Edited by skip, 09 August 2010 - 03:47 AM.
Started by dirttrackfan4life, Aug 07 2010 09:19 AM
44 replies to this topic
Posted 08 August 2010 - 10:07 PM
I wasnt there but have seen some going ons in the past . You mean to tell me that proably every one saw what started this on the track and what all happened, but no one saw who trashed their trailer?? Has any one stepped forward on this . I would think that after what happened on the track that security should of been around both trailers of those involved.
g. Rough driving and/or unsportsmanlike conduct interactions are subject to penalties and/ordisqualification to be determined by Limaland Motorsports Park officials. This rule includes anyone connected with the car and includes conduct on and off the track.
Posted 09 August 2010 - 03:54 AM
d. The driver and car owner assumes responsibility of the actions of their pit crew. o. Misconduct: Each person signing into the pit area is expected to conduct himself or herself in a sportsman or sportswoman-like manner on and off the track. Good conduct includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. No fighting and/or no behavior threatening violence on property. Anyone involved in violence will be permanently suspended from participating in Limaland Motorsports Park events for the 2010 season. Edited by skip, 09 August 2010 - 03:58 AM.
Posted 09 August 2010 - 03:17 PM
this is all stupid and i really dont care lol but u guys think limaland will throw out the 7B car after all it was the 7B who helped build this track over the last several years...the 7B not bowen, but u all know limaland they have thier favorites and u bet ur a%$ the 7B and bowen will be back every week.. I would say its up to babcocks dad to get rid of bowen
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IM BACK................
Posted 09 August 2010 - 05:12 PM
It was not the 58p's fault and as far as what happened in the pits there was no call for a cell phone that belongs to the 58p being broken and the truck had gear oil poured all over the bed and motor oil all over the hood along with all the stuff thrown out of the trailer that could be the 7b crew and all should bepunished for being so inmature it is one thing if you get in another drivers face but to destroy their trailer mess with their truck and break a cell phone.
Posted 09 August 2010 - 06:01 PM
There is no way the 7b will be kicked out of Lima. Look at this way Tony Anderson who always runs a good clean race deserves to be champion in the past Years.
If the 7b gets kicked out some will say Limaland just handed another championship to Tony. That is a big bunch off bull. Tony races clean and not bouncing off of every one. The 7b cost Tony a win not to long ago and the fans showed their emotions during the enterview. Bowens comments i think during the interview were it was just a racing thing and if it was reversed Tony would of proably done the same. Now that is a bunch of crap.
With the 7b,s past driving history we have all watched his actions on the track, Beating and banging on people is not a way to be a fan favorit.
Post is a clean driver . Weather he did it on purpose or he didnt , it was his first incident of the year. Why kick him out when Bowen a few years ago put Boo into the back stretch wall and nothing was done about it..
I suppose some one from another team ran over and trashed posts trailer. I bet some one knew who did it .
Bowen 4 Post 1
Posted 09 August 2010 - 06:05 PM
I've known both jeff babcock and tim bowen for many years and to accuse them of something like that with out any proof is redicueless. jeff and tim are both smart enough to know,if they were involved in a wreck and maylay,and do something like they are being accused of they would know they would be thrown out. Tim is only a few points out of first and I am sure would not risk a suspension and loose a point championship by doing something that stupid
Posted 09 August 2010 - 06:52 PM
Since no one is saying who trashed Posts trailer Lima will not do any thing to either party.
Both teams will be back this week if they get the cars back together.
But the fans know who is to blame for what happened on the track and being booed once before is showing what they think of the driver. After a driver has been booed for his past actions on a win and he turns around and pulls another stunt like pushing post up into the marbles what does that say. Enought said its his driving style that started all of this. Is this a true champion that the fans want???
Posted 09 August 2010 - 07:16 PM
No where on here has any one said Jeff did it, Yes Bowen started it on the track that every one knows . But you cant tell me that some with Bowens team, or one of his fans Trashed the trailer . Maybe one of the racing gods did it since know one saw it happen.
Posted 10 August 2010 - 12:47 AM
You know people did see Bowens crew at Post's trailer and track officials were notified about it. Hopefully they do what is right and take care of the problem and no one said anything about Jeff so lets leave Jeff out of it and Bowen was booed by the crowed and Post had something brake on his car that cause the accident have looked at the footage several times.
Posted 10 August 2010 - 01:28 AM yeah your right, hashing it out over a message board making both teams look bad is such a better idea. I cant believe that they didnt think of this 50 years ago when they settled everything face to face and at the track instead of starting stuff over message boards. talk it out at the track. If you cant do that, then let it go. Getting on message boards and bashing the other party does no good. All it does is start a big fight and make both teams look like they have poor class. As for the comments, each team is going to stick up for themselves. It sounds like both teams got the short end. yes, the vandalism was over the top, but i dont see the need in starting a huge fight. last time i checked, the police department doesnt scan racestud for possible crime incidents.
Posted 10 August 2010 - 07:12 AM
Last i heard lima officials have no idea as to who did the damage to the trailer.
Posted 10 August 2010 - 07:29 AM
Trashing some ones trailer to me is not a face to face act , Yes it is a way over the top act . Fans have watched the actions on the track this year and its proably why some have been so out spoken on it.. Edited by skip, 10 August 2010 - 07:35 AM.
Posted 10 August 2010 - 01:39 PM In my opinion, get the 2 drivers and crews together with limaland officials next race before the races and settle this out before it continues. I hate seeing stuff like this happen, some of this stuff gives a bad image to people that dont fully understand everything about racing
Posted 10 August 2010 - 10:36 PM They jeff I was refuring to was jeff Sr. not Jeff Jr. He was busy winning in a late model at attica! Reply to this topic![]() 1 user(s) are reading this topic0 members, 1 guests, 0 anonymous users |