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Three asphalt tracks and not many cars.

This cant be good

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#21 suhoney18


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 03:19 PM

even if you would throw dirt in it it would struggle.

i highly highly doubt this...run sunday specials like always and you would have no problem at all 


#22 jmmr


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Posted 29 May 2014 - 11:10 PM

We've been running eleven years straight at Drome- there have been different promoters- more and less in the stands. Last year second half there were serious signs of progress w people in the stands. I don't think Drome had anymore uncertainty than most of the dirt tracks I frequent. I don't think that's the issue as much as others related to car counts such as poor mgt....bad tech...track favorites...not a level playing field...promoters that font have a clue...

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