2015 Lernerville Speedway Schedule Release
Posted 10 February 2015 - 09:31 PM
I understand how the Firecracker weekend is run and that's fine. I also understand starting the season three weeks later than they did since forever. But they have three or four other Fridays where they screw around with the regular schedule, and that's bullshit. There's no reason to cater to every class of dirt stock car in the western hemisphere, and every damn minor league sanction that bangs on your door. And if you're going to do that RISCH, JR., then run them on a Tuesday with buses, bikes and Enduros and leave the F**k'n Fab Four Fridays alone!
- Rusty_Nuts likes this
Posted 11 February 2015 - 12:47 AM

Posted 11 February 2015 - 07:02 AM
Skull, they may say they are reducing the number of nights to save the racers money
They are all "trying to save the racers money", aren't they?
Posted 11 February 2015 - 12:40 PM
I think if the surrounding area was as rural as it was in the 70's, running both Fridays and Saturdays would be a viable option. But, times have changed, and I'm sure running twice a week every week during the season would bring unwanted attention.
I understand how the Firecracker weekend is run and that's fine. I also understand starting the season three weeks later than they did since forever. But they have three or four other Fridays where they screw around with the regular schedule, and that's bullshit. There's no reason to cater to every class of dirt stock car in the western hemisphere, and every damn minor league sanction that bangs on your door. And if you're going to do that RISCH, JR., then run them on a Tuesday with buses, bikes and Enduros and leave the F**k'n Fab Four Fridays alone!
Here is a solution to your huge dilemma, if you dont like what they are running on a particular Friday night, go support a DIFFERENT track that night who may be running what you like to watch. You may be surprised to here this, but there are other places out there other than Lernerville International Speedway.
You all complain about how racing is too expensive and you want cheaper cars and cheaper this, yet you dont want the cheaper cars or the smaller divisions to race anywhere? Hows that make any sense...
Edited by dirtL8MdlFan21&11, 11 February 2015 - 12:43 PM.
Posted 11 February 2015 - 02:43 PM
Here is a solution to your huge dilemma, if you dont like what they are running on a particular Friday night, go support a DIFFERENT track that night who may be running what you like to watch. You may be surprised to here this, but there are other places out there other than Lernerville International Speedway.
You all complain about how racing is too expensive and you want cheaper cars and cheaper this, yet you dont want the cheaper cars or the smaller divisions to race anywhere? Hows that make any sense...
Getting out of work at 4:30 on Fridays doesn't afford me the luxury of travelling to Williams Grove or one of the Ohio tracks that have 410 Sprints. So where to go? Dog Hollow? Raceway 7? They are not options for me, sorry.
I'm not one of the guys that complains about the cost of racing. People that spend beyond their means when
they can make do with used equipment are the ones that complain. And I don't know if you keep up with current events but discussions on this board and elseshere suggest that spending in Crate LM racing is as out
of hand as the so called open classes, like no one saw that coming. If my rants offend you, then that's just tough shit. I like the track with their regular program and judging by the Friday crowds, so do many other
people. So until I retire or come in to a pile of money, get used to the bitching or go ask MM to go to an all Crate format at PPMS if that's what you like.
- pt21j, bhhracing and Rusty_Nuts like this
Posted 11 February 2015 - 03:19 PM
I think some who go to Lernerville are "spoiled" and forget what it is like at other tracks!! ONE top class, maybe one "mid-level" support class at many and the rest lower classes. Mercer, Sharon and Stateline-Eriez have a couple of mid-level classes, but others such as Raceway 7 and Hummingbird are all "support"
The high costs of racing is a MAJOR problem and one that gets worse every year!! One can't cut the costs of racing without the cars going slower!! So to cut costs fans may just have to put up with slower racing. Heck, when I first stated going to races everyone was running flathead Ford V-8s and six-bangers!! Slower cars don't always mean poorer racing!! I go to Lernerville most every night and it is not unusual for the Sportsman ("street stock") class to have the best feature race of the night. But the only way to improve things is for the tracks and the race teams to work together, something that rarely happens as most times when a track changes rules to cut costs they end up costing the teams MORE $$$!! The tracks and teams need to get together NOW to plan rule changes for 2016 or 2017, but it won't happen!!!
