You got that right Jim the days of the race came on the air they showed the starting grid and raced were good. Knowledgable commentators eager to tell a story not make one sure was nice to. Jenkins, Parsons, Gould, Evans they knew when to be commentators and when to be fans.
There's lots about nascar any more that sucks,,,,,but most of all is this Famed total BS 10 race chase deal, that again rewards the haves,,,& screw the "Have Nots". Too bad everybody but the guys who make the chase, don't stay home in protest. It gripes the crap out of me that it's like the all important chase is all you hear. The other guys are of no importance, now that we've entered the CHASE senario. IMHO,,,,,,,,,IT WASN'T BROKE,,,,,,,,WHY'D YA FIX IT!!!!!
ONLY GUY IN NASCAR THAT HALFWAY SPEAKS THE TRUTH,,,IS JIMMY SPENCER. Forget the chase, and start commentating on the WHOLE FIELD OF RACERS. I Truly don't know how the smaller teams can get sponsors anymore, because of the lack of exposure by the media. I used to treasure nascar racing, now if I'm not doing anything, and a race is on, I'll watch, but don't go out of my way to be there. It makes me sad to see the treatment of the smaller teams,,,,especially with the money the really well funded teams get at the year end banquets. It could sponsor the fledging smaller teams for an entire season, but they are forgotten. Of course the local tracks do too. They have a big show, & pay $2000 for a win, & pay $75 to start. It costed the last place guy as much to get there as it did the guy that would win.
I gotta stop talking like this!!! Next thing you know, I'll sell my race car, & quit racing,,,,,,because it doesn't make good sense. And it really doesn't,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ahhhh, anybody wanna buy a race car???