If Hodgkiss ran his almighty Pierce in the crates, he would still get his @$$ smoked.

Posted 21 May 2015 - 03:10 PM
The Legend, on 11 May 2015 - 10:32 AM, said:
While you sit there and toss off over posters of me I thought you would like to know that in that last week I sealed up deals to buy a large portion of my materials direct from distribution that will net me 20k plus on a bad month .... Just on materiel savings .... How many races a month would I have to win at ppms to net 20-40k in a month ???
I don't want to know....and neither does anyone else.
The question was "What makes you so infatuated with the penis?"
CRC(cock refrence count)
>Posted 10 May 2015 - 02:04 PM
Nevermind my files are too big to upload on this Schweeble site
>Posted 16 May 2015 - 04:34 PM
" the pig " has played her fair share of " rusty trombones " in her day that's for sure ...
>Today, 12:26 PM
Your the one who chuggs some dudes dik who essentially pisses on your head in exchange . Complete lack of pride ... You should be embarrassed
>Today, 12:24 PM
I don't go cry to any one I just tell the person to get mouth fuked
>Today, 11:59 AM
Vince I should get that cardboard check off Bryan and personally stick it up your ass sideways since he won't . Maybe if you get your wife to pitch in you can but a latemodel and bring it to eldora for the world and come show me how it's done .... Hell bring it to Pittsburgh for the Lucas show and come show me how it's done. All that work sucking all that dick and you don't even get a free pit pass . Your a lucking joke
(hatrick for today!)
CRC +5
Edited by BUTTBEAK, 21 May 2015 - 03:17 PM.
Posted 21 May 2015 - 04:12 PM
This is from mylaps at Pittsburgh last year on 8/23 from the feature
in the feature, Hodgkiss best lap time was 21.26
in the crate feature the top 3 cars
Charlier best lap 20.79
Schirnhofer best lap 21.05
Policz best lap 20.97
in the cadet features best lap was Schneider at 22.99
So to recap he was slower then the top 3 crates with his Pierce and big motor and only 1.7 seconds faster then the fastest Cadet. I think Miley should invite him to run in the crates and offer him 1000 if he can win because I have a feeling he would have no chance.
- racin fool likes this
Posted 21 May 2015 - 04:35 PM
There are a million ways to put a sale on paper ! And remember the 47%ers ( members of the party of Sodomy , Abortion and Communism ) sit perched like Vultures to swoop in and take a cut of every transaction to buy " Stupid American Voters" one Access card at a time ! And a Hedge fund manager most definitely lost his ass on paper! LOL
Local people like those are the best thing to happen to lernerville to keep them around for a long time ! From the article they have a real connection with that track and the founder who is still selling more tickets from the grave than anybody around! and with the horse expertise .. maybe they can help the hamburger maker get some better picks for next season.
Posted 21 May 2015 - 05:57 PM
How about rewriting your post in English this time. I would be careful who I call "stupid American voters."
Posted 21 May 2015 - 07:23 PM
You guys have to remember that are you are dealing with a childs mind in an adult body! Having been a Psychology Major...... these are people making rediculous posts, that had a bad childhood! Perhaps bullied and picked on by the other children in their peer group! Just like the guy that becomes a Cop to get even with the world! When you can't participate in an adult conversation, on an Adult level....You start name calling and acting like a child! You must forgive them...they can't controll thier emotions! And a message board is the perfect place to vent all your frustration! When you can't measure up on the track...or even get on the track... you can be the biggest baddest man in town on a message board! I am allways amazed that the moderators on this board allow their behavior! Its only entertaining to the less intelligent users! And Offends most others!
Posted 21 May 2015 - 07:28 PM
Well said Express Man!!!
Posted 21 May 2015 - 07:28 PM
" STUPID AMERICAN VOTERS " is a quote from the Healthcare Czar Johnathan Gruber .. He called you that .. not me .. look it up ..
Posted 21 May 2015 - 10:16 PM
You guys have to remember that are you are dealing with a childs mind in an adult body! Having been a Psychology Major...... these are people making rediculous posts, that had a bad childhood! Perhaps bullied and picked on by the other children in their peer group! Just like the guy that becomes a Cop to get even with the world! When you can't participate in an adult conversation, on an Adult level....You start name calling and acting like a child! You must forgive them...they can't controll thier emotions! And a message board is the perfect place to vent all your frustration! When you can't measure up on the track...or even get on the track... you can be the biggest baddest man in town on a message board! I am allways amazed that the moderators on this board allow their behavior! Its only entertaining to the less intelligent users! And Offends most others!
Not sure which direction to go here...
1. You misspelled "major douchebag."
2. You took 3 hours of intro to psych at community college, before realizing you were smarter than all of your professors.
