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The 2014 Pittsburgher 26

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#1 Miley Motor Sports

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 02:53 PM


2014 Pittsburgher 26

August 7, 2014
Pittsburgh's Pennsylvania Motor Speedway
Miley Motor Sports Press Release

The 2014 Pittsburgher 26, alive and well at Pittsburgh's Pennsylvania Motor Speedway

Miley Motor Sports is proud to announce that the great tradition of the Pittsburgher will carry on as we present The Pittsburgher 26, September 12,13, & 14 at Dirt's Monster Half Mile. As many race fans know the speedway was leased to the NDRL for the Silver Anniversary Pittsburgher which certainly was a very entertaining event. We thank John Kennedy for making The Pittsburgher 25 special. Scott Bloomquist was the winner of the inaugural Miley Motor Sports Pittsburgher, and was triumphant again at the 25th running under the NDRL Banner.

The NDRL was signed on to lease Pittsburgh's Pennsylvania Motor Speedway for all the special Super Late Model Events in 2014. They appeared to get off to a great start at PPMS with Steve Francis taking the checkered flag at the April 2014 PENNational. July 1, John Kennedy made the decision to pull the plug on the NDRL, and we at Miley Motor Sports can respect that decision. Racing can be a tough game and things don't always go as planned. The bottom line was all remaining Super Late Model Specials were back in house. We quickly started putting plans around the Herb Scott Memorial and Red Miley Rumble.

The next order of business was to deal with The Pittsburgher 26. Miley Motor Sports immediately contacted the National Series that are still in operation looking for a National Pittsburgher partner. Although there was some interest, and certainly is some interest as we look forward to 2015, at this late date, we just could not make anything happen with a National Series partner in 2014. We believe some great dialog was started that could make 2015 special!

So, Pittsburgher 26 will go off without a National Series Sanctioning Body. We all know most of the National Stars are tied to their Series. This deal may be bad news for some, but hopefully only a few, and certainly not for us. We got to see the National Stars in April, and hope to have them back in 2015. Meanwhile when we get a great caliber of regional racers together for a Pittsburgher, its game on, we are in for some great regional racing action on one of the most passing friendly racetracks in the country! This is a good news story for regional racers as they will take home the lions share of some great payoffs. We certainly will see some great regional stars and just may have a few national studs enter the mix. We have had 25 great events and are looking forward to The 2014 Pittsburgher 26 Weekend!

This is what we know so far as some things are still pending. Additional details will be released soon.

Friday September 12 will be practice for all divisions racing at The Pittsburgher 26. Gates will open at 5pm with practice sessions 7pm - 10pm.

Saturday September 13 will be The Pittsburgher for DIEHL Super Late Models, 50 laps, $5,000 to win! Plus the PRECISE RUSH Pro Lates will be running a $1,200 to win 25 lap tour race with Steel City Roulette adding big bonuses! The Sunoco Sportsman will be running an open rules show, plus the Miley BP Car Wash Hobby Stocks and Imperial Heights Garage Young Guns will run feature events. Gates will open at 4pm, with time trials between 6pm and 7pm. Heat races will start at 7pm.

Sunday September 14 will be the Herb Scott Memorial 30 lap event for the Diehl Super Late Models paying $3,000 to win. The PRECISE RUSH Pro Lates will race 20 laps for $1000 to win, while the Sunoco Sportsman will go 15 laps. Miley BP Car Wash Hobby Stocks, Imperial Heights Garage Young Guns and 3/4 Late Models will also be on the card with feature events. Gates will open at 4pm, with time trials between 6pm and 7pm. Heat races will start at 7pm.

Camping for race fans, no hookups, will be available around the perimeter of the parking lot as usual, on a first come, first serve basis. Early arrival prior to Friday is fine. Campers may start registering Friday at the track office. All campers must display a PPMS issued placard on their RV. Tents are not permitted per township ordinance. Race Teams may remain in the infield or pull in the center of the main parking lot overnight. Race Teams may arrive prior to gates opening, however all folks must exit the pits once gates open.

All of the teams that have supported PPMS throughout the season will be part of The Pittsburgher 26, and will take home most of the money...A DIEHL Super Late Model sweep of eight grand for 80 laps could make a season for many teams! Miley Motor Sports is feeling real good about Pittsburgher 26! Come and feel the excitement of "The Pittsburgher 26" at Dirt's Monster Half Mile!

Join us for a great weekend of affordable family fun at The Pittsburgher 26!
Pittsburgh's PA Motor Speedway. GPS 170 Kelso Rd. Imperial, PA 15126
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Miley Motor Sports, Inc | PO Box 4530 | Pittsburgh | PENNSYLVANIA | 15205


#2 Sparkler


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 06:02 PM


#3 The Legend

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 06:10 PM

That's one of the pending details .

#4 speedster101


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 07:14 PM

Is the PA dick beater gonna finally blow the dust off that half finished car or go to the Dominican and never look back?

