Bad Rumor
#21 Guest_push_*
Posted 16 August 2007 - 07:35 PM
Posted 19 August 2007 - 01:59 AM
Posted 19 August 2007 - 10:27 AM
Hey Dan,
I personally wouldn't give you a red cent for anything after your nice stunt tonight! What the hell were you thinking? After the events earlier in the night, you would think that everyone would be observant of red flags, instead of using it for an opportunity to stage your own demolition derby. It's nice that you had to take track personnel away from a crash scene trying to get the driver out of his truck after a hard flip with a partially collapsed roll cage to babysit your tantrum.
The decent, and thoughtful posts I see on here from you sure didn't seem like the idiot that was out there tonight.
Posted 20 August 2007 - 10:57 AM
Posted 20 August 2007 - 11:54 AM
Hay Tim I remenber not to many years ago at lima you done about the same think to a car. Now I will say it wasent under a red fiag but you got hit in a heat race & you stuffed the car back into the wall then went back to the pits & let your butt over ride your mouth by telling the person that no body would drive you like that and get away with it. You will probley not remenber but thats ok. and as for the rest of you people that have to quote a persons post then reply with one word needs to go back a few races and think what happened comning off 4 to the cheacker flag. no room to talk or pass judgement. every driver even I have paid another driver back by using my car as a weapon. So come on Tim C back off alittle
lol, my butt overrode my mouth? That's news to me.....sounds like someone is inflating their stories. Your story is pretty far skewed as well.. I have no problem with Dan, but was pretty disappointed with the it seems he is pretty disappointed in himself too. I do understand how things happen, and people get caught up in the heat of the moment. The incident you speak of happened in the B. A car could not pass me clean after 8-10 hits on the rear bumper, and a slidejob I let clear and diamonded back under him in the HEAT RACE. Less time was spent trying to race in the B, and I took a right rear tire to the door driving me all the way up to the wall successfully wiping out both sides of a new $1500 body and lettering. So after the checkered flag when I pulled beside said driver, they chose to ignore me, and cut me off to exit the track. I didn't stuff him into the wall, my car stalled before I successfully bulldozed it there. Not a SINGLE word was said out of me afterwards, other than "sure" when HE came to MY pit area to mouth off, and threaten to "load my car up". I never commented another word, even that of what you claim. I didn't need to say it, it was made known by what happened exiting the track. The deputy, and a LMP official were down shortly after to speak with both of us, and tell us we were done for the night (duh, neither of us transferred anyway). FYI, I have no regrets, except not staying in the gas when that slider came, and letting all the parts land on the track where they lie. Did I mention that this was someone that I'd considered a friend, and had just spent a ton of cash to buy his old car...the one he clobbered? If you need to bring up stories from 5 years ago to wear your internet daddy pants, at least get your facts close to accurate.
PS, I hold NO hard feelings towards anyone at this point, and this would likely have been best not brought up.....your choice.
(Edited due to bs in the original post.) Brad, you have a PM so you can retell the story from now on with more accuracy.
Edited by Dirtracer48, 20 August 2007 - 04:46 PM.
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