3. You really are an expert at every-freaking-thing.
I'm leaning toward #3. However, I know a guy who was also a psychology major, and he said that when people on message boards are offended by funny posts, that those people are experiencing gender confusion. And if those gender-confused individuals justify their displeasure by claiming to be more mature and intelligent than people making funny posts, then they are 6 times more likely to perform oral on themselves. AND if those gender-confused, oral self-pleasers use exclamation points excessively, it can be said with a high degree of certainty, they also have lycomania.
I said the guy who told me this was a psychology major, right? So he must know what he's talking about; he said he's a psychology major for crying out loud!
- dirtL8MdlFan21&11 likes this
Posted 21 May 2015 - 11:18 PM
The Legend, on 11 May 2015 - 10:32 AM, said:
While you sit there and toss off over posters of me I thought you would like to know that in that last week I sealed up deals to buy a large portion of my materials direct from distribution that will net me 20k plus on a bad month .... Just on materiel savings .... How many races a month would I have to win at ppms to net 20-40k in a month ???
I don't want to know....and neither does anyone else.
The question was "What makes you so infatuated with the penis?"
CRC(cock refrence count)
>Posted 10 May 2015 - 02:04 PM
Nevermind my files are too big to upload on this Schweeble site
>Posted 16 May 2015 - 04:34 PM
" the pig " has played her fair share of " rusty trombones " in her day that's for sure ...
>Today, 12:26 PM
Your the one who chuggs some dudes dik who essentially pisses on your head in exchange . Complete lack of pride ... You should be embarrassed
>Today, 12:24 PM
I don't go cry to any one I just tell the person to get mouth fuked
>Today, 11:59 AM
Vince I should get that cardboard check off Bryan and personally stick it up your ass sideways since he won't . Maybe if you get your wife to pitch in you can but a latemodel and bring it to eldora for the world and come show me how it's done .... Hell bring it to Pittsburgh for the Lucas show and come show me how it's done. All that work sucking all that dick and you don't even get a free pit pass . Your a lucking joke
(hatrick for today!)
CRC +5
>Posted 18 May 2015 - 06:12 PM
Anything in the world regardless if it's lernerville speedway or a smoke job from Vince labone is worth the same thing ...... What ever someone is willing to pay for it and not a penny more lol
Missed one
CRC +1
Posted 21 May 2015 - 11:44 PM
People are entitled to their own opinion. That is what this board is all about. But your opinion can be made without sexual inuendo! No need for it! If you want to say some driver or some organization is not to your liking....so be it! Hack on anything or anybody that you want to! Vent all you want! But do it like an Adult! We called each other names, and threatened to beat each other up in grade school! And there is nothing wrong with having a little fun either! But when 90 percent of what you post is centered around a sexual comment of some kind??? grow up! I guess when I grew up my parents taught me more respect than these guys have. Sorry...Just my.02
Posted 22 May 2015 - 02:50 AM
I wouldn't call a lot of the offending posts funny, but hey, whatever floats your boat.
Posted 22 May 2015 - 05:54 AM
And not him lol lol lol keep up the good work ... I learned a lot today
Posted 22 May 2015 - 05:59 AM
If I
Call Scott Bloomquist the greatest of all time then that means I actually am not him ??
Posted 22 May 2015 - 06:41 AM
Posted 22 May 2015 - 06:47 AM
>Posted Today, 06:54 AM
Now I understand , if i call someone a fag that means I smoke hammers ... So in that case if I call al sharpton a ni$$er a$$ race baiting shit bag then I am
And not him lol lol lol keep up the good work ... I learned a lot today
CRC +1
Posted 22 May 2015 - 07:31 AM
just fix the water truck.... i miss the 80's and 90's watching cars go fast around that place
- dirtguy200948 likes this
Posted 22 May 2015 - 08:10 AM
Posted 22 May 2015 - 09:33 AM
just fix the water truck.... i miss the 80's and 90's watching cars go fast around that place
It was fast last week, even before the rain. Really, the only night the track sucked was the second week.
Posted 22 May 2015 - 09:38 AM
You can say all the big bad words you want. Most of what you spew is pure trash. The facts are facts and the fact is you suck at racing. I wish Vince would let you run your late model in his race so we all could get a good laugh at you getting beat by Cadets all night long. Every car you get you blame and say it won't turn or some bs because you can't admit you suck at racing. Everyone knows you are all talk and no walk. That night when Flinner drove over you for being in the way, all you did was talk big and bad on here about how you were going to get even and you never did anything. That right there showed everyone you were pure talk and nothing more. You constantly ripped on Kari Gasser, yet she beat you every week. How did it feel getting smoked by a woman? You need to realize you are and never will be anything but a joke who sucks at racing and can only brag about how much money you make which nobody give 2 shits about. You can't even turn faster laps then the crates yet you think you can go to Eldora and make the show? Must be on good drugs. You are an embarassment to yourself, I truly feel sorry for you.
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