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#21 Retort



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Posted 27 August 2019 - 09:19 AM

Possibly/probably nothing, maybe a lot.  Being I was at Mercer Saturday and Sandusky Sunday I can't place a value or relevance on it for you.

Because you were at Sandusky, you must have heard about the Dirty 30. Dirt cars on asphalt. Well due to your extensive knowledge, I'm requesting that you become crew chief for me. Take one of my cars and prepare it for the asphalt ! Whatdoyathink ???????


#22 dirtstudent2



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Posted 27 August 2019 - 11:41 AM

Because you were at Sandusky, you must have heard about the Dirty 30. Dirt cars on asphalt. Well due to your extensive knowledge, I'm requesting that you become crew chief for me. Take one of my cars and prepare it for the asphalt ! Whatdoyathink ???????


As it obviously shows I don't have extensive knowledge on anything.  If you were foolish enough to let me do something like that you'd put a total toad and pig of a car on the track.  I didn't listen much to the announcement.  Now looking on the web I see it will be on a Thursday Oct 3rd.  Unless something shitty happens health wise I'll be there.  Let me know which cars you'll have there it would be fun to meet you.    

#23 dirtstudent2



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Posted 29 August 2019 - 08:39 AM

Quoting the end of one of my previous post in this thread:


">snip<  When you loose grip at the left and the right side tires are already at or beyond their limit, you have lost grip at all 4 wheels.  Your left side tires have lost grip because you asked too much of them and since there not working all weight goes to the right and the rights if they were working even a little, now quit working.  The end result is your in a 4 wheel drift condition.

That's the scenario and the reason cars can get into a 4 wheel drift when a track goes from grip to slick.  I see PPMS as a good example of where the scenario can take place.
The fix is the driver must slow down because the car has been adjusted to over use the left side tires.  What's missed in what I've presented so far is it's not realized when making setup considerations. when a track slicks up there is only one thing for certain.  That one thing is ... "
"That one thing when the track goes from grip to slick is "you will be going slower".  
No use going on unless were all on the same page about what you must do to fix a 4 wheel drift and here is the answer:  The fix four a four wheel drift is either the driver must slow down and/or you must get more use out of your right side tires.
If and since you got into the 4 wheel drift condition because you adjusted to get more use out of your left side tires when the track went from grip to slick, the obvious quick answer is your going to back off on adjustments you made to use the left side tires more.
That's the quick and obvious of it but it does not take into consideration the one thing which will always happen when the track goes from grip to slick is "you will be going slower".  If you only back off on adjustments you made to use the left side tires more, for your driver to fix the 4 wheel drift on the track will have to slow even more.  
Because when the track goes from grip to slick you will be going slower to fix a 4 wheel drift you must also ... 
... and I'm on here for >my fun< and because I like to write thoughts down about stuff and why things work the way they do on the track.  The name on here is dirtstudent, I expressed my thoughts on something racing related and would appreciate it if you pointed out what parts are full of it and wrong, explaining my errors and i'll learn something from you.  :)

#24 WannaRace


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Posted 29 August 2019 - 09:11 AM

Has anyone heard any updates on Tim Shaffer ?  Other than him running his late model ?

#25 Walt Wimer

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Posted 29 August 2019 - 10:34 AM

Nothing so far!!!  Hard to find a ride at this point in the season!!!  Likely next year.





#26 DavyLee2



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Posted 29 August 2019 - 11:35 AM

Has anyone heard any updates on Tim Shaffer ?  Other than him running his late model ?

Tim was spotted drinking beer at little T,s in Hanover township
Last Sunday night

#27 Walt Wimer

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Posted 29 August 2019 - 12:06 PM

What does that prove????  A lot of people drink BEER!!!   Myself included!!!



#28 WannaRace


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Posted 29 August 2019 - 01:50 PM

Tim was spotted drinking beer at little T,s in Hanover township
Last Sunday night

You and DS2 need to start hanging out together.

#29 burghfan



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Posted 29 August 2019 - 07:41 PM

You and DS2 need to start hanging out together.


As long as they don't reproduce.

#30 zero hero2

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Posted 29 August 2019 - 09:03 PM

What does that prove????  A lot of people drink BEER!!!   Myself included!!!



Maybe your on to something . Tim and Cody got let go because of their partying ways . The owner wasn't pleased with the behavior .

#31 sprntr2011


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Posted 30 August 2019 - 07:50 AM

What does that prove????  A lot of people drink BEER!!!   Myself included!!!



hmmmm,,,,,somoene asked for an update he gave an update,,,,,,yu mad??? lololololol

#32 dirtstudent2



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Posted 30 August 2019 - 09:28 AM

I'm with Walt and enjoy not only a beer but my share of whiskey too.


You all with your back stabbing negative asshole crap are exactly what you spew.


