miley lost out on $370.  He also lost out on us having two cars out at his track every week next year.  Also, trust me I'm not hurting for $15 or using the grocery money to go racing, I'm a mechanical engineer and I do quite well for myself.  I just didn't have the cash I needed on me due to a misunderstanding and I sure as hell wasn't going to give it to that pr*ck after the way he treated me.  Also, when you ask every track official you run into what the deal with the entrance fees and the pit passes are, they all say, "we know, its nothing new, we're just doing what we're told."  By the way it doesn't say what it pays to start the Pittsburgher or the Herb Scott on that flyer.


Oh by the way, Matt told me he doesn't put anything on racestud and he doesn't come on here.  So Matt just in case you don't come on here to read this I will email it to you with my phone number and we can discuss how you are the biggest a**hole that I've ever ran into in my life.  

#9 The Legend

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 09:57 PM

Flash honestly he told me the story right before hot laps and after he walked away I was like why didnt I just give him the 25 ... But I didn't know where he was parked and i had 50 other things I had to do. Flash everything I do is based on principal and shit that violates my principal I don't do such as sponsoring laps . I make PLENTY of contributions to charitable causes I believe in

#10 flash49


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Posted 14 September 2014 - 10:08 PM

The charities you support are your business, I don't believe I ever said anything about you or anyone else not sponsoring laps, once again, that is totally your business.  My comment was tongue in cheek, anyhow, and after reading SLE21's post, it's clear it wasn't about the money for him.

#11 714d


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Posted 14 September 2014 - 10:13 PM

Sounds like someone should send Miley up to clearfield. He'd be a perfect fit for a new owner at AMP.

#12 Street Stocker

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 10:19 PM

Thus is the kind of crap they pull and the reason they get no cars unless it's a series race. Drivers can't trust them. They are a scourge on the face of racing in the area and are doing nothing but trying to take everything they can out of area racing.

Now their #1 licker will find someway to defend them and tell you what a great show the low car count of local (the field wasn't even regional) after watching Satterlee lead 99 laps lol.

#13 flash49


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Posted 14 September 2014 - 10:21 PM

I don't know the Mileys and I don't defend them Asshole, I defend good racing, and the racing all weekend was excellent. 

#14 Street Stocker

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 10:30 PM

So if a track is traceable the management can be totally inept and that's ok? lol




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Posted 14 September 2014 - 10:35 PM

The racing was excellent all weekend. Both crate races were good. Daryl and Colton put on a good show and they both ran each other very clean. Saterlee won both night, yes, However, last night Alex was getting ready to move in for the lead before a caution came out and tonight Devin Moran was ready to make a move and again the yellow came out. 

#16 flash49


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Posted 14 September 2014 - 10:37 PM

I'm not concerned with the politics of any race track, I go to see good racing.  When I no longer see good racing, I will quit going. 




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Posted 15 September 2014 - 06:09 AM

Thus is the kind of crap they pull and the reason they get no cars unless it's a series race. Drivers can't trust them. They are a scourge on the face of racing in the area and are doing nothing but trying to take everything they can out of area racing.

Now their #1 licker will find someway to defend them and tell you what a great show the low car count of local (the field wasn't even regional) after watching Satterlee lead 99 laps lol.


Lets hope the Miley's do the smart thing and sell the place to Ferree, although they seem to want to punish local race fans as long as possible and run the place into the ground until there's nothing left.  The only way things are going to get any better there is if somebody else buys it.  The way they run the place they act like the track is an inconvenience to them so sell it and just show up and race on Saturdays.

Edited by GEARHEAD, 15 September 2014 - 06:11 AM.

#18 4FUN


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 07:35 AM

I'm not concerned with the politics of any race track, I go to see good racing.  When I no longer see good racing, I will quit going. 


But the whole problem is that the politics dictate the racing by affecting the car count and quality of the field....

#19 Street Stocker

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 07:57 AM


But the whole problem is that the politics dictate the racing by affecting the car count and quality of the field....


Ding Ding Ding Ding.   Exactly!    They have run off a lot of race teams, which affects the racing!  

#20 raceover5


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Posted 15 September 2014 - 08:32 AM

Pittsburgher was horrible fan count wise and hardly any campers compared to what it was last yr, talk about the flip side. Sunday was obvious that you can pay x amount to win and still get no cars. Example late models and crates.

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