You people are unbelievable! Really? Howie has a lot of knowledge of local racing, yes hes a little loud on the mike. But maybe someone should have given him a little heads up?! And to insinuate that he had anything to do with any tracks downfall is absurd!
100% agree! Howie is the best guy ever for racing! He knows every driver....every owner...what car they have...what engines they have....who used to own it and who works on and pays for. Its his Lifes work. If he isn't anouncing...he is photographing. And if he isn't doing that... He is marketing. Racing needs a ton More Howie's. Give Latrobe a chance...they will get things worked out. That is one of the finest racetracks in America. My personal favorite. Now if they only ran Superlatemodels! They would really have somehting!