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UFo Championship Schedule as of 1/1/15

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#1 UFo Championship

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Posted 01 January 2015 - 11:36 PM

2015 UFo Championship Schedule

up to 5 additional dates available for 2015


Saturday, May 23 / Port Royal Speedway / Heroes of Port Royal / 33 laps / $2,000


Sunday, May 24 / Hesston  Speedway / DR Eriksen Grand Prix / 56 laps / $4,000


Friday, June 12 / Dog Hollow Speedway / Shawn McGarvey Championship 41 laps / $3,000


Thursday, July 2 / Hesston Speedway / Revolution 2015 / 44 laps / $3,000


Friday, July 10 / Tyler County Speedway / Mega-100 / 44 laps / $5,000


Saturday, July 11 / Tyler County Speedway / Mega-100 / 44 laps /$5,000


Sunday, July 19 / Dog Hollow Speedway / Connor Bobik Championship / 41 laps / $3,000


Saturday July 25 / Hesston Speedway / Speedmonster Mach 3 / 2-30 laps / $4,000 total


Saturday, Sept 5 / Port Royal Speedway / Butch Renninger 33 / 33 laps / $3,300 plus bonus


Sunday, Sept 6 / Hesston Speedway / Superthunder Road / 44 laps / $3,000


Thu-Fri-Sat, Sept 24-25-26 / Dog Hollow Speedway / ThunderDog Showdown / TBA / $TBA




Edited by UFo Championship, 01 January 2015 - 11:36 PM.


#2 The Legend

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Posted 02 January 2015 - 05:48 AM

Shouldn't you add a few thousand adjectives to this post ????

#3 DegenerationX


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Posted 02 January 2015 - 12:42 PM

Saturday July 25 / Hesston Speedway / Speedmonster Mach 3 / 2-30 laps / $4,000 total

The feature will randomly be between 2 and 30 laps?  Sounds pretty shady to me!  Determine the length of the race depending on which drivers start where.  I'd be pretty pissed if I drove the whole way to Hesston for a 2 lap feature.
^^^Read with heavy sarcasm^^^

#4 714d


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Posted 02 January 2015 - 06:33 PM

Some races with time limits were right around 2 laps at some tracks. Haha. Very cool to see this series back. Glad they got a few tracks on board.

#5 Fwig


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 06:37 PM

How about two 30 lap features paying $2000 to win each.

#6 bhhracing


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 09:49 PM

no ppms races or mercer, sharon?

#7 ShiphasSailed


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Posted 04 January 2015 - 08:26 AM

What does UFO even mean? Don't you have a responsibility to the new Hesston owners that you are going to promote their track? Promote a track or do a series. If Hesston has half the UFO dates then for your benefit are you getting rich on the UFO races at Hesston or Hesston having UFO races? And how did you convince other track owners to get caught in this web?  A good promoter of a speedway would have scheduled 4 higher paying super late model shows, run them as unsanctioned or get a real sanction to do it, and then devote your time and effort into the track you're promoting, not to make up a series,  and use your track you're promoting to get dates for it. Just smells funny.

Edited by ShiphasSailed, 04 January 2015 - 08:30 AM.

#8 bhhracing


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Posted 04 January 2015 - 09:08 AM

wait till the checks bounce :rolleyes:

#9 Fast Lane Life

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Posted 04 January 2015 - 11:05 AM

All commnets are embedded by event...

Really...a lot of laps for mediocre winners pay....what is the rest of the payoff? You put a link to the website and under the purse section only the winners share is listed. This is a crazy payout...should be only a 20 (UFO 21) lap feature especially at Port Royal.
Saturday, May 23 / Port Royal Speedway / Heroes of Port Royal / 33 laps / $2,000

Forty laps would be sufficient for this event...ok in the UFO world 41
Sunday, May 24 / Hesston Speedway / DR Eriksen Grand Prix / 56 laps / $4,000

This should only be 30 (31) laps....
Friday, June 12 / Dog Hollow Speedway / Shawn McGarvey Championship 41 laps / $3,000

Ditto the previous remarks...
Thursday, July 2 / Hesston Speedway / Revolution 2015 / 44 laps / $3,000

Actually this could be 50 laps provided the rest of the purse is reasonable and not a " Dolly Parton" deal with second being $2,000 (past history). For this type of event fifth should be $1,000 and at least $400 to start.
Friday, July 10 / Tyler County Speedway / Mega-100 / 44 laps / $5,000

Saturday, July 11 / Tyler County Speedway / Mega-100 / 44 laps /$5,000

See June 12th's comments...
Sunday, July 19 / Dog Hollow Speedway / Connor Bobik Championship / 41 laps / $3,000

Really....60 laps for $4000 total winners share....twin 20's with $2,000 to win each, but the problem is the rest of the payoff. Again past history indicates potential problems. ...
Saturday July 25 / Hesston Speedway / Speedmonster Mach 3 / 2-30 laps / $4,000 total

The Memorial for Butch, who was a supporter of Late Models at the predominantly sprint oriented facility could be $4000 to win for 40 laps...this winners share is reasonable for this event but compared to the opener something is off...bonuses need to be posted so there is no wondering...
Saturday, Sept 5 / Port Royal Speedway / Butch Renninger 33 / 33 laps / $3,300 plus bonus

See June 12ths comments...
Sunday, Sept 6 / Hesston Speedway / Superthunder Road / 44 laps / $3,000

Doug's latest attempt at Fall Fest's reincarnination at track three or four....
Thu-Fri-Sat, Sept 24-25-26 / Dog Hollow Speedway / ThunderDog Showdown / TBA / $TBA

With the costs associated with fielding a Super Late Model today, if you are going to keep the prize money downsized then the total number of laps need to be commencerute to the payoff. There are at least 87 extra laps than necessary for the offered winners share. Why would anyone want to incur travel cost to a distant central Pennsylvania track for only a couple of hundred dollars (Port Royal opener) than they can make by staying at their home track. Port is a good track to host these events but common sense needs to be applied....poor support from the west will not aid the pill-draw format. The $150 tow money will not even cover the fuel cost to tow there and back from western PA. I know the goal is to make the show, but if it is only $250 or so to start (which is speculation based on past history) it is going to be a tough financial decision to go or stay home.

