Let the attacks begin along with the why and reasoning of it so I can learn something
First off Merry Christmas that and your belief in God is all that really matters anyway.
... have fun:
Understanding stagger:
1. Yes a bigger RR tire in general allows you to roll around a turn faster.
2. Because speeds in the turn vary and the amount of turning you do at the ends of the track varies the weight on each rear tire must be adjusted while on the track either manually or dynamically via the chassis to tune available grip at each rear tire.
3. The only constant you have between the two rear tires is the difference in surface speeds of each rear tire.
4. Rotation help from your staggered sloid axle is about the difference in grip available between each rear tire and the track because of the difference in surface speed of each rear tire, the tires ability to grip and how and where weight is directed to and from a tire.
If your going to understand LTO's you need to understand the above over solid axles and just unloading the inside rear tire to efficiently go thru a turn which is also part of LTO.
The difference between LTO LR unloading and non staggered solid axle racing is though both will unload the LR, solid axle racers without stagger must unload the inside rear to be efficient and LTO racers with stagger and solid axle can use load on the LR to increase efficiency.
Beyond the above it's all about how much available grip you have verses your available hp and when and where you need to use grip.
Most if not all on track setup problems are the result of trying to apply grip where needed without causing a conflict for control of direction between tires.
The closer you can get to having all four tires wanting to roll in the direction the driver needs to go at the limit of available grip, will let you use the most available hp and maintain the most available speed.
Increase conflict for control of direction between any two tires and you will go slower.
... lastly grip must be available 'before' weight or hp is applied to any tire for it to be used in any way.
... last lastly weight to or from a tire depending on need and track conditions is either banged into or away from the track or it is eased into or away from the track.