#5 Sparkler


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 07:34 PM

dick beater :lol:  :lol:  :lol: :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  

#6 The Legend

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Posted 07 August 2014 - 07:47 PM

Fagster the car has been done since July 12th ... Are you going to bring your hoopdee out ???

#7 speedster101


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Posted 07 August 2014 - 07:55 PM

Have fun in DR hope you get sunburnt and deported

Nice faggy shoes

Edited by speedster101, 07 August 2014 - 08:02 PM.

#8 dirtdog5


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 01:07 AM

hey speedster don't worry about his shoes worry about what he's going to stomp on the pedal on the news Bob Pierce race car

#9 dirtdog5


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 01:08 AM

hey speedster don't worry about his shoes worry about what he's going to stomp on the pedal on the news Bob Pierce race car

#10 dirtdog5


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 01:12 AM

hey speedster don't worry about his shoes worry about what he's going to stomp on the pedal on the news Bob Pierce race car

#11 dirtdog5


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 01:17 AM

hey speedster'you are nothing but a keyboard cowboy that I can back up his words, shut the F up

#12 dirtdog5


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 01:35 AM

whenever Huck gets home next weekend we are going to show you what the BPRC can do !!

#13 dirtdog5


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 01:57 AM

hey speedster you are entitled to your opinion, you know where we are at at the racetrack so why don't you come up and say what you have say to Huck,quit hiding behind your keyboard jagoff,

#14 BaconBits


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 07:36 AM

Dialog with a national series for 2015? I'm guessing the Pittsburger will once again be a WoO race next year.

Follow me on Twitter: @JoshBayko

#15 bhhracing


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Posted 08 August 2014 - 07:41 AM

PPMS will keep selling you the FUTURE, and yet you keep buying the PRESENT.


Same business plan the pirates have been using for years.


I truly hope something come out of it for next year. But im not holding my breathe. The woo or lucas is the ONLYTHING that will bring back the Pittsburgher period.

Edited by bhhracing, 08 August 2014 - 07:44 AM.

#16 Street Stocker

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Posted 08 August 2014 - 09:15 AM

It will probably be a WoO or Lucas race only if one of the series is willing to take finanicial risk in the race.  Notice they say "partner."   It's highly doubtful this management will risk a $60,000 one night purse.    The only way the big event happened last year is Kennedy took the full risk.   Having that big of a race last year, and dropping it back to this pitiful, lowest-paying event ever undoes anything that was done to build it up at all in the last years.   But that is what happens when you depend on other people to take the risk on your race track and they pull out.    A track with 300 fans weekly isn't a good venue for a profitable big event, even if it has $10,000 seats.  They have completely killed this place.    Face it, they have run this place so far into the ground it can never come back.

Edited by Street Stocker, 08 August 2014 - 09:16 AM.

#17 trigger


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 01:32 AM

It will probably be a WoO or Lucas race only if one of the series is willing to take finanicial risk in the race.  Notice they say "partner."   It's highly doubtful this management will risk a $60,000 one night purse.    The only way the big event happened last year is Kennedy took the full risk.   Having that big of a race last year, and dropping it back to this pitiful, lowest-paying event ever undoes anything that was done to build it up at all in the last years.   But that is what happens when you depend on other people to take the risk on your race track and they pull out.    A track with 300 fans weekly isn't a good venue for a profitable big event, even if it has $10,000 seats.  They have completely killed this place.    Face it, they have run this place so far into the ground it can never come back.

I second that.....The place is a BIG joke. The WOO said that they will never come back. the place is 5 feet under, after next year should put the final foot on it and start to build new Ryan Homes !!!

#18 flash49


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 07:34 AM

 You "supposed race fans" who are clamoring for a race track to close take the cake.  It's still a great place to spend a summer Saturday night. 

#19 Ring Gear

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Posted 09 August 2014 - 06:13 PM

Knowing the reputation and past experiences with the place, it was a no brainer that I was '' not '' even considering going to last years Pittsburgher.


That was until I found out that John Kennedy and the NDRL were going to lease and promote last years race. 


As it turned out the track had a great showing of fan support, great racing and just about anything a race fan could ask for.


It's just my opinion, but there was probably just not enough money to stuff in the bank after the weekend.


I know you are going say how can that be?   I know a contract between the Miley's and the NDRL would include 

a fee to lease the track that would probably knock your socks off. 


The current managment I would venture to say kept all the concessions, beer sales and maybe even a percentage of the front and back gate.  And anything else they might be able to squeeze from Mr. Kennedy.


These are all just my asumptions and anything I write may or may not be fact.  Unless you get it right from the horses mouth and that ain't going to happen we will never know.


Either way you will not see me return to PPMS for a Pittsburgher or any other event until they can rid themselves of their Mickey Mouse way of doing things.


I don't think the Miley's are capable of such a task.   They have proven it to us in the past.


Every thing on here is just my take on things and you can agree or disagree with me however you like.  Cheers


How about it Legend?   I do enjoy your take on things and I do welcome your comments.

Edited by Ring Gear, 09 August 2014 - 06:21 PM.

#20 JHM27


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 10:04 PM

Where was "the legend" tonight?

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