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Length of intake manifold variable?

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#1 Lancesher


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Posted 25 November 2014 - 03:07 AM

We usually see the length of the intake manifold of the engine like are fixed, it can also change the length? In fact, in the intake manifold installation control valve, through its opening and closing the intake manifold can be divided into two sections, thereby changing its effective length. That change in the length of the intake manifold what effect? Mainly to improve the efficiency of the engine intake at different speeds, so as to enhance engine parts performance at various speeds.


When the engine is running at low speed, black control valve is closed, the air forced into the cylinder from the long pipe manifold, can increase the intake of air velocity and pressure, so that a better mix of gasoline and air, burning more fully (this is a bit like the water is not after emergency plumbing pinch flat, schematic flow velocity becomes anxious like). When the engine speed increases, the control valve opens, the lower end of the airflow bypass conduit directly into the cylinder, then faster more air, increasing the amount of intake air at high engine speeds.


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