Matt Miley is not a dummy and is a good businessman or PPMS would have closed years ago.
I think it's good business for him to put a $2500 to win 410 show against Mercer.
And it's not about attracting Fremont racers, who are more likely to go to Wayne county then PPMS.
He going to get fans in the stands he would not normally get to see 410's on the big track.
... BUTT, total payout because there will likely be very few cars there will be low.
Net of it is he can advertise 410's there and not have to fork over as much cash to the racers.
He'd shit his pants and loose money if a full field of 410's showed up.
It's a win win for him.
The more cars that go to Mercer, the more his payout is reduced and profit goes up.
No matter how few 410's show, he still reaps the hopeful benefit of additional fans and concession sales.
So 410 racers SUPPORT PPMS today and go race at Mercer.
edit: IMHO there's nothing wrong with him having 410's there today.
It's his ballpark and his bat and balls. Hope both Mercer and PPMS make out well money wise today.
Edited by dirtstudent2, 21 August 2021 - 10:54 AM.