So i just want to start out by saying that i am absolutely ashamed of western PA race fans. I went to the speedweeks show at wayne county and they didn't start their all star feature till 11 o'clock doing a pretty extensive bit of track prep in between The race wasn't over till almost midnight and outta that packed house that was there i didn't hear hardly anyone complaining about the time being taken to make a better racing surface. The race wasn't the greatest but as a fan i was appreciative of the fact that they took the time to try to put on the best show possible i had to be up the next day to go to work i knew that when i went and i wasn't expecting to be home at decent hour when i went.
Then the very next night at Sharon Speedway Tony didn't like that track and he wanted some track work done before the feature. The fans start shouting about how long its taking to get the race going and so and so forth. Those same fans that would have bitched about the track conditions if they didn't do the track prep. So what are they supposed to do. We as fans need to have a little bit of patients when it comes to the track surface if we want to see some good racing and get our moneys worth out of the deal. Not to mention the drivers deserve to have the best track surface to race on.
Then there's last night at Mercer. Now just about everytime i get on this site i see people on here complaining about how dusty it is at mercer and how they need to water the track and do more track prep. So they did that last night and people complain about how long it takes to get the show done....its a Saturday night on the 4th of july weekend what do you need to rush home for? Be glad we get to see the racing we get to see. i was personally really glad to see them take the time do some track prep i honestly wish they would have done more prep to the track and put a little more water to it i love to see a good race at mercer when that tracks right it can produce some amazing races.
I guess the moral of this is what do you think a track is supposed to do? how are they supposed to give the fans the conditions they want to see and do it in a blazing fast timely manner for you upset racing fans that have to sit there? Now ill admit playing some music that isn't from the 50's might help. Having a good working PA system that can find some way to keep the little ones entertained or maybe make the fans not realize that as much time is passing because they are entertained by other things could help. I'm not sure what it is i don't know if its the track or the fans that need to change but somethings need to break. i can remember being a little kid not leaving the track till after midnight. it was a given that we were going to be there all night.