Posted 26 April 2015 - 02:13 AM
Grader, water truck and tower at Mudlick Valley Raceway (Wade Logan)
The million dollar question, Whats wrong with racing today?. Cost is an obvious issue, and an even easier answer. Some think greedy promoters, and overpowering series are a problem. They may be, they may not be. The truth is, we are the problem. The kind of people that love racing so passionately we would give anything to be at the track instead of being elsewhere. We spend our last dime to see a big race, have hundreds of dollars in apparel of drivers and events, and fight with others about weekend plans because we are definitely going to be at the races regardless of what they say.
Why? The age of communication, and the lack of will power to bite our tongues instead of putting a racetrack or a racer on blast for the world to see because of our great passion. Im 100% guilty of this myself over previous years, but I came to the conclusion that my internet tirades were pointless. I was going back the next week, so all I was doing was hurting the sport and the track that I love so dearly. Two weeks ago I was at a local track, not my home track, and not a track I frequent very often. They did the most bizarre, and disrespectful thing to the driver I was there supporting. It was awful, and extremely un-professional. I would have loved nothing more than to come home, get on Facebook and tell everybody that could see just how terrible it was. What would it have done for me? I wasnt going back, I knew the driver probably wasnt going back. What would I have to gain by trying to make them suffer?
We are the problem. If we could all collectively settle ourselves just long enough to take a breath and think, Is this really the right thing to do? Is it going to do me any good at all?, racing wouldnt be suffering quite as bad as it is. Are we 100 percent of the problem, lord no. But as we all watch the sport we love, that weve spent our lives following dwindle off to nothing, all we can do is hurt it with harsh and quick reactions. Fans, Drivers, Pit Crew Members, and even track staff are included. Every little nook and cranny of rules, procedures, or policies that tracks have to end up giving somebody the wrong end of the stick, eventually.
The absolute second it does, we blow up the internet like the world is going to end. And then we turn around, drive right back down that same road to the same racetrack we swore was the worst place in the country. And even go as far as to say Well Im going but I hope they dont have anybody there. How backwards is that? You want to go and pay your hard earned money to watch nobody race, have none of your friends there from over the years to socialize with? Sounds insane doesnt it? But its truthfully a weekly occurrence all over the country.
The worst part? 90 percent of it isnt of anything thats relatively important. We take a rainout policy that we didnt like and we act like a driver just got flipped over on purpose, and the promoter just looked on and started laughing at the guy as he was crawling from his destroyed car. Its madness. A rule thats been in place all season long, that everybodys been going by all year long bites the wrong guy, and the driver and all of the drivers fans just brutalize the track publicly. Whatever happened to just going elsewhere? Taking your business elsewhere is point enough without blowing up the internet with your negative thoughts.
Whats wrong with racing? I AM. But I wont be anymore, will you?
-Caring and loving fan of dirt racing.
This article was sent to us by an anonymous race fan who asked to have their identity concealed. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, The DRC. Dirt Racng Channel
- Davesr14g likes this
Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:01 AM
Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:28 AM
The constant criticism of PPMS is not really the issue. The constant criticism is a result of the observations of hundreds of loyal fans and competitors, who do not want to see the ultimate demise of PPMS. Most is this constructive criticism is well-founded by people who have had a role in the past success of PPMS as competitors and fans.
PPMS is on it's way down the tubes. The question is what is going to be done about this downhill slide to the ultimate demise of locked gates and one less place to race on Saturday nights.
I suggest that the management of PPMS move from defensive mode to "how are we going to save PPMS mode". Start by painting the wall and repairing the bleachers. Walk like you talk and get the repairs in progress. Show people that you mean what you say and that you care about your business and customers. Contact some of your competitors, past and present, and ask them for their suggestions about what you need to do to fix your broken race program. Set up a fan blog and ask "what does PPMS need to do to get you to come back next Saturday".
I was in the pits when PPMS ran it's first race and have witnessed the slow, steady decline of one of the crown jewels of racing. I am suggesting that this decline be reversed by taking a different approach and getting people to work together to make PPMS better. PPMS can be fixed and it is going to take the efforts of management, fans, and competitors working together to save it.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:28 AM
I wouldn't be worried when people are raising hell on here, Twitter and Facebook. I'd start to worry when nothing is said.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:18 AM
I agree that social media is out of control. People who are not active fans or participants can post their opinions, whether or not those opinions are right or wrong. This article is on target addressing that issue.
The constant criticism of PPMS is not really the issue. The constant criticism is a result of the observations of hundreds of loyal fans and competitors, who do not want to see the ultimate demise of PPMS. Most is this constructive criticism is well-founded by people who have had a role in the past success of PPMS as competitors and fans.
PPMS is on it's way down the tubes. The question is what is going to be done about this downhill slide to the ultimate demise of locked gates and one less place to race on Saturday nights.