Past practice of this organization has been to have total payoff that declines fairly rapidly from the boasted winners share. Inconsistent laps for the same winners share is a concern for the racer due to inherent costs of team operation. Track size is a variable but realistically speaking the rationale does not appear to be consistent.

And before you say there is no entry fee....that is a cost on top of weekly operational costs. Racers don't race to become independently wealthy, but the need a fair return on investment to continue operating. Without racers series nor tracks have anything to promote or sell to the fans.

#10 Skull



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Posted 04 January 2015 - 11:21 AM

Hesston will probably do okay with the UFO races, beyond that, who knows? I looked at their schedule, aside from the UFO races there, not too much of anything to get excited about. Not for me to travel two hours to, even for the specials.


Regarding the UFO, it's a little curious that their website has a "payoff" hotlink, and the only payoffs listed are the winners. Are they going to wait to see how many teams show up, then announce what 2nd through 20th/25th pay? Sounds a little like the John Kennedy/Vikki Emig style of promotion to me.

#11 The Legend

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Posted 04 January 2015 - 12:06 PM

Fast lane you have to understand gear heads body makes his 2 hole moist just thinking about a pill draw ... Your exactly right .... Drive to port royal , Pull a 96 pill and start last and beat your car to death try to make the field on that monster track and make 200 to start. I understand tracks can't afford to pay more than that but driving there for pill draws doesn't make sense

#12 UFo Championship

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Posted 04 January 2015 - 02:14 PM

The 2015 UFo Championship is the same structure the tour has always had. 


UFo is a track alliance.   There is no owner of UFo.  All tracks involved are partners.    No individual person or track makes any profits off "owning" the UFo Championship.  Tracks make profits off their own actual events, and drivers win payoff prize money and point fund money.  There are no sanction fees to the tracks.   If a track implements an entry fee on an event, it goes back to the track. 


Each track is paying $1,000/event into a point fund, tracks hire any traveling official(s) as an employee of their track for that event, and they pay a $125 admin fee to maintain the website, Constant Contact subscription, any advertising, etc.  Anything that is left over from the admin fees goes into the point fund and to the drivers.


100% of all sponsor contributions go into the point fund and to the drivers.  Nobody retains any of those funds.   From 2008-2011, the point fund was paid by the track chosen to retain those funds, as soon as all sponsors sent their payment at season-end.


All events have standard car rules, procedures and payoffs.  The tracks are in the process of determining the base payoff for events and the full payoff will be posted on the UFo website and in any PR well before the event.    


Instead of running these events unsanctioned, the tracks have chosen to make them part of the tour and to pay the drivers involved a season-ending point fund.


Once tracks secure their dates, they are their dates as long as they want to renew them.  A couple of the tracks involved ran into the situation where their dates were given away to other tracks in the past by the other organization that they were working with.   UFo has always given the tracks their dates back, since the tracks are in control of UFo.   The concept was successful in 2008-2011.   The tracks involved have seen the value in controlling their own tour to keep their dates secure, eliminate unnecessary costs of entry fees,  and to be sure all sponsorship funds and point fund contributions end up In the hands of the drivers.

Edited by UFo Championship, 05 January 2015 - 01:17 AM.

#13 bhhracing


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Posted 04 January 2015 - 04:56 PM

Their will be an entry fee for every race, just give it time and closer to the event.

#14 TEAM29


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 02:42 PM

No Sharon, lol, only could wish.... :wacko:


#15 Gasface25


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 08:05 PM

May I suggest at least a happy medium between fans and teams and go with the warm-up time trial format. Won't kill tracks like standard warm-ups then time trials do. Drivers have the ability to position themselves in a heat without it being a burden on the fans who pay to see the show. Before NDRL Northeast went up in smoke, i thought that was the most logical agreeance for fans and drivers. Track stays decent, and drivers get a fair shake to control their destiny. Every fan that claims to like a pill draw, is the fan who likes to see your top dog start at the tail of a heat on a track that's piss poorly prepared for a driver to do so without trashing out his equipment or three other guys to get to the front. But the real problems with a pill draw that hurts said argument are this besides track prep.


1. To often then not the one or two drivers at every track that should never under any circumstances be on the front row, end up there. The rest of the field spends an entire heat defensive driving or they end up trashed.


2. Using two drivers as example, say Satterlee and Miley. If Miley is fortunate enough to draw pole heat 1 and Satterlee starts 7th in heat 3, Realistically it's gonna be very hard for your top two cars to even be able to race with each other through the night. Miley wins heat 1 and Satterlee gets to 4th. Feature time and Miley lines up 2nd and Satterlee 14th. Satterlee can be great, but may never get the opportunity to to race with Miley if he checks out.


Just my 2 cents. Bash away.

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