Low car counts
Posted 10 May 2014 - 10:26 PM
Posted 10 May 2014 - 10:54 PM
I would think Rain in the forcast has a lot to do with it! Guys just can't afford to take the hit of a rainout! Tow bothways....pay to get in.....get no money back! Whats even worse is if you get the car dirty! There is no Money out there folks! We are in big trouble in this Country! But if you listen to the news....Everything is great! But most guys racing depend on that payout to get back there next week! So when that doesn't happen??? Now your behind! Can't see many tracks making it this season! Yes there are a few overfunded teams that it doesn't matter....But I would say for 80% of the racers there it does!
Posted 10 May 2014 - 11:02 PM
Posted 10 May 2014 - 11:10 PM
guys who race at marion center would race for a warm pepsi and a half bag of chips , that track has never paid anything and never will . but the racers love to race there . if the rules keep getting out of hand in some of these classes you will see less and less cars because there is no use even trying to compete with the high dollar guys , but nobody wants to put a brake on the runaway train everyone just looks the other way, then when a track closes because of lack of cars( and remember cars bring fans of that car) then everyone will blame it on the economy when things could have been fixed with a simple rules meeting and some sensible rules.
Posted 10 May 2014 - 11:20 PM
Amp had good racing in all divisions spite the car counts, what hurt the track and Jeff was low fan count. If a track puts forth an extra effort to race in bad weather, the fans need to turn out and support it..
Edited by plymouth-man, 10 May 2014 - 11:20 PM.
Posted 10 May 2014 - 11:28 PM
The late model purse at Marion Center isn't much worse than any other track in this area, though I can't speak for the other classes. Plus the track is usually smooth and wide and is easy on tires. That is why my team chooses to race there, as do many others that we race against. We weren't surprised by tonight's low car count with so much rain in the area but appreciate that the track did not cancel with so few cars in the pits.
Posted 10 May 2014 - 11:29 PM
Posted 10 May 2014 - 11:38 PM
Posted 11 May 2014 - 04:24 AM
Lots of things enter into a racers decision where he/she races! Mostley...its where they can run the best, and bring home the most money! Then you get into how well they like the surface and the Promotor! I am surprised to hear Marion had a low car count! Last year they were Killing it! And Truthfully....I counldn't understand that??? Still the same Slick little hole with no lights, and no payout! Like racing around a Flag Pole! But hey....if thats what you like! Go for it!
Posted 11 May 2014 - 08:04 AM
Posted 11 May 2014 - 08:48 AM
even if its $2000 to win you have to look how it pays back through the field
Posted 11 May 2014 - 09:04 AM
There is no money out there. Thats why counts are low. Bottom line.
I only race karts so my budget is nowhere near you guys but look at my thoughts last week.
Rain everywhere on radar. One track left to race 2.5 hours away in central pa. Do I take the chance? Gonna cost 50 -75 to drive there at least. (which to you is small change but on a kart budget is alot). I chose to stay home. I wanted to race so bad. Last three features got rained out. Made right decision but my point is I think a lot of teams are looking at it the same way I have to. If theres a chance I simply cant drive 3 hours and get rained out.
Now, when the weather is better we will see if the counts go up. These are obviously just my opinions.
The fans count is another story. I can understand being concerned about the weather but I really feel everyone needs to support these tracks that dont cancell because of a chance of rain. Other than opening night at Lernerville, the stands have been empty everywhere else. Sadly.
Edited by brian44mracing, 11 May 2014 - 09:06 AM.
- plymouth-man likes this
Posted 11 May 2014 - 09:33 AM
Ok 15601, so you would rather go where its say 500 to win verses 2000 to win just because its a wider track,and dont tell me its easier on tires i have ripped thru many a tire there as well, all i can say to that is, wow, glad i dont think like that.
Show me a late model track in this area that pays $2000 to win weekly and my car will be there. We raced weekly at Marion Center last year and the only race that we shredded tires was the Sunday afternoon show.
Posted 11 May 2014 - 09:45 AM
Show me a late model track in this area that pays $2000 to win weekly and my car will be there. We raced weekly at Marion Center last year and the only race that we shredded tires was the Sunday afternoon show.
is $1200.00 enough on wide small 3/8th track?
Posted 11 May 2014 - 10:06 AM
Show me a late model track in this area that pays $2000 to win weekly and my car will be there. We raced weekly at Marion Center last year and the only race that we shredded tires was the Sunday afternoon show.
McKean Co pays near that but it might be a long haul for you if you're from the Pittsburgh area.
Posted 11 May 2014 - 11:18 AM
McKean had 117 cars in the pits last night and a nice crowd. They have ran three nights now when the weather was iffy.
Posted 11 May 2014 - 12:37 PM
Was. Informed tonite of low car counts at marion center, amp, and the bird,can anyone confirm this, if so who is going to wake up,too many tracks on sat nite. Another thing i dont understand is hummingbird only had 18. Steelblocks for a 2000 dollar purse but yet some still went to marion center, wow just dont make sense. A $2000 purse means the total for everyone is $2000. How would YOU divide that $2000 to get the maximum number of cars at Your track week after week?
Posted 11 May 2014 - 12:56 PM
Express man if things are as bad as you say the tracks are screwed , you think they should pay 500 to start a weekly show , but look in the stands fella !!! Where would that money come from ??? If a hundred dollars is the difference between racing and not those teams are a flat tire from being done for the season anyway . Rough driving needs to be addressed , when guys are out there dumping cars because their pissed off they got passed it's going to hurt car counts !! What is an extra hundred going to do if a guy tears up 3k worth of equipment ??
Agreed legend! Rough driving is a huge problem! Tracks don't want to address it because it allways causes a "Blood Letting" Meaning some team isn't comming back next week and we"The Track" loose 4 pit addmission and how many stands! Its allways about the money! I do think racing in general is screwed! Enjoy it while it lasts! I don't think the promotors are making money either! Yes it should pay $500.00 for a $100,000.00 race car to start a race! You forget I raced for these same purses with a $15,000.00 car, 35years ago! How much would you of got paid for a deck Job 35 years ago??? Could you work for the same money today????I know not! But we are suppossed to race for the same money! Racing has allways been done with money...not for money! But you have to be able to get your expenses back! Not all of us are making the kind of money you are! Kudos to you! But don't compare your financial position with the average racer!
- ramey36 likes this
Posted 11 May 2014 - 01:16 PM
I really wish I knew how to fix it. But I don't! Exotic engines, shocks, and light weight parts would be a start! But its never going to happen! Unfortuniatley I thnk all racing needs to go by the way of the crate motor! 525 Aluminum crate is your Superlate engine. 604 is your Semi Late engine. 602 is your Pure stock and E- mod engine! $100.00 per shock limit would be next! All racing done on Alcohol. (About 1/3 cheaper to run than gas...and easier on the motor) No titanium parts! Any tire with a compound rule(hardness). Lets keep the greedy tire companies at Bay! Then maybe you could race for the purses these tracks are offering! That would bring the price of a competetive Super down to about the price of a good open motor! Now how do you get the cell phones out of the hands of the fans and get them back to the races???/I can't answer that one!
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