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Trailer Race of Destruction

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#1 motordrome


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Posted 26 July 2015 - 04:01 PM



This Friday Night at Motordrome will be the Trailer Race of Destruction! 


Stay glued to your seats while cars, vans and pick-up trucks drag trailers, boats and campers around the track.  Two different kinds of racers enter this event, those out to win and those out for chaos and desolation.  During this event, the annihilation of trailers and campers end in a carnage pillage. It’s where old boats and campers go to die.  During the event,  every driver is out to take out as many other cars as possible.  This metal crushing event promises only one last functional car as the sole winner, the last man (or woman) standing.  This event will leave the drivers and the audience wanting so much more, and there’s always more.


Space is limited so be sure to pre-register by emailing the Speedway at info@motordrome.com.  Rules can be viewed at www.motordrome.com and clicking on Rules under the Competition tab.  Or, copy and paste the below link to your browser!




All five NASCAR Divisions will also be in action as points battles and rivalries are heating up for the 2nd half of the season.  


#2 Retort



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Posted 26 July 2015 - 08:09 PM

164 Motordrome Rd
Smithton, PA 15479
Off of exit #49 on I-70.
Here is the location for this event if you aren't from the area!

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