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a way to help local race tracks

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#1 Dudemandude


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Posted 15 August 2016 - 04:01 PM

As many of us wonder what would be away to help these race tracks make more money though out the season. I have recently started getting more into Youtube finding some youtubers that i find entertaining and watching alot of racing videos on youtube. With that being said i also found out that these Youtubers make a pretty ridiculous amount of money. some of them make 7 figures a year off of videos.


Now it all depends on views and ad time and all that. With the racing community being what it is and how supportive they can be i am shocked that the race tracks don't have youtube channels. They could make weekly highlight videos they could live stream their weekly program they could do driver profiles with sponsored ad's that generate revenue all year round for the track. do off season vlogs of whats going on around the track and whats all in the works for the schedule and soo on.


It just seems like a big chunk of money is being missed out on. Of course the community would have to be the people watching and sharing and helping advertise these videos but it could be a huge chunk of money for these race tracks that might help them stay in business may help bring some money to the purses of the local tracks may help bring in sponsorship money if they see that their business will be advertised on a video that could be viewed by hundreds of thousands of people...maybe i'm wrong and none of this would ever work but i have searched and i do not see many if any tracks that really take youtube seriously as a source of revenue.


I mean realistically who doesn't have a smart phone with the youtube app installed on it? how many of us wouldn't enjoy being able to go to every local track's youtube page and seeing a weekly highlight series or full programs on youtube. i know there's probably plenty of men and women over seas that would love to be able to see what their local friends are doing at the track every week or the folks with health problems that can't make it to the track every week that would be able to pull out there phone or turn on their computer and see the races.


#2 DavyLee2



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Posted 15 August 2016 - 04:22 PM

Great idea!

#3 D1RT



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Posted 15 August 2016 - 04:27 PM

IMO Loudpedal Productions is the best there is and i'm sure they make a nice wad of jack but 7 figures??



#4 Dudemandude


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Posted 15 August 2016 - 04:45 PM

I'm not saying loud pedal makes 7 figures but the youtubers that upload a video day and get over a million views on each video are making in the 7 figure area (Pewdiepie,Movies,Youtube Spotlight,ect). I don't know that any of our area tracks will make anywhere near that but it is possible there's alotta race fans out there that could make something like that happen, but even if they could make an extra 10-20K a year off of youtube thats a good bit of money for a track could make up the difference in what is lost in a year to help keep them in business and grow on youtube with time.

#5 714d


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Posted 15 August 2016 - 06:12 PM

Ask redneck race chasers what he gets out of it He pretty much does what you're saying. Always videos from somewhere each week. What's the average views, and what's he making? It could grow if you made more of a production out of it rather than just videos, but I'm guessing if it were a gold mine we would still be watching episodes of "pit pass" each week.

I do like the idea, but I'm a bit skeptical. Please, someone prove me wrong though. I'd love to see it be successful.

#6 Dudemandude


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Posted 15 August 2016 - 06:22 PM

thats why i am saying a track needs to run it. It could be better advertised and promoted by the track. maybe the fans would be more likely to watch if they knew it helped out the track and yes production is a big part. 

this guy has a 3 video series on youtube money how it works and how it can be made.

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