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Sharon set to open April 25 with new racing format, $10 admission, new surface & more

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#41 racingisfun


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Posted 19 February 2015 - 06:01 PM

I think it's going to be a one groove race track without heat races And boring for the fans


#42 michael myers

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 07:41 PM

space racer do you realize ther is a kart race in Kentucky that pays $50,000 to win. It is called the insane one. There are also plenty of races in the south for karts that pay big money which all use the qualifying only method. These races are also sponsored events,and have very huge crowds. Not all kart races are the local variety you seem to know so little about,but think you are an expert about.

#43 Space Racer

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Posted 19 February 2015 - 08:57 PM

This conversation is about a weekly show, and weekly go kart racing is back gate.   The kart races you are talking about are more on the level of the King's Royal or Knoxville for Sprints or Syracuse for Mods.

#44 parts'n'stuff


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Posted 20 February 2015 - 08:18 AM

We have to wait and see, I suppose, but here is another aspect that no one has brought up. Doesn't this invite sandbagging? You could "miscalculate", like my buddy said and put too low of a gear in the car, and as long as you are in the invert, you could conceivably start within the first three rows every week. How will the feature line ups look any different when teams figure out where they need to be to take advantage of the invert?


Edited by parts'n'stuff, 20 February 2015 - 07:25 PM.

#45 Cool1



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Posted 20 February 2015 - 07:06 PM


#46 BaconBits


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Posted 20 February 2015 - 10:49 PM

We have to wait and see, I suppose, but here is another aspect that no one has brought up. Doesn't this invite sandbagging? You could "miscalculate", like my buddy said and put too low of a gear in the car, and as long as you are in the invert, you could conceivably start within the first three rows every week. How will the feature line ups look any different when teams figure out where they need to be to take advantage of the invert?

Late model racers have been trying to "beat the invert" at Eldora's big late model rwces for years. I'm sure the racers at Sharon will be attempting to do the same. I doub't they'll be as skilled at it as Moyer or Bloomquist though.

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