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2016 Penn Ohio Pro Stock Series Shows -- $1,000 to $2,000 to-Win

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#21 racer67x



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Posted 03 March 2016 - 02:29 PM

Well racer 67. We agree to disagree agree. In looking for a car to buy for my son I found quite a few cars under that price. I'm not saying your going to have spares and trailer. Here we go. And let me ask. You say 10 K in a motor, and 15 in a chassis. You can dam near build new for your pricing points. Dano sold his car turn key, for a great price. I had 2 motors sitting in my shop. 1, 383 and was probably going 406 for the other. Less machine work on the second block I did not have 10K in 2 motors. Lernerville's decision sealed the deal for us. I want and can do my motor work, less machine shop, we will soon see how that deal is going to work out. Personally, and I am wrong because the sport doesn't need it, I hope it bites that group and the promotor right in the ass. So, if guys want to get in. Look around, this Penn Ohio series is great for you guys. Don't get caught up in this crate bullshit. Get seat time. If you think your talents will let you continue then move up. CRATE racing for late models is a good thing and that's were they need to stay.

don't get me wrong,I'm glad to see you got a car and wish you the best but this post is about the Penn Ohio series and things have progressed the last few years..the guys who run this for the most part aren't using it for a stepping stone to move to crate lates,they are happy where they are.
last year we ran a few events and this year hope to run more..but to think you will do it on a budget these days is foolish..those boys are flyin'..lol.


#22 blue by you

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Posted 03 March 2016 - 02:41 PM

thats why the series was created, the people running the series ain't bitching an nobody twisting your arm to run it. if you can't run with the big dogs stay on the porch......as the saying go's

#23 faster1



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Posted 03 March 2016 - 08:01 PM

there are "alot" of stocks for sale for less than $10k, but beleive it or not most of these cars are outdated; yes outdated street stocks. These new light weight and highly adjustable cars have become a necessity to be a front running car not only with the penn ohio series but many weekly shows also.

#24 jo73


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Posted 03 March 2016 - 08:11 PM

It's no secret I am a big supporter of the Penn Ohio deal. It gives the low buck guys that are building what they can afford. I think quite a few of these guys are NOT running NEW cars every year. New motors every year. Most do not bolt on new tires, or if they do, the tires last longer than anyone ever imagined. These factors, along with some I am sure I missed, is what keeps the class affordable.

#25 Dandyjr19


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Posted 04 March 2016 - 01:36 PM

And I thought aluminum headed motors belong in late models. Don't know which program is worse for " stock" class cars. I know late model tires belong on late models

#26 BooYah!


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Posted 07 March 2016 - 12:09 PM

How many participants have already registered to run the traveling series?

#27 Racer17L



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Posted 07 March 2016 - 02:32 PM

Shawn told me 27 pre paid with 30 total expected.

#28 jo73


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Posted 07 March 2016 - 10:01 PM

27 prepaid. Will be curious to see there car counts.

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