Montpelier Motor Speedway Set To Host Monster Mash VIII on Saturday, October 25
Date - Saturday, October 25
UMP Modifieds - $1000 To Win | $100 To Start
Super Streets - $500 To Win | $75 To Start
Thunder Cars - $400 To Win | $50 To Start
FWD Compacts - $160 To Win | $40 To Start
Mod Lites - $160 To Win | $40 To Start
Thompson Trucking - Run What Ya Brung Challenge
Win Up To $1000 CASH to the Winner!
Non-Winner Challenge Races
UMP Modifieds, Super Streets, and Thunder Cars
Kids Trick or Treat in the Pits 2:00-3:45PM
Drivers please bring candy to participate!
Racer Information
RaceCeivers – Default frequency 454.000
Westhold Transponders- May be used on UMP Modifieds only – Transponder and mount will be provided to the first 45 entries (free of charge in 2014) to those not already possessing a yellow Westhold unit.
Work Area – The Montpelier Motor Speedway has a work area located near the track exit. The car must not exit the area and all work must be completed in the chute indicated by a red barrier. The work area is only available during the A/B Mains.
UMP Modifieds - UMP Rules (Must have roof)
Super Streets
Minimum Weight
- 2 Barrel Carburetor 3000 Pounds
- 4 Barrel Carburetor 3200 Pounds
- Aluminum bodies add additional 100 pounds
- Maximum 8 inch Tire (Open Tire Brand Rule - Hoosier, American Racer, Any DOT Tire)
- Car must appear as a traditional Super Street (with roof). The use of Wings, Sail Panels, sideboards,, etc... from the Outlaw Showdown are NOT legal for the Monster Mash).
- All Safety Rules Apply
- ANY Car Meeting The Above Criteria IS legal!
Thunder Cars
Minimum Weight
- Barrel Carburetor 3200 Pounds
- 4 Barrel Carburetor 3400 Pounds
- Car must appear as a traditional Thunder Car including a Stock Appearing Body (including nose and tail). Wings, sideboards, etc... are NOT legal for the Monster Mash!
- Entirely Stock (All Steel) Engine and Entirely Stock Frame and Suspension Components!
- 9inch Ford and Floater Rearends allowed, Aftermarket Shocks and Springs are allowed.
- Maximum 8 inch DOT Tire only. NO RACING TIRES!
- All Safety Rules Apply
- ANY Car Meeting The Above Criteria IS legal!
Front Wheel Drive Compacts/Hornets
- Front Wheel Drive Car
- Any stock 4/6 cylinder engine.
- 7" maximum width tire.
- All Safety Rules Apply including proper cage, seat, belts, fire suit/helmet, and fuel containment.
Mod Lites - TUSA/Indiana Mod Lite Association Rules
Run What Ya Brung Challenge
- None – Run What Ya Brung (Sideboards, top wings, late models, sprint cars, modifieds, super streets, sportsman, etc… are all legal.)
- Only safety rules apply
- The car may only be entered into one class at the Monster Mash.
- Up to $1000 Cash for winner (prize money will be evenly distributed among all cars that beat the #14)
- Example – 1 cars beats #14– winner receives $1000 – 2 cars beat the #14 each winner receives $500 – 3 cars beat the #14 each winner receives $333
- If the #14 is causes a caution due to rough driving from another competitor, the #14 will receive its position back.
- If the #14 breaks or is unable to finish the race, the final finish will be calculated by the previous fully completed lap to determine winners.
- If the #14 was in the lead, but is unable to finish all remaining competitors on that lap will equally split the $1000.
Challenge Race Rules
- Driver CANNOT have won an A Main event in ANY class at ANY speedway during the 2014 season. 2014 heat race winners and BMain winners are allowed in the non-winner challenge.
- Car CANNOT have won an A Main event in ANY class at ANY speedway during the 2014 season.
- Winner Takes All - Trophy, Pictures, $ To Win
- Car and driver must compete in heats and other Mains for the event for that night before competing in the Non-Winner's Challenge.
- The use a backup car or a driver change is prohibited. Drivers must run the car and number they sign in with at the pill draw.
Gates Open - 12:00 PM
Kids Trick or Treat - 2:00-3:45PM
Hot Laps – 4:00 PM
Racing - 5:00 PM
General Admission - $12
Kids (12 and Under) – Free
Pit Pass - $30
Competitor's License - $20
A Montpelier Motor Speedway Competitors License is required to run at the Montpelier Motor Speedway. The fee for the license is $20.00. If you wish to save time at the track on race day, a link to this form can be found below. The paperwork can also be completed at the track upon your arrival. This is a one-time license that must be completed upon your first race at the Speedway each year (if you have already raced at the Montpelier Motor Speedway in 2014, then you already have this license).
East Central Indiana
Montpelier Motor Speedway
700 South Jefferson
Montpelier, Indiana 47359
I69 Exit 264
Web & Media
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![]() Montpelier Set To Host Monster Mash VIII Sat., October 25
Started by MontpelierSpeedwayWebsite, Oct 20 2014 10:16 AM
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