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Waynesfield Fantasy League RESULTS 7/3

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#1 sprintsizzler


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 11:08 AM

Results from the bob Reynolds Memorial 7/3 1. MWestfallfan54................120 2. dirtfan20.........................87 3. KO23..............................83 3. sprinter75.......................83 3. sprintsizzler....................83 6. Sylvester........................79 7. pumpkinseed..................66 8. coletrickle7.....................62 9. djmuddy........................57 10. sexysprintchick...............44


#2 sprintsizzler


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 11:17 AM

Season Standings after 7/6 Rainout 1. sprintsizzler.................764 2. coletrickle7..................703 3. djmuddy.....................674 4. Sylvester....................665 5. pumpkinseed...............641 6. sexysprintchick............577 7. MWestfallfan54............533 8. KO23..........................523 9. sprinter75...................201 10. dirtfan20....................147 11. kartracer229...............96 12. aswisher7....................76

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