Member Since 19 Aug 2009Offline Last Active Dec 31 2010 07:15 PM
About Me
i'm 22 been around sprint cars my entire life. my father helped bob felmlee when he first started till 1994. then he got scott bonnell going in late 94 and helped him until half way through 97. left bonnells and helped both ellenbergers from the middle of 97 to the middle of 98. he quit to spend more time to watch my sister and i play sports. i love baseball and i had moved to ohio in 96 so racein was almost absent from my life for awhile which sucked! went to the races off and on my uncle used to sign me into the pits at mercer posing as my dad. he helps scott bonnell well sort of haha. at the 2004 sharon nationals i hung around rod georges pits. after i graduated high school in 05 i would go to mercer and tri-city and do little things to help rod and ronny out! i then got got suckered into helpin felmlee one night at sharon and helped him through most of 06! after that i helped the d4 team until part of the way through 08! in may of 08 in the same weekend my father passed away and danny broke his neck at lernerville. came back and helped for awhile but since my dad passed away i feel like an outcast at the race track. the only time i feel comfortable at a track is at tim shaffer's go kart track and when he is racing in the area!
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 41
- Profile Views 2,440
- Member Title Cool Newbie
- Age 37 years old
- Birthday June 22, 1987
imperial pa