I have seen Tim Shaffer all around the country 100's of times and had the privilege to listen to him on a couple occasions over the years from karting events many years ago to 410 racing.  I remember everyone not leaving Hickory Speedway after Beeber usually won the 410, until the pay phone rang at the track with a report of how Tim did that Saturday on the road.  Tim Shaffer is if not the greatest with patience and the know how to use what he rides correctly when needed and at all times, be it a kart or 410, one of the best there ever was and is in the seat of a race car.  Cody comes from a great racing family.  When I heard Tim Shaffer after winning an early race in their racing relationship how he said it's now good to not have to worry about what needs done to the car, says it all. 


You all with your slime ball, ignert, signifying fingers need to show some respect instead of your sleazy up bringing.




And to get out of this thread I'm going to add the last part to the thoughts of how stuff works on the track and in this case thought about a 4 wheel drift when the track goes from grip or some grip to slick.



The last thing needed added to my thoughts about when the track slicks up and a 4 wheel drift was adjusted  into the car because of the need to initially engage and use the left side tires more is repeating myself "the car will be going slower on the track".   Yes the fix for a 4 wheel drift is still to do things to be able to use the right side tires more but because when you slow on the track the not so obvious thing which also occurs is because the car is going slower you have "less on track forces" available to operate your chassis.  What's so often missed is the track goes from grip to slick and the left side tires are brought in more via adjustment which is needed but what's not done are things to make the chassis easier to operate because because your going slower, "there are less on track forces available to operate your chassis". 


That was explained to me around 15 years ago now at Lincoln by a famous racer who became a racing friend when 410 were first putting the car tied down hard on the left rear shock rubber instead of having the left rear corner down on the torsion bar exclusively.   The net of the conversation was when the track goes from grip to slick and a bigger left rear is put on the car, with how the left rear of the car is now being pretty much locked down solid with shocks what's the need to take turns out of the left rear to compensate for the larger tire?  Isn't it the shock and not the torsion bar which is now determining what is 'down' for the left rear of the car?  My questions were thought about and the reply which I then and to this day include in my thoughts of how stuff works on the track was,  "yes, but when the tracks slicks up your going slower on the track and there are less on track forces available to operate your car, so turns are still taken out to make it 'easier' for the chassis to operate".  Since then 15 years ago things have progressed from lock it down on the left rear and the work with how the right rear goes up and down to bump stops becoming involved in dual spring rates and left rear corners which are sudo locked down.  A few years back having the same conversation with Fred Raimers former setup man, it was explained to me that yes it looks like left rear corners are still locked down solid but with the fast cars are not totally locked down. 


What I wrote up until now was in general.  From talking to some famous people over the last 15 years I'm adding and ending my thoughts in this thread about a 4 wheel drift and late models by saying I don't know what needs done on a Late model or big block modified to make the chassis easier to operate over to the right side.  But the fix for a 4 wheel drift which has been adjusted into the car when a track goes from grip to slick is to BOTH do things to be again able to use the right side tires more AND do things to make it EASIER for the chassis to operate because your going slower and have less on track forces available to you to operate your chassis.

#33 dirtstudent2



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Posted 30 August 2019 - 09:51 AM

One thing I forgot is yes I know for a time along with the initial use of shock rubbers on the left rear corner how left rear ride height was fine tuned by installing different length shock heims.  Maybe that's still being done today but after being told the 'fast' cars are not actually locked down solid on the left rear I moved on to trying to learn and consider shock rubbers brought in as part of dual and multiple spring rates.  I suspect but don't know that Dave Blaney's car is not just about getting rid of torsion bars but also a designed in way to fine tune dual spring rates.  I was told Dave's car is about having the shock in it's original position with arm lengths remaining the same.  But maybe any more explained to me would be giving away secrete's, I don't know and will trust what I was told is correct.

#34 DavyLee2



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Posted 30 August 2019 - 11:01 AM

[quote name="Walt Wimer" post="444813" timestamp="1567098381"]What does that prove????  A lot of people drink BEER!!!   Myself included!!!
He drinks beer?
Was talking about the Adjustment they made on the Latemodel that didn’t help much and the other cars in the field of 10 that could win

nothing about Sprint cars to report and I’m not saying he would tell me anyways
The guy above asked about any news other than the Latemodel ?
just a beer and wings lol a lighthearted j/k ? No guess not

#35 DirtxxxRacing


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Posted 30 August 2019 - 11:17 AM

Just saw on Facebook that Tim will be racing at Attica and Wayne County this weekend in a Haudenschild racing sprint.

#36 Hot Dog

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Posted 30 August 2019 - 12:20 PM

Just saw on Facebook that Tim will be racing at Attica and Wayne County this weekend in a Haudenschild racing sprint.

Its Ron Gorbys car. They probably just have it at Hauds so Cody can go through.

#37 Hot Dog

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Posted 30 August 2019 - 12:22 PM

I'm with Walt and enjoy not only a beer but my share of whiskey too.

We can tell. Explains a lot

#38 DirtxxxRacing


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Posted 30 August 2019 - 01:22 PM

Its Ron Gorbys car. They probably just have it at Hauds so Cody can go through.


Oh, ok, thank you for the correction.

#39 dirtstudent2



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Posted 30 August 2019 - 01:41 PM

All good news




#40 DirtxxxRacing


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Posted 30 August 2019 - 07:50 PM

Finished 2nd in his heat.

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