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#41 stocker



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Posted 07 September 2009 - 07:38 PM

You can get used mod tires around $50 each That would help out the mod teams by over half when they get four new ones, and save the stock guys aroung $30 per tire from buying new OEM or DOT tires. And there is no way to police carbs either. I have had over 5 carbs built for the truck guys and they all will pass gage plugs and the hole nine yards. Next people will say crate motors!!!!!! To get a crate motor race ready will cost you 5K with all the extras that don;t come with the motor not to say I can also get you the bolts that make the engine (creat engine leagle) There is nothing that can be done PERIOD. I still have not heard who is running the 3 - 4 -Z link cars yet that everyone was talking about. Can someone or I am trying to say the person who keeps adding in there post please tell me who. I talked to three people last night at the big E and we could only think of two cars from both tracks 1 Lima and 1 Eldora. When we first started racing at lima in 2000 there was alot more better teams back then. Any given night 10 - 12 different cars could win the feature now maybe 3-4 no one then complaned thay just worked harder on there car and came back the next week. There is so much more to cars then just 3-4 bar cars try caster-camber, less wedge or more wedge, pinon angle different springs, shocks, different off set rims. That is why they make 1-2-3-4 inch off sets all this helps race cars get faster and this is on leaf springs cars and colil cars. :o

Edited by stocker, 07 September 2009 - 07:41 PM.


#42 Rockstar


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Posted 08 September 2009 - 12:30 PM

The hoosier 8" emod tires run about 100 dollars and the american racer 8" tires are about 80 bucks a piece. So what's a good street tire run maybe 75 to 100 bucks? Also they could buy used ones off of some of the mod teams.

Thanks for the info.... Remember some will buy used tires and then you'll have a few that will always have NEW tires.

#43 Guest_Mike0743_*

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Posted 08 September 2009 - 02:00 PM

Thanks for the info.... Remember some will buy used tires and then you'll have a few that will always have NEW tires.

see we have majority of our tracks here in western pa run either the 8" or 10" tires. I see guys buying the 10" tires for about 10 to 30 bucks off of the late model teams after they run a race or two on them.

#44 Dirtracer48



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Posted 09 September 2009 - 12:07 AM

Don't you think there's a reason why mods, stock, sprints all run a new right rear every single night? Some of the bigger teams running a couple new ones a night, if the rules allow. This ensures that the guys spending the most money have an advantage. The POS DOT tire is the only thing keeping the cars reasonably close as it is.

#45 Guest_Mike0743_*

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Posted 09 September 2009 - 09:20 AM

Don't you think there's a reason why mods, stock, sprints all run a new right rear every single night? Some of the bigger teams running a couple new ones a night, if the rules allow. This ensures that the guys spending the most money have an advantage.

The POS DOT tire is the only thing keeping the cars reasonably close as it is.

O I agree because that is a largely discussed item over here is tires. The big high dollar engines will work really well on a 10" tire but what about a 8" tire with a hard compound rule? Give team owners 1 tire choice and that's it. also about the oem bodies are you guys sure they are not switching to rules similar to the DIRT Pro stocks which are ran in New York? These are template bodied cars that are ran on dirt.

#46 hoosier race fan

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Posted 09 September 2009 - 07:46 PM

The guys in Indiana racing UMP Street Stocks have been on the Hoosier E-mod tire for the last two years. Most of the guys I have talked to have gotten into the habit of buying used tires from the modified guys. The cost difference is about $25 more for a new E-mod tire than for a new DOT tire. The real cost savings comes from being able to buy the used E-mod tires from the modified guys. They recover a little of their cost for the original new tire and the stock guys pay less than what they would for a new one. Buying a used DOT tire really isn't much of an option. As always you will have people who think they need to buy new tires all the time, but many can be competitive without doing that. With all that being said, I would leave the DOT tire rule alone. Restrict the suspension and chassis work being done to get this class back to stock cars instead of modifieds.

#47 stocker



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Posted 10 September 2009 - 07:13 AM

What can you change on leaf springs?????????




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Posted 10 September 2009 - 11:59 AM

Hey Stocker how are you guy's doing in the big city havn't talked in a while hope all is well, how is your dad doing are you going to the world this week. Maybe see ya there if you go.

#49 takeittothelimit


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Posted 10 September 2009 - 01:11 PM

The only thing I can see that needs to be addressed is following the rules that are already in place. Lets see some real inspection going on. Get the tape measure out and check wheel base and the magnet out and lay it on the heads, intakes and even the block. Not saying anyone is cheating but you just never know!!! Come on RULES are made to be CHALLANGED. What ever they decide to do I hope they will make the changes public as soon as they know what they are changing, like at the last race of the season. I know several car builders that start tearing down and rebulilding right after that last race of the season. Besides that, for those that work off of sponsor money they will know how much more they will need to run a 2010 season. OUCH, just remembered the economy is bad for many "regular joes." Good luck to all you weekend racers.

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