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S&S Chassies

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#41 blue by you

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Posted 30 October 2015 - 10:24 AM

What track cheks the wall thickness of the cage tubeing?





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Posted 30 October 2015 - 10:36 AM


Just curious but how do you check the thickness unless you were to drill or cut a hole? At that point would it be an accurate measurement? Or would it even weaken the tubing? I would think if someone was trying to check it they would have to do so an many areas not just one spot. Or is there a way to do it without drilling or cutting?

Matt D

#43 The Legend

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Posted 30 October 2015 - 10:40 AM

You can use a sonic tester the same way they check clyinder walls on a block

#44 dirtstudent2



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Posted 30 October 2015 - 01:12 PM

How does a NEW rolling for instance SS chassis, compare in price to a NEW rolling Late, modified, Big Modified and Sprint?  I've never seen a list showing average or guess ta ment prices.


Would someone throw up some numbers on here?







Then if an average list of new engine cost could be done too, rich racers could pick and mix match anything from the list and go racing.  And poorer racers could hunt and pick something they could handle cost wise.

Edited by dirtstudent2, 30 October 2015 - 01:20 PM.

#45 714d


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Posted 30 October 2015 - 02:12 PM

That's the part that gets complicated. There are far too many variations and options that alter prices.
The big misconception though, is that for the price of a street stock you can run a late model...... FALSE. Although it's true, you can get a late model on the track, and maybe run top 5 or 10 with it for the same money as a winning street stock. The difference is KEEPING it on the track for a full season. I can't even begin to count the guys who buy a roller late model for $10k and think it's the best move they've made until they can only afford to run about 6 races because they've bent a couple shocks and their motor needs freshened so now they're on their second $10k and hang it up for the year.

#46 articcatvtwin


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Posted 30 October 2015 - 05:06 PM

to calm you all down the driver was as fitted in my car just fine helmet has no scratches or or anything in it belts where new this year and tight unfortunate the car just took some bad rolls hitting with a driverside roof against the track very hard cage was still totally together with little to no movement in it at all some pipes did split beside the welds but nothing major its a shame the first thing u guys do is blame the chassis builder this cage held up very good the only thing that might have helped in this tragedy is a hans device  

#47 racer777


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Posted 30 October 2015 - 05:22 PM

Just to clarify no one is blaming anyone. Especially the chassis builder. As fellow racers we are all devistated by this tragic accident. But so was everyone when Earnhardt died. That doesn't mean we pat back and did nothing. Nascar stepped up to the plate big time. And I guarantee they have saved lives. Something as simple as requiring a Hans device just may save a life next year. But unless it's mandatory it's likely that person won't have one on. Lets learn from this, and hopefully this tragic accident won't be in vain. My condolences my friend.

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