isn't that the whole point for everyone on racestud though?im not worried bout anything,im just saying u have such a problem with him tell him to his face instead of runnin ur mouth on here hidin behind a bullshit name

Top Five from Hummingbird Tonight
Posted 07 July 2013 - 09:32 PM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 11:16 PM
Way to steal my user name.. oh wait you couldn't come up with anything clever, so you decided to take one off. Very clever Very clever!!!!!
If you look he joined in 2006..... 7 years before you

Posted 08 July 2013 - 11:40 AM
Intentional contact under yellow flag conditions is wrong and should warrant an immediate long term suspension. Also, if I was one of the sponsors of a car doing this, I would be concerned about a huge law suit being levied against me. Big time racing sponsors carry liability insurance. I am sure few if any that sponsor short track teams even think about it. However, it wouldn't take much of an incident, damages and or injury to give it legs.
Like back when Cooter Wolf drove into the back of Bill McMillen after the feature in the rear wheel drive 4 cyl.
I think the two family's had problems and suspentions back when they raced Pure stock.
Posted 08 July 2013 - 02:48 PM
i knew a guy who had the same problem with his brakes seems that someone put one of the brake-pads on metal back-plate towards the rotor and i had a problem once the rubber brake line collapsed and only acted up once in a while.look guys are throwing this out of wack .....not sure what had happen as I was up front but my kid told me that they got together a few times ????? but he said under caution he went to bump him to let him know that he didn't like it and had no brakes ( our problem) for the entire year ....we have them at garage then half way threw he loses them and he told me he just wanted to let him know ...and it was a ton harder then what he did it ......but after that he said we talked everything out and its all good with everyone so not sure what torquemoster 358 is all pissed off about but leave it to the guys that race ......and buy the way they have had feature wins plus point champion also ....they r fast but they are missing something on both cars ....not sure what it is but they will figure it out .....good luck to both cars ....singed skip lindemuth
Posted 09 July 2013 - 06:13 AM
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