This has nothing to do with back gate pricing or the level of competition in Nascar but I feel that I needed to share this.. A good friend of mine( Blackflag) lost his mom this early this week. As young bucks we enjoyed many good times together.. but as most stories go we lost touch. He went off to serve our country in the army, I can not thank him and all that serve enough for our freedom, but we reconnected due to our love of racing. His Mom was a very special person who loved and cared for everyone.. she was one who always said " don't get caught up in the problem but look for a solution". She was always happy to see you and asked how the family was doing.. and she meant it. At this time I would like to send my deepest sympathies & gratitude to a fellow racer, a good friend, and a retired defender of our country.. I am a better person because I meet your mom!!