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What Dow Carnahan meant to me as a fan

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Posted 30 April 2016 - 08:22 PM

Sharing this from my facebook.



We all have memories from our childhood. Whether it was family vacations, going to school, or eagerly awaiting a visit from Kris Kringle every December 25th. For me, most of my childhood memories that I look back fondly on in someway involve dirt track racing. My parents started taking me to Pittsburgh's Pennsylvania Motor Speedway when I was very young. From then on, I have been totally in love with the sport. I am proud to say that I have encountered droves and droves of quality, outstanding people in the sport. Some of my very dear close friendships were born at the track. 

Today, as I was getting ready to go watch one of my best friends son play baseball, I checked my phone and happened to go on facebook and came across that post that informed everyone that Dow Carnahan had passed away. I could not believe it and was totally floored by the news. I just heard Dow announce the season opener at Lernerville on April 15th. I could just not process that he was taken from us. Now as I sit here, with tears in my eyes, I wanted to write something just to explain what Dow meant to me and why I feel he was and will always be the best announcer in dirt track racing in this area.
I had the extreme pleasure to listen to Dow call so many races over the years. He was like a friend to everyone who was at the speedway for the nights racing. When we heard Dow, we knew that we would be well informed and entertained for the night of racing we had gathered for. He was always meticulously prepared. I can picture it in my head right now, 6 pm on a Saturday night at the track. Dow would say in his smooth delivery, "welcome racefans to Pittsburgh's Pennsylvania Motor Speedway". When I heard those words, I knew it was time for the action to soon follow. Dow would announce any new cars who were there for the first time, so I would know who the new players were in the pits. As a fan, I felt like Dow was sitting right next to me, giving me the information that myself as a fan would want to know. He would always been down in the pits at 5 with his pen and clipboard going around saying hello to the drivers and getting any information that he felt would be important to relay to the fans. At 7 pm sharp, Dow would ask the fans to rise and gentlemen to remove their caps for the playing of the national anthem and I would be so happy knowing it was now show time. Once the racing began, I always knew Dow would keep me informed as the night went on. He would always announce the drivers and sponsors in every race and he did it so smoothly as if he knew the drivers sponsors by heart!  Dow probably got the most exercise of anyone on race night too as he would have to go from the press box down to the track, conduct the interview with the feature winner then head back up to the pressbox. 
We were all blessed to be able to listen to Dow announce races for so many years. While I am heartbroken that I will never get to hear him announce another race, I consider myself lucky to have been able to hear the best for as long as I did. I will miss seeing him at Pittsburgh, always with a smile on his face and saying hello to him. I take comfort in knowing as I watch old races, I will still be able to hear Dow announcing in that same immaculate voice that I first heard when I was young. I always said I wanted to try my hand at announcing. If I could go back in time, I would have loved to announce just 1 race with Dow.
Dow I just want to thank you for all the enjoyment and entertainment you provided for myself and so many others over the years, I wish I could have told you in person, but I know you will be looking down on us now with the best seat in the house. You truly were a legend, god speed my friend until we meet again. 


#2 old man d

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Posted 30 April 2016 - 10:08 PM

Cleetus Inc. Thank You for sharing. That was very well put.

#3 Walt Wimer

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Posted 30 April 2016 - 10:30 PM

Great tribute!!



#4 23wellerfan31


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Posted 01 May 2016 - 12:08 AM

Very well written!  Thank you.

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#5 blue by you

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Posted 01 May 2016 - 09:15 AM

wow!!!! what a nice tribute.....thank you.

#6 Don88


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Posted 01 May 2016 - 09:37 AM

Excellent, and right on!~


#7 pudnats


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Posted 02 May 2016 - 06:45 AM

good read

Somethings just seem backwards.

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