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Lucas Late Model drivers droppin out

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#21 Walt Wimer

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Posted 09 February 2016 - 12:41 AM

Josh now has three out of four!!! Could be the guy to beat this year!!  Remember how Clanton started last year.




#22 dirtstudent2



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Posted 09 February 2016 - 11:48 AM

TIRE RULE.  Last year the did no tire testing for disqualification per them, until the Florence KY race.  And there is no indication they did any disqualification testing after the Florence KY race.  I'm sure they took samples but either the samples were not tested, they were and they chose to not do any disqualification or all samples were tested and no problems were found.  I think the testing will only DQ a car they choose to DQ.  Most likely a minor team they can make example of or a car they want to move backwards in the points standing.


Rule for the start of this year:

2016 Georgia-Florida Speedweeks Tire Rule (applies to all 3 venues):
Left Rear/Fronts – Hoosier Rib 1300
Right Rear – Hoosier 01, LM40
In the Event of a Day Time “Makeup” Show:
Left Rear/Fronts – Hoosier Rib 1350
Right Rear – Hoosier 03, LM40
*Must use the same set of 4 tires for Time Trials, Heat Races, and B-Main.
*For the Feature, competitors may use 2 new rear tires of choice.
Does the * mean tires are "OPEN" for the feature?
about the Florence KY race last year
This is our first attempt at checking for tires that have been chemically altered. We are in a learning curve and if we feel the need to change or modify our procedures or penalties we reserve the right to so in the future. We have spent this season testing and educating ourselves with the chemically altered tire practices. The plan to check tires at Florence was put in place over a month ago along with the penalties set forth. While we are still new at this, we will continue to test tires and educate ourselves to eliminate future usage of chemically altered tires. 
KY last year was their first go at controlling prep.  If the rules for speed week are as stated, then prepping for speedweek is wide open and let the best tire guy win.
If Josh is the new kid on the block for their series and is shaking things up, all but him may be told about when the next disqualifying test will occur.
buy the way I found the Lucas rule book on line for 2016 if anyone's interested: 
12.16 Tires
A.) Lucas Oil MLRA Tire Rule:
i.) Each LOMLRAS event will announce the tire rule for that particular event;
ii.) Only Hoosier WRS55 and/or LM40 will be
 selected for the right rear and the remainder of the 06 left in stock.
iii.) Only Hoosier Rib 1320, LM20, 1640, WRS-55
 and /or LM40 will be selected for the fronts and left rear
iv.) GO TO: www.mlraracing.com under the rules for the most up to date tire rule.
B.) Largest permitted tire is twenty-nine inches (29”) by eleven inches (11”) by fifteen inches (15”).
C.) Maximum circumference permitted is ninety-three inches (93”).
D.) Maximum cross section width permitted is sixteen and three-quarters inches (16 ¾”).
E.) During technical inspection the hoop must pass over the tires freely.
>>>>F.) No tire softeners, no conditioners, no altering of tires with any natural or un-natural chemicals, no hazardous or un-hazardous components or chemicals which alter the factory set baseline-settings of a given tire.<<<<
Simple Green and any cleaning product >>IS<< tire prep.
G.) All sidewall markings must visible at all times. No buffing or removing of the compound designations

#23 The Legend

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Posted 09 February 2016 - 02:11 PM

Lucas has strict tire testing and they have for years . Stop talking about stuff you know nothing about . Why on earth would it be open tires for the feature ???? It states what compounds are allowed period !!! Lucas races are the one place on earth you can be sure juiced tires aren't beating you

#24 dirtstudent2



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Posted 09 February 2016 - 02:54 PM

Lucas said not me that:


"This is our first attempt at checking for tires that have been chemically altered. We are in a learning curve and if we feel the need to change or modify our procedures or penalties we reserve the right to so in the future. We have spent this season testing and educating ourselves with the chemically altered tire practices. The plan to check tires at Florence was put in place over a month ago along with the penalties set forth. While we are still new at this, we will continue to test tires and educate ourselves to eliminate future usage of chemically altered tires. "


Until the Kentucky race last year they were taking samples for reasons of learning and did nothing at all until the Kentucky race.  Until the Kentucky race tires were wide open in the Lucas series, because Lucas themselves said they were only taking samples to learn about testing tires.  

#25 jo73


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Posted 09 February 2016 - 06:02 PM

HUH !!! Wait, almost forgot. deleted

#26 dirtstudent2



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Posted 09 February 2016 - 06:06 PM

HUH !!! Wait, almost forgot. deleted


Thank you for the kind humor, ya made my day.  I don't think I'll delete my last post as I often do to defray punishment for expressing my opinions and thoughts on racing subjects, because it is correct and I have no reason to delete it.  :)

#27 jo73


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Posted 09 February 2016 - 10:09 PM

No mean intentions meant whatsoever dirt. If it made you smile for a moment that's all that matters. I smiled while typing it. Have a good night.

#28 The Legend

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Posted 10 February 2016 - 10:44 AM

Lucas oil doesn't even do tech .... Doesn't even own a tape
Measure ... What would I know if they tech or not ?? Clearly a dude who's never even spectated a Lucas race knows more about their tech than a guy who's competed at many

#29 TEAM29


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Posted 11 February 2016 - 05:40 PM

So with this added info from STUDENT, does this "rumor" sound legit or still BS???


#30 BaconBits


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Posted 11 February 2016 - 10:44 PM

So with this added info from STUDENT, does this "rumor" sound legit or still BS???


Pretty much still BS. I mean, I guess we really won't know until tomorrow, when the WoO season starts, but as far as I know, nobody from Lucas is gonna be there, although the Rumley camp is getting grumpier and grumpier on social media and they could conceivably make it to Screven in time for the WoO shows if they left late tonight or early tomorrow, I still don't see them actually doing that.

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