- TEAM29 likes this
Posted 11 February 2015 - 08:31 PM
Listening to these people complain about this petty nonsense is like hearing a multi-millionaire complain that he is bored with all his money. The rest of the world is happy to watch whatever racing is available to us on a weekly basis. A trip to lernerville is a treat. Some might make it once a year or not at all. Sure you have a right to complain that your world isn't perfect, but dont get worked up when you don't get much sympathy from people who wish they had the opportunity to attend weekly.
Posted 11 February 2015 - 09:35 PM
I hear similar debates about Williams Grove. The local spectators there say the weekly program has gone disgracefully downhill from what it used to be. But I still believe it is an incredible program compared to the local sprint shows I witness here in Western Pa
Posted 12 February 2015 - 12:45 PM
I just don't get the idea of cutting nights saving the racers money. Why spend the money to build a car and not race it? Makes me not want to bother to build a car. Seems like more backwards logic by race tracks management.
Posted 12 February 2015 - 01:18 PM
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I am just thankful that there are 5 dirt tracks within an hour or hour and a half drive...sure could be worse...like living somewhere when you could only make it to a couple of races a year...lets be thankful for what we got...
I surely understand and respect that Lernerville has the Fab-Four, in my opinion the best 4 classes to see run on dirt, but TIMES are changing and so is racing...
Posted 12 February 2015 - 11:27 PM
July 24 is Modified Madness. What a coincidence. That's what sue honey calls her "marital aid."
Posted 13 February 2015 - 12:36 PM
The other plain truth in W. Pa. Is that if you are not a huge LM fan, your choices on where to go are limited. Yes, skyrocteting cost are the main factor, but by how much is open for debate. In my opinion, the other major contributing factor is that too many track owner/promoters take the easy way out by offering low purse, multiple division programs so that the back gate covers said purse. That formula isn't helping on the spectator side of the fence, unfortunately. Why should I, as a 40 + year fan of the sport have to settle for way less than what I have grown accustomed to?
Edited by Skull, 13 February 2015 - 12:37 PM.
Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:08 PM
I think they break up the Fab Four Fridays so that people don't get tired of seeing the same show on a regular basis. And they could be trying to keep the excitement up for them by cutting the nights. Decrease in supply = Increase in Demand = More profitable shows
Posted 13 February 2015 - 06:39 PM
I think they break up the Fab Four Fridays so that people don't get tired of seeing the same show on a regular basis. And they could be trying to keep the excitement up for them by cutting the nights. Decrease in supply = Increase in Demand = More profitable shows
You may very well be right; I'd never thought of that. Like P.T. Barnum and Walt Disney both said; "Always leave them wanting more."
Posted 13 February 2015 - 08:30 PM
Posted 13 February 2015 - 09:18 PM
You may very well be right; I'd never thought of that. Like P.T. Barnum and Walt Disney both said; "Always leave them wanting more."
Posted 13 February 2015 - 09:19 PM
Posted 13 February 2015 - 10:02 PM
car counts are down everywhere. so why cant people just be happy still having a tack to go see. imagine if your child was 5 or 6. how would car counts compare today? how would the.aero and hp changes.compare today. very different i assume. so why complain about a good thing in your.own back yard. stop.crying and support the sport or cry and.be part of.the reason the stands emptly slowly over the years! simply put your whining and.crying pushes casual.fans away. people like you are part of the reason this.sport is.failing on a weekly basis. tske your ball and go home. obvioulsy your not a true racing fan. dont care how long you have been going. the.glory days are long gone.
Obviously, I'm not a true racing fan? Who sets that standard, you? Why, because I won't settle for something less than what I've grown accustomed to? Why should I? To satisfy an imaginary standard cobbled together by some incoherent mope on a message board?
How the hell does me bitching about a race track scheduled drive fans away? Before you answer, in your
infinite wisdom, keep in mind that I'm as aware as anyone the issues that short track racing faces today. I happen to think the area tracks have copped out to the easiest possible programs to make money with, rather than, first: getting new fans in the stands and sending them home wanting to come back next week and wanting to spread the word. But what do I know, right? I'm not a true race fan. Moron.
Posted 13 February 2015 - 11:29 PM
As for Lernerville, I absolutely love the fab 4 divisions, but why not throw some new stuff in the mix once in a while?
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