I suggest that the management of PPMS move from defensive mode to "how are we going to save PPMS mode". Start by painting the wall and repairing the bleachers. Walk like you talk and get the repairs in progress. Show people that you mean what you say and that you care about your business and customers. Contact some of your competitors, past and present, and ask them for their suggestions about what you need to do to fix your broken race program. Set up a fan blog and ask "what does PPMS need to do to get you to come back next Saturday".
I was in the pits when PPMS ran it's first race and have witnessed the slow, steady decline of one of the crown jewels of racing. I am suggesting that this decline be reversed by taking a different approach and getting people to work together to make PPMS better. PPMS can be fixed and it is going to take the efforts of management, fans, and competitors working together to save it.
very well said i could'nt agree more.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 08:52 AM
- bhhracing likes this
Posted 26 April 2015 - 11:26 AM
Matt, i think the Racers and Fans have done their best to support your Track. Is it that hard to turn things around and make the repairs needed. I have brought friends and they all said this place is falling apart. That statement should mean something to you.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 11:56 AM
so out of all the criticism and suggestions made in the thread last week this is your response? its the fault of the racers and fans themselves due to social media. you people are more far gone than I ever imagined..
It's easier to blame everyone else than accept responsibility for your own actions and lack of pride in your facility.
Like the original thread said. Take your business and money else where.
It's obvious with the lack of fan and driver support that many have done just that.
Sadly it's also obvious that they really don't care.......
Posted 26 April 2015 - 12:00 PM
Matt what was the paint that was used on the fence?
Posted 26 April 2015 - 12:30 PM
Posted 26 April 2015 - 12:43 PM
Posted 26 April 2015 - 01:17 PM
when I read your post all I read is about you and the few others that complain all the time well I think the other that enjoy racing and prefer to race there and adapt to what the track is that night. When you build a deck and run into a problem do you sit and complain or find away to work with it. Well racing is the same way the track is different in some ways every week. amazing people who goes to track must like everything about all the tracks one thing that is the same is the complaining. I don't like things there but I don't try and drive people away with the teenage bickering on here.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 01:42 PM
Posted 26 April 2015 - 02:07 PM
Do us a favor and sell the place Matt. You are terrible at your job.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 02:26 PM
I look at it this way they own it and run it the way they feel it should be run. If I don't like it then I don't go ,offer help or go someplace else but I don't put it on here we went through this a few years ago with most of the same people complaining. I've been racing at that track longer than most of them and I refuse to air my dirty laundry here so other will get a bad taste and not go. I saw you the first night and the last night you raced there and have no opinion on your racing be cause its yours just like it there track its there's. I will try and offer some help and keep it there why because its not about the money its about the people that race and the enjoyment of just having a good time.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 04:11 PM
It's quite sad that all the 100 some posts we made on the other thread, many of which were suggestions or thoughts (all done in a civil manner mind you) that they post the fans are the issue. Someone told me that Matt posted on facebook one of the reasons he does not give away free tickets to groups is because he gave them to a car dealer and I guess they were in the parking lot handing them out to fans who had come to see the races, thus costing them thousands of dollars. To me it comes off as if the Mileys know Joe Dirt is coming to the track every week no matter what so they do not want Joe getting a free ticket because he was going to drop the 15 dollars regardless. What someone needs to make them see, their lack of business sense is that if Joe pays 15 to get in and does not spend another dime all you make from Joe is 15 dollars. If Joe gets in for free and spends 30 dollars on food and beer then you actually made 30 dollars not 15!! You gotta get the people inside, and more then likely they will spend money.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 04:30 PM
I agree that social media is out of control. People who are not active fans or participants can post their opinions, whether or not those opinions are right or wrong. This article is on target addressing that issue.
The constant criticism of PPMS is not really the issue. The constant criticism is a result of the observations of hundreds of loyal fans and competitors, who do not want to see the ultimate demise of PPMS. Most is this constructive criticism is well-founded by people who have had a role in the past success of PPMS as competitors and fans.
PPMS is on it's way down the tubes. The question is what is going to be done about this downhill slide to the ultimate demise of locked gates and one less place to race on Saturday nights.
I suggest that the management of PPMS move from defensive mode to "how are we going to save PPMS mode". Start by painting the wall and repairing the bleachers. Walk like you talk and get the repairs in progress. Show people that you mean what you say and that you care about your business and customers. Contact some of your competitors, past and present, and ask them for their suggestions about what you need to do to fix your broken race program. Set up a fan blog and ask "what does PPMS need to do to get you to come back next Saturday".
I was in the pits when PPMS ran it's first race and have witnessed the slow, steady decline of one of the crown jewels of racing. I am suggesting that this decline be reversed by taking a different approach and getting people to work together to make PPMS better. PPMS can be fixed and it is going to take the efforts of management, fans, and competitors working together to save it.
This is it exactly. But when the track closes it will be the fans' and racers' fault because we gave constructive criticism for 20+ years. I would have been embarrassed to post this response, it does not apply at all to PPMS.
Posted 26 April 2015 - 06:13 PM

Posted 26 April 2015 - 07:14 PM
- Vigoda Motorsports and classicv like this
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