If your a racer your in it for personal success, not for fun. The fun comes from where you find your success.
For some racers depending on their skill and ability to put what's needed to win on a track, the reward can be one almost perfect lap, to make a feature or to finish a race. For others it can be to become known for the most wins.
The thing is if your a racer you take your highs when ever and from where ever you get them. Your in it for the highs of racing and to find and stretch your limit towards success. Your not there for the lows thrown at you by fans. He won a race, that's it that's all it's about. But is that all it's about for him? If he's a racer the answer is no.
From reading his words over years now on here, all I see from him about racing is striving for a higher goal. He won a race and he's put a new racing challenge on himself, that is what racing is about. I'm sure he sees his deck building in the same way, with the next deck having to be more rewarding then the last. Racing is an art the same as building is an art. The reality is only what the racer or builder see's, of what's being presented for view. Fans of art can only come to understand what's being presented to them from their level or perspective. Only the artist be it racer, painter, sculptor or builder, will know the true level of what is presented.