Low car counts
Posted 11 May 2014 - 02:41 PM
Posted 11 May 2014 - 03:15 PM
Keeping the tracks dry and slick takes the big motor out of the equasion ... And even if guys stay with big motors half throttle is much easier on it than hammer down. The more rules they add the more expensive it seems to make things .
and when you look up in the stands and see 100 people because their tired of watching guys slide all over the track week after week, and seeing the create go as fast as a 4 cylinder, youll lose the fans eventually.
- MeXican_BOB likes this
Posted 11 May 2014 - 04:07 PM
Posted 11 May 2014 - 04:53 PM
Mexican bob ... Lose what fans ??? There are no fans !!!
Hill top, Tyler county,ect has great fan count this year.
Posted 11 May 2014 - 05:12 PM
Posted 12 May 2014 - 12:07 AM
Track conditions play a major factor with car counts. seems most tracks are like dirt roads or cornfields..We would be at eriez right now if It wasn't like a cornfield most of the time. this is too hard on expensive equipment. the surfaces we race on now would of been laughed at even 10 years ago. its ridiculous.
Have to face the facts! There are no more Don Martin's or Piney Lasky's around promoting anymore! The people in the business today do it to make money! Not because they love racing! Diesel fuel is about $4.00 a gallon more today than when they were around! So you get a half prepared track that instantly gets slick because no one digs them up every week like they did in the old days! Costs too much money! Plus the Light Weight ,High Horsepower cars really dry it out Quick! Just like the Sprint cars allways do. But the overwhelming factor here is no cars and no fans! A business can't stay open under those conditions! Will be interesting to see how many tracks make it this season! It allready looks like AMP Marioncenter PMS Roaring Knob All three pavement tracks Hummingbird Path Valley are struggling. To early to tell about Dog Hollow,with lernerville Bedford Hagerstown Both Groves Portroyal Susky Lincoln all being fairly stable so far! Time will tell!
Posted 12 May 2014 - 05:58 AM
Posted 12 May 2014 - 06:08 AM
We've been down this road, ad nauseum.
There are too few cars and too many tracks, particularly on Saturdays. Too many tracks that only give a damn about their back gate i.e., they are not promoting the sport by luring in new and curious spectators and potential sponsors. Also, too much of the same. Everything is all LM's, all the time. Christ, MCS has three divisions of them! How the hell does someone explain the difference between them to a potential new fan?
Posted 12 May 2014 - 11:37 AM
So express man you want tracks hammer down with a 2 ft cushion but you want to save racers money ?? Make up your mind fella
Hammer down with no cushion! Smooth from top to bottom! And Tacky enough to pull the tennis shoes off your feet. Thats Racing! Thats why we buy all this stuff......To go Fast! Not half Throttle racing around a Flag Pole at the Ice Pond!
Posted 12 May 2014 - 11:50 AM
Have to face the facts! There are no more Don Martin's or Piney Lasky's around promoting anymore! The people in the business today do it to make money! Not because they love racing! Diesel fuel is about $4.00 a gallon more today than when they were around! So you get a half prepared track that instantly gets slick because no one digs them up every week like they did in the old days! Costs too much money! Plus the Light Weight ,High Horsepower cars really dry it out Quick! Just like the Sprint cars allways do. But the overwhelming factor here is no cars and no fans! A business can't stay open under those conditions! Will be interesting to see how many tracks make it this season! It allready looks like AMP Marioncenter PMS Roaring Knob All three pavement tracks Hummingbird Path Valley are struggling. To early to tell about Dog Hollow,with lernerville Bedford Hagerstown Both Groves Portroyal Susky Lincoln all being fairly stable so far! Time will tell!
Just like in any business, the strong will survive.
Posted 12 May 2014 - 12:18 PM
Posted 12 May 2014 - 12:32 PM
Posted 12 May 2014 - 12:48 PM
Posted 12 May 2014 - 12:54 PM
Posted 12 May 2014 - 01:04 PM
Posted 12 May 2014 - 01:19 PM
Posted 12 May 2014 - 01:47 PM
Hammer down with no cushion! Smooth from top to bottom! And Tacky enough to pull the tennis shoes off your feet. Thats Racing! Thats why we buy all this stuff......To go Fast! Not half Throttle racing around a Flag Pole at the Ice Pond!
I can guess as a driver your skills were much better on a tacky track than racing around "the flag pole at the ice pond". Was it a lack of skill to set up a car or a lack of throttle control that kept you from going fast? I have seen your car in action a few times, fast in a heat race and in the way during a feature. As the track slicks off, a driver's skill level has to go up as is the knowledge on setting up for that ice rink. The hammer down track requires a big engine and a hammer head behind the wheel.
I can understand why the car count was probably down at MC, It rained almost all day at points south (and north) of the track. No one would have ever figured they were going to get it in so they saved their gas money and didn't make the tow. That is part of the economics of today's financial situation. If it is a beautiful night next Saturday and no one shows up, then you can get your soap box back out and preach to the studders about the end of racing!
Posted 12 May 2014 - 04:23 PM
there are ways to fix these problems but you need to have some common sense and a lot of drivers want the rules to be for what they have on their car right now and do not want a sensible set of rules because they already spent money on their good stuff and they say it isn't fair to go backwards with the rules but the problem is every time you add another legal thing to the rules in any division you leave guys behind ,then they quit showing up to race when you lose even one car you lose fans plus crew members in the pits and ALL of those people spend money at the track . here is some examples the local streetstocks here run a late model nose ...a late model body and now at A.M.P. they run a late model tranny my view is if you can afford all this late model stuff why not run a late model ????the pay is better and you can run a latemodel almost anywhere and the rules are pretty much the same .now look at the purestock class .. at one track it is headers allowed welded weight jacks ... triple disc clutches ...and a 4 barrell double pumper carb but at the track up the road this stuff isn't legal so if it rains and you are set up for one track you are screwed at the other one .how about adopt i.m.c.a.rules and make all tracks the same standard like was told to me by a guy who races i.m.c.a . modifieds seems like their rules are pretty cut and dried to me . remember cars bring fans and fans bring money.
Posted 12 May 2014 - 06:45 PM
The track two Fridays ago at Lernerville was "full throttle" with big holes in one and two, and look how many cars were damaged. And other than the track being really fast, there wasn't that much passing.
yes, and it was a hell of a late model race for the lead you forgot to mention.
Edited by MeXican_BOB, 12 May 2014 - 06:45 